What's your Occupation?

I am a grade one teacher. There are quite a few perks- the best is that I usually get hugs every day!:) I really enjoy it, as I get to be there as they learn to read and write, and they are so easy to motivate at this age. It is worth getting up early every morning!
What a fun thread!! I am a stay at home mom 5 days a week. In addition to that, I am a Women's Health Nurse Practitioner two days a week. I also teach a couple independent studies for the community college and am a clinical instructor for Maternity Nursing for 6 weeks in the spring. I love all my jobs, but mommy is the BEST!

This is a fun topic. I was hoping to see another druggie-- I mean druggist of course. I got my doctor of pharmacy degree in 2002 & I love being a pharmacist!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
This is sooo much fun to read! What a diverse crowd of women we have! I "retired" (vested after 11 years) from C & P Telephone Co. of MD. (formerly Ma Bell, currently Bell Atlantic). While working there, I was a tariff typist, a service rep., a cable splicer, and an residence and business installer. I also did daycare for 2 years. Now, I am a SAHM homeschooling mom of 3 boys and 1 girl, and I have another son graduating from UMBC this year. Also I'm a step-mom to 2 older boys (26 and 31).

Computer Scientist/Software Engineer here (for 11 yrs). Working for Marconi in Bedford, TX. Trying to make the move to a career in fitness in the next couple of years.

I'm proud to be a member of such an interesting group of women! This is a great thread.

After being a SAHM for a number of years, I am easing my way back into the workforce right now as a temp for the local school district. It's nice cause I can work only when I want to. My dh is a farmer so I also get some functional fitness lifting feed pails, hay bales, etc. I worked before my marriage as a low-level manager at a factory that does military subcontracting.
Just thought I would add to this it is so cute, I am a stay at home mom to 4 great kids but after yesterday I am going to add professional chauffer to that and maid LOL. I also Breed and hopefully show pomeranians, In one word I am a mother to 4 kids 6 dogs and a wife to wonderfull man! But I used to be a CNA and I worked as a customer rep. Yes I took the calls for people wanting to order or get information on 3D software.
Hey Val!

Wow! We're the only two Catheite court reporters! I guess we really are a rare breed.

Just curious...my niece is thinking of pursuing a career in CR and was wondering if there are any schools in your area. I'm from the South Jersey area and we only have one down here, and there are a few in Philadelphia. I'm just trying to get some info for her.

RE: Hey Val!

Hi, Michele,

Yes, there is a LI Business Institute in Commack, Long Island, and a Stenotype Academy in New York City. Those are the two I know. If you need more info, e-mail me. Glad to meet you!!
Hi Val!

Great to see you here! How is Cocoa??? Still watching you step? Ha! He was too cute.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
What an eclectic group! I have the coolest job - I work on creating and maintaining the photo image database for the Houston Chronicle (newspaper). I get to look at color pictures on my computer all day long! I see pictures of whatever is happening all over the world, within five minutes. Lots of deadlines and pressure, but the days don't drag by.
Hi Kathy,

I decided to jump in here. I don't know if you will see this, but I think you may be one of the few who are familiar with my organization. I work for NASD, who is the regulatory body that over-sees stockbrokers and broker/dealers (like A.G. Edwards, etc.). I investigate customer complaints and when brokers are terminated from firms for some type of wrongdoing. I have been doing it for 5 years, and I really like it. Mostly, I like the variety. Sandra
I have been a Manicurist for the lat 13 years. I absolutely love being self-employed...more time for running and Cathe workouts :)
I am a Sales Secretary for a heavy mining and construction equipment company. Also Medical Transcriptionist.

RE: Hi Val!

Hi Debbie,

I'm doing fine. Unfortunately, we lost Coco last year. We had to put him down. He was a great dog and faithful to the end. We now have Stout, a cocker spaniel, and she has taken up the tradition of watching me step. She also stretches with me at the end, which is so funny. Anyhow, I'm always around, and it's always a pleasure to see your goings-on here. Take care, and thanks for asking!!!
Awwww Val!

I am so sorry to hear about Coco! How sad. He was such a cutie! So glad you have pictures of him and all the memories. Again, great to see you here and give Stout a pat on the head for me!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Well, I am a former Respriatory Therapist and Respiratory Therapy Instructor. My work was in all aspects of patient care from Emergency Department to ICU, CCU, Neonatal-ICU, pediatrics and medical surgical care.

Currently I am a stay at home Mom to 4 kids. (The oldest just went off to college, (lump in throat).
I usually refer to myself as a Family Manager. I manage everyone's schedule, transportation, etc. Its the best "job" I've ever had.

My husband is eternally grateful, and he lets me know! He is the BEST!


I am a webmaster for a college. Before that I was a paralegal for a civil attorney, before that I was a victims-advocate for the State's Attorney's office, before that a grantwriter, before that a convention planner, and before that a magazine editor.

What I really want to do though, is stay home and write children's books.:)

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