We're in this together


Ok so I am getting us started today ladies. Wow, it's been a loooong time since I've participated in a check-in. Well, participate is a tenuous thing I suppose. I don't want to dwell on the past, just move forward. But to get you all up to speed I will give an update.

You know my back surgery was on Dec 10. The recovery was never typical. Things just weren't going right and I knew it even though I couldn't get my surgeon to listen to me. I had another MRI in Jan that showed scar tissue around the nerve root in the back. This causes numbness and pain in my butt and leg. My mornings are the best time of the day and it goes down hill from there. I am getting a second opinion this Wednesday. If nothing else just to know that my surgeon is right and that I will get better with time. I am working about 5 hours per day right now. I do not workout. I walk some and stretch. I miss working out :(

So Linda, what happened to your shoulder. Is it the same one you had trouble with before? I hope you get some answers and relief ((hugs) Are you able to workout at all?

Judi, how is P90X going? Please post about it, because I love hearing others w/o.

Are either of you going on the RT?

I'll be back later. Going outside to soak in some Vit D :cool:
Hey, Catherine, again I am sorry to hear that what was suppose to make you better didn't. I am surprised you are able to work, it all sounds pretty uncomfortable.

As far as my shoulder goes I think it's been an injury in the making. It has bothered me from time to time over the last couple of years but I think it was last fall when I just really felt like I hurt it during a workout. Then I just keep added insult to injury, with projects like moving furniture. Then I don't think the repetitive nature of P90x did it any good. Of course I continued to workout went on to Insanity next, the pushups & planks wern't much good for it. Then at the end of January I slipped on the ice and tore a ligament in my left hand and was told no lifting weights for six weeks. I kept with Insanity for another couple weeks even with the bum hand then caught a nasty cold that side lined me for a week and a half. So knowing I could not jump right back into Insanity I discovered I could hold bands and do resistance training without hurting the hand. All this time the shoulder slowly gets worse and worse. Has days where it just a dull ache all day. Days like after grocery shopping I just want to hold it against my body like a wounded wing. I can still do cardio as long as I don't flail my arms about, no kickbox, and this week I only did legs on Monday and Bi's & Tri's on Wednesday. It's gotten to the point I don't want to risk anything else.
Since I have been babying it, it actually felt pretty good yesterday and today until about 2 hours ago I helped my mom get up from sitting and something that simple makes it ache.:(

See told ya this would be the pi$$ & moan check-in.:p:p:p

No RT for me due to lack of funds and Catherine.:D

This morning I did Hiit 40/20 and that was enough!

Hi Judy, hope you are in better shape than we are.:D
Wow, Linda I am so sorry :( I hate to say it but it sounds like you probably tore the RC. Of course the only way to know for sure is to do a MRI. You can pi$$ and moan all you like. I feel like that's all I do these days. Maybe next year we can plan on the RT ;)
Ahhhhhhhhh! It is good to be back:) I love having a place where we can piss & moan, vent, laugh, and support each other. I've missed you guys!

P90X is going surprising well considering it wreaked havoc on my shoulder during the first round. I'm subbing in other cardio but sticking with his strength training workouts. I'm seeing some improvement with my push up & pull up numbers and I'm using only the light band when needed. I just hope I can beat the boredom factor and stick it out for the whole 3 months!

Catherine- I am so sorry that your recovery has not been as expected and you have been unable to get back into your workouts. I really hope you get some good news on Wednesday. Let us know what you find out.

Linda- Are you planning to see your doctor about your shoulder? Before I tore my rotator cuff, I was hurting really bad just like you described. My surgeon was convinced I had severe tendonitis and as I continued to workout out, it became weaker. All it took was one big blow at karate to tear it off the bone. Please be careful....I would hate to see you go through what I did.

I'm not going on the road trip either. Just don't have the extra $$$ with 2 kids in college and no job for me.

I washed all my windows and screens today. It is so nice to open the windows and get some fresh air!
Judi, please feel free to report your chinups in this thread :eek::eek::eek:

I was watching the new P90X infomercial this morning (yes I watch infomercials :eek:) and there was a guy who did P90X after he broke his neck. So surely if he can recover from a broken neck and do it I can get back to it in some form right?
Catherine- YES, you can come back from this!! I thought it was all over for me after my shoulder surgery. The rehab was painfully slow and I had lost so much strength but once I was finally given the green light, it came back. It took over a year just to get back to where I was but now I'm lifting even heavier and doing things I never thought possible. So don't give up hope.....heck, if a guy who had a broken neck and an old fart like me with a torn rotator cuff can do it, you can too:D Also, don't forget the guy in the plyo workout with one leg.

My SIL is dealing with nerve damage in her back that sounds similar to your situation. She has had 2 surgeries and the last one was to clean out some scar tissue in hopes of relieving pressure on the nerve. I see how tough it has been for her so I have some understanding of what you are going through. I think a second opinion is a good idea if for nothing more than peace of mind that what you are being told is correct.

I'd say "Hang in there" but seriously, it sounds lame and I know how much it sucks. Especially after all the time spent dealing with your foot. How is your foot doing?

Sending you lots of hugs and praying for good news on Wed.
Judi it sounds like your SIL has/is going through what I am going through for sure. They are telling me it's scar tissue around the nerve. It's a bitch for sure. My foot from surgery last year seems to be ok (except the nerve pain from the back surgery- it's on the same side). I guess maybe it got a good rest with the back surgery :rolleyes:

So far today I've done my stretches. I also went for ice cream with my mom and neice. So much for starting a cleaner eating plan today. Seriously, my eating has been total crap since surgery. I am surprised I haven't gained 20 pounds!!

What are you all up to today?
Just finished a relaxing walk outside. It's beautiful here. The sun is shining, the temp is about 75, and there's a light breeze. I could take this weather all year long :)
It is beautiful here too. I've been sitting out on the deck with a glass of wine. I did MMA boxing plus the heavy bag bonus then took the dog for a walk. I'm pooped!

Catherine- It just goes to show that when you are watching what you eat and trying to lose weight, it hangs on for dear life. But when you just let go, eat "whatever" and stop obsessing, you can maintain:confused: UGH..I need to quit obsessing!
Catherine - I agree with Judi, you can come back from this! Great job on getting the walk in! When the weather gets nice like this I love to walk, just don't always find the time.

Judi - Ahh, MMA boxing, alas I have not been able to do any of the Shock Cardio kickbox videos:(:(:(. And I only did Tracey's new one once and it left my shoulder aching.

This morning I decided on working legs and choose STS Disc 26 Plyo Legs. I didn't use anything heavier than 12# db's for the weight work, trying to see if lighter weights will slim my legs out, but first I have to lose the weight.:confused: Anyway, I did not take the rest between the weight work & the plyo work instead I jogged in place and only rested after the plyos. I was sucking wind by the end of this.

Went to the ortho this morning and again he does not think my rotator cuff in torn.:D He thinks that the tendon of the long head of the bicep is irritated or there possibly a SLAP lesion (tear) of the glenoid labrum ( the juction of the bicep & tricep tendons that covers the head of the humerus). So today he gave me a steriod shot to the bicep tendon and if that doesn't help, in three weeks he will send me for the MRI and see if there is a SLAP lesion which would mean surgery.
It has been a rough morning! Poor DD woke up around 2am and has been vomiting ever since. I first thought food poisoning but we all ate the same thing. I called the doctor's office because I was worried about dehydration and they said there is a wicked stomach virus going around so more than likely that is what she's got. I'm keeping a close watch on her, no fever or other symptoms of N1H1, so we just have to let it runs its course. It was getting so bad that I gave her a dose of Emetrol and so far she has settled down. Hope I didn't gross you guys out!:confused:

Linda- I'm glad you saw the ortho doc. Isn't it amazing how complex our bodies are? I've learned a lot about muscles, tendons, insertion & attachment points etc.. with all my various injuries. Keeping my fingers crossed that the shot helps and that it is not a tear. Keep us posted. Nice job on plyo legs!

Catherine- How are you doing today?
Afternoon ladies. I just got my walk in. Now I need to do my stretches.

Linda, I am so glad you doc doesn't think it's a rotator cuff tear but a labrum tear can be bad too :( Hopefully the injection will help. I hope he told you it might get a little worse for the first 24-48 hours after the injection. I am impressed with you doing plyolegs with dumbells at all with that shoulder. But I guess holding them at your side doesn't bother it.

Judi, I hope you and your daughter got some rest this afternoon.
Judi - How the bug does last long for DD! Didn't gross me out, been there done that!

- Yes, my doc did warn me that it may get worse before it gets better. Holding DBs at my side doesn't bother me, but I have to admit that was another reason I went light, wasn't willing to risk holding anything heavy. How far/long do you walk?
Lucky me!! Woke up feeling crappy....literally. The virus hit me but at the other end:eek: Sorry..TMI. I still managed to do CCV8 on the elliptical but not with my usual intensity. DD is doing better today, just not 100%

Linda- How is your shoulder feeling today?

Catherine- Hope you are having nice weather so you can enjoy your walks outside.
Judi - Wow! CCV8 with a virus, pretty amazing!

Catherine - Hope it's not raining where you are.

My shoulder is sore from the shot, but it's usual ache seems diminished. But he even said that the relief from the shot may last only a few days, so I am not ready to count my chickens yet.

Think I am getting yet another cold. Ugh! Did however manage to do Hiit 30/30 this morning.
The sun is shining here still and the weather is unseasonably warm without the humidity. I love it!!!! I haven't walked yet but will in a bit. Last night was a rough one. Back and leg very painful and on top of that my lunch decided to come back and bite me in a bad way :( Tomorrow is my second opinion. Cross your fingers that I get some good information.

Linda, how are you liking the shock cardio dvds? I hope you are not getting a cold. Perhaps it's just allergies.

Judi, CCV8 with a stomach bug-wow!! I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Just got in my walk. It's beautiful outside. If only it could stay this way :D

YAY!! Hope you enjoyed it. Sorry about your rough night....I feel so bad for you:( Keeping my fingers crossed for good news tomorrow! Let us know what you find out.
My shoulder is sore from the shot, but it's usual ache seems diminished. But he even said that the relief from the shot may last only a few days, so I am not ready to count my chickens yet. Think I am getting yet another cold. Ugh! Did however manage to do Hiit 30/30 this morning.

I sure hope your relief lasts longer than a few days! There is some nasty crap (pardon the pun) going around....I hope you don't get it. Great job on 30/30.
Catherine - Glad to hear you got your walk in, it;s been cold & rainy here all day. I just want it to get warm & stay warm! Yeah, not sure if it's a cold or allergies, but I usually do not suffer with allergies. The other unsual thing is about 30 to 1 hour after my workout I feel like I want to puke (no, I am not pregnant) Oh, and I like the Shock Cardios, except for the MMAs but only because I haven't tried those. In my prayers for good news tomorrow!

Judi - Hoping the releif last more than a few days , but he did give me a warning. Also it started aching again around 6pm, but I also realize it may be another day or so for more relief. I sure hope I don't get another bad cold, the last one drag on for 10 days until I finally went to the doctor. How you feeling?

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