what does everyone "do?"

RE: what does everyone

>I am a cook/manager for an Elementary school kitchen. I wish
>we had some say in the food that they eat, but we don't. The
>school food service director does. We don't operate off the
>school budget either. I am counting the days to go back -

don't i know it. we have a super *itch as our regional director. its getting better though. we now have double fiber wheat buns for our sandwiches and we have upped how many salads we make in a day. i came in yesterday and had to make 80 side salads and 25 large chef salads. we are also using more fresh veggies and actually cooking things not just pulling them out of the box.if i can do something about the breaded chicken though. guess you can't win them all LOL



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

RE: what does everyone

Right now I'm a SAHM, but am a clinical social worker by profession. I plan to go back once my little guy starts elementary school. I last worked at a therapeutic group home for children. I worked with younger teenage girls in longer term care.


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
RE: what does everyone

I'm a legal administrator for a law firm in Alaska. I'm also mom to a 15-year-old daughter and a 10-year-old son.
RE: what does everyone

I run the non-credit program at a community college (the "fun" classes like dog training, quilting, senior swimming, kids camps). A program my boss hates and wish would go away. It just doesn't bring him any notoriety so I get zero support. But it's got great vacation time and retirement. :) My last job of traveling to Europe all the time for tourism marketing was great fun but the long-term benefits were not nearly as "grown up". :p


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

RE: what does everyone

I am an Oncology nurse in Philadelphia.I am the nurse manager and we do it all there. It is an outpatient center where we mix all the chemotherapy, administer it, triage phone calls and the list goes on and on..... This is a good topic-very interesting to see what everyone does!!!
RE: what does everyone

I am a RN, who recently left the bedside after 17 years. I now work in the Quality Improvement dept. I also share my Golden through therapy work. I am also a mom to a wonderful 2nd grader, and I volunteer at his school as often as possible. I have all the materials to study for personal trainer cert.....just no time to do it!!
RE: what does everyone

I work part-time for a large brewery in the St. Louis area as a computer systems programmer/analyst. My real job is at home with DD who is 10 (going on 23!), and DS who is 8. Love the topic!!
RE: what does everyone

Again....WOW. Nurses, SAHM(s), engineers, lawyers!!!!! What a highly educated group of people here!! Before my clinical supervisor position that I am currently doing, I worked with severely mentally ill adults.......talk about INTENSE. Thanks so much everyone for sharing!


RE: what does everyone

I'm a Senior Account Representative for an auto finance company. Also known as a bill collector. Also known as "that witch who calls me every month"

RE: what does everyone

Veterinary Technician & dog trainer...I have also started learning animal massage...I practice on my nervous patients & they really do get calmer. LOVE my job!

RE: what does everyone

I work as a paraprofessional to a visually-impaired student in a public school; which means that I adapt/braille all lesson materials in the classroom for my student. On weekends, I take care of a 96 year old lady and teach line dancing for extra income :) (I'm a single mom).

RE: what does everyone

Very interesting seeing what everyone does!

I an account executive for Wells Fargo in the wonderful mortgage business. Love my job some days, hate it others, but I love the company & people I've worked for/with now going on 11 years, Wells Fargo so that makes it worth it. :)
RE: what does everyone

What an amazing variety here!

I'm a college professor and a Vaisnava priestess. Son #1 is on the way in November.

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