We're in this together

Linda- Yeah, I hear ya on Jari Love. I have S&L and RTTC and I get so annoyed with her constantly talking about the metabolic blah blah blah and how many calories you will burn during the exercise. She is way too made up for my taste....I like to be a sweaty mess with no make up and hair all over the place when I finish a workout :confused:
Judi - If she said I was "burning carbs" one more time I was gonna puke. Besides I want to burn fat not carbs! And the guy on the tape was kind of creepy. I skipped the stretches to keep it moving more. Only did it because I knew it used light weights and was trying to give my shoulder a break.
Judi - If she said I was "burning carbs" one more time I was gonna puke.


I just finished legs & back and tacked on bosu blast abs. I did 6 unassisted chin ups and 5 unassisted pull ups:D Then I'll either use the light band or continue unassisted doing a tap down rather than a pull from a dead hang. Its working but progress is so slow.

Catherine- Are you enjoying your day off?
Just a quick check in as I am getting ready to go have my EMG done.

This morning I choose Power Hour and thought I was gonna die!:p My endurance sucked. I matched Cathe for most everything, doing only a bit heavier on some things like one arm rows, kickbacks, biceps and went lighter on OH press. Thinking since I want to stick with lighter weights and am kinda lost right now I just might follow Debbie's rotation except switching the weight & cardio days.
Linda- Good luck with your EMG! I know what you mean about doing an endurance workout after a long period of strength training. It is tough. I'll be switching to some endurance workouts once I finish P90X.

Catherine- How was your weekend?

Believe it or not, I did not workout all weekend except for taking the dog for a walk both days. Feeling a bit guilty and sloth-like but it is what it is:eek: Went to the Twin's game with the family yesterday and had a great time. I kept thinking how lucky I am to have such great kids (DS 22, DD 19) yet my heart aches when I think how close they are to getting out on their own.
Judi - Every time my kids drive me nuts or their junk makes me want to scream I try to remind myself that someday I will miss it.

Catherine - How you doing?

I'm bbbbaaaackkkkk..... Okay test wasn't as bad as I feared it might be, certainly not pleasant, but not terribly bad. Kinda like touching an electric fence over & over again first with one hand then the other.:p Oh and having a needle stuck in your arm five times each arm.:p Good news is left hand show some signs of carpel tunnel but does not require surgery, bad news is right hand is in bad shape (she had to keep jacking up the voltage to get a response) and is in need of surgery. Now I just need the MRI and if the right shoulder needs surgery then both the shoulder & carpel tunnel will be fixed at the same time.
Linda- Sorry to hear you need to have surgery but at least you have some answers now. Hopefully the MRI will reveal what your shoulder needs and if it is surgery, it will be good to have them done at the same time. When is your MRI?
Linda, I know it's no consolation but carpal tunnel surgery is very simple these days. When is your MRI. I think it's good that they may do them together.

Judi, what a sweet post about your children. I think you deserve a couple of days to do as you please.

Nothing exciting going on here. I've had a bit of a flare late last week :confused: I think it was the ride to the doctors office which is about 50 mins. Which is too long for me right now. I just hate these ups and downs. Oh and I got a bathing suit that I ordered today and look dreadful in it :( Maybe it's my mirrors :rolleyes:
Catherine - It is definitely the mirrors!:D:D:D:D Sorry that the car ride caused you trouble. I understand the ups & downs, some days my shoulder feels great others it aches like mad.

The MRI is not schedule yet as I was waiting to here from the dr's that they received approval from insurance and I never heard from them. Called today and person that handles was out of the office last week and is supoose to call me tomorrow. Problem is I am going to Disneyworld June 7 thru 11th and do not want to have any surgery before I go.
The MRI is not schedule yet as I was waiting to here from the dr's that they received approval from insurance and I never heard from them. Called today and person that handles was out of the office last week and is supoose to call me tomorrow. Problem is I am going to Disneyworld June 7 thru 11th and do not want to have any surgery before I go.

Insurance can be such a pain in the a$$ Hope all works out for your trip etc.
UGH!! I just got home after SITTING IN THE WAITING ROOM FOR OVER 4 HOURS! My dad had cataract surgery and my mom had a cloudy lens fixed. Of course, they had appts. 2 hours apart then dad's was running late:mad: Missed out on my workout and by the time I got home, I was in no mood.

Linda- Nice job on 30/30! I would definitely schedule your surgery for after your vacation especially if it involves the shoulder too. I was pretty helpless for quite awhile after mine and that would suck if you were at Disney.

Catherine- Sorry about your flare up. The ups & downs must be really frustrating. UGH about the swimsuit! Sometimes they can be worse than getting on the scale! HUGS!
This morning was legs (according to Debbie's rotation) and I wasn't in the mood for STS so I did P90X Legs & Back minus the back. I think this has to be one of my all time favorite leg workouts. It hits my legs hard, I mean so hard my hamstrings are cramping during the workout!:eek:
Linda- I like P90X legs too. You don't always need weight to get a good leg workout. Single leg wall squat.....need I say more?:confused:

Catherine- Thinking of you! How are you doing?

Since I missed my workout yesterday, I kicked myself in the @ss today with HIIT 30/30 followed by P90X back & biceps and STS med ball abs. I had another struggling strength workout which really pissed me off. The weight felt so much heavier and my chins & pulls were pathetic. I just don't get it! Anybody want to come to my pity party?:rolleyes:
I am just in a fowl mood today. Long day at work. Everyone was complicated blah blah blah. Muffie is sick and threw up all over the place today-poor baby. My body sucks. I never realized how much working out lifted my butt, but it seriously did. Simply depressing to look in the mirror these days. The scale hasn't changed much but the body composition has :(

Judi, how are your mom and dad doing today? Nice job on your workouts. I remember those days when chins and pulls would be good and then it's like I could barely do 1. You are doing great!!

Linda, I love P90X L&B. I agree there's something about it that just works the legs like no other w/o :eek:

Hopefully tomorrow I won't be so whiney :)
Judi - I think Catherine & I are already at the pity party not being able to do all that we want to do. So feel free to come join us!:p

Catherine - I am sorry it was a down day for you. It's amazing how critical we are of ourselves and how we look when we are working out like crazy never fully realizing how good we do look. I say this because I gained 15# and can't fit into my clothes and now I look at those same clothes and remember that even when those 2s & 4s fit, I still thought I was fat. :confused:

I had the worst workout ever! Last night I had cramps under my ribs when I went to bed and what ever was trapped stayed there all night. I chose CCC cardio premix this morning and had horrible cramps rolling through my stomach. I am not exactly sure how I kept going. Then afterward, even though I tried my best not to, I threw up.:confused: Anyway, feeling better now but it sure made for one tough workout.
Linda- UGH! You take the prize for the worst workout! Hope you are feeling better. High fives on the weight loss..I see your ticker changing. WTG!

Catherine- I wish there was something more I could do for you:( You have my sympathy and support. If it is any consolation, I have been there and know how you feel. Once you feel better and start working out again, it will come back quickly.

This morning was CCV7 on the spin bike then added another 15 minutes. Got in 25.1 miles and 545 calories. It is funny....I work my @ss of but the weight won't budge! Actually, there is nothing funny about it:mad:
Today was overall a better day, I guess :rolleyes: I'm just in one of my funks, the longer work days are wearing me down and I am totally tired of the pain :mad: I got home from work just a bit ago and the volume isn't working on our TV(it worked fine this morning). Not a major issue, but still,....

Linda, I hope you are not getting a stomach bug. Are you still waiting on insurance to get your MRI?

Judi, nice job! 25 miles :eek: I love CCV7, well I love CC period. I have to look into that elliptical some more.

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