What's your favorite Stephen King book?

Has anyone read Gerald's Game? Amazing how an entire novel can basically take place in one room . . . I'm surprised Hollywood didn't take a stab at that one!


I agree - Gerald's Game freaked me out. It seemed like something that could really happen (I mean if you are into handcuffing your spouse to the bed }( )

The Stand will "stand" as the all time classic.

Did you know that he threw Carrie away and that his wife sent it to the publisher?

He lives part-time on Casey Key just south of Sarasota, Florida. He used to rent a house on Longboat Key a couple of blocks from where I lived and I would see him around town. He had his mail forwarded from Maine to a Mail Boxes Etc. on the Key and was so impressed with the couple that ran the MBE that he hired them to be the full time caretakers/personal assitants for his Casey Key estate. Too cool!

1. Firestarter
2. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
3. Carrie
4. Misery

(I have yet to read "The Stand" but many people say this is his best work.)
1. Dark Tower Series. I thought the ending suited him. Without it, he probably would not have been able to keep himself from writing an 8, then 9, then 10 book and so on...
2. Insomnia. The main character is just wonderful
3. Rose Madder. This book is really intense and quite terrifying
4. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. I love how King makes his main characters, most of them, so independent and fit for survival (even an 11 year old girl).

I have not read The Stand or It, but I plan to once I am out of school.
Well, I haven't read any of his books but are these movies, that are his, from books he has written?:

1. The Langoliers
2. The TommyKnockers

My far my favorite is the Langoliers. It was one last week and I LOVE IT!
I have to thank Stephen King for introducing me to the love of reading. Up until I picked up The Stand, I hated Hated HATED to read. I remember coming home from school in the afternoons grabbing my book and locking myself in my room until dinner, and just drinking that book in. I also loved The Stand and The Green Mile.
It would have to be the only one I've ever read: Carrie.

Shelley, I never read them, but I thought the movies "Shawshank Redemption" and "Stand by Me" (forgot the name of the novella/short story it was based on) were really good. But I haven't seen many of the others. "Carrie" was alright, but I hated "The Shining." I can't believe Kubrick did that movie...I guess it's good for its campy qualities, though.
Laura, was IT the one with the clown in the drain under the street? If it was that one scared the YKW out of my DH as he does not in any way like clowns...:)
I love love love Stephen King!! I believe he is one of the greatest writers of the 20th-21st century(ies). His narrative is outstanding! Laura, that's so funny; I was watching the Stand last night, too.
The Stand is my all time favorite novel. I also love the Dark Tower books and The Talisman with Peter Straub.

On a very cool note, my Dad actually met and talked to him at length at a Sci-Fi convention in the 80's...I'm so jelous!

Good topic,

>Did you go see 1408? I can't wait for this to come out on
>dvd. I read on MSN that they can't make horror movies good
>anymore but that this one was psychologically terrorizing!!

I saw 1408 - don't waste your money. I was so pysched to go see it and was VERY disappointed.
Is IT the one with the clown? That film is probably partly responsible for my hatred and fear of clowns.

I love The Shining--book and movie.

I haven't read The Stand but I see it's getting lots of mentions so I'll have to put it on my "to read" list. Since having kids it takes me a lot longer to get through books, though.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]

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