We're in this together

JUDI!!! She is absolutely gorgeous!!!

Linda, I am sending you wonky tummy be gone vibes.

My massage was ok this morning. It's not my regular therapist-she is too far away for me :( I have a migaine working on me too (not out of control yet). It started this morning and I warded it off with 3 cups of coffee. She worked on my neck a bit and it got better but came back after she was done. Now I am waiting for the excedrin to kick in. It's always something.
JUDI she is absolutely beautiful!

Catherine - Sorry your massage didn't go as well as you hoped. Have a headache myself (not a migraine) but cannot take ibprofen because of the Celbrex.

Quick check in. Completely exhausted. School field trip the aquarium today. LLLLLOOOOONNNNGGGG Day!

Did manage to do 4DS BC UpperBody Circuit. I really enjoyed it. Skipped the abs though. And so far my stomach has behaved today.
Linda- LOL! I've done my share of school field trips so I totally understand why you are exhausted;)

Catherine- Hope the excedrin has kicked in and your headache is better. My therapist had to work my neck too which was really tight.

BTW, I could kill the local weatherman! He said nothing about possible rain so I stained the deck yesterday. Well guess what?....it rained all day today. The directions said make sure to apply when no rain is predicted for 48 hours:mad:
Oh Judi, that's awful! Hope it turns out okay!

It is really a mess. It never dried properly with the rain and now it is sticky plus all the cottonwood from the trees is stuck to the deck too. UGH! I will probably have to power wash it again and see what happens:(

Yesterday, DH and I went to the Twin's game. He got some tickets for the Champions Club which includes all the food and drinks you want. Our seats were first row right behind home plate and could practically reach out and touch the players. So cool.

This is the final week of P90X and I'm looking forward to doing something else. Funny, I was watching a P90X infomercial and some of the before & after shots were amazing. I have had some strength gain and definition but nothing like these people. I guess you have to follow the strict diet to see that:confused:
Hello ladies. I wish I had something to report w/o wise but I've been walking only short distances. Still flare if I walk long. I'm pretty much exhausted today. Trying to watch my eating, again :confused: It's like I start eating better and a couple of days later it all goes to hell in a hand basket. Pants are getting tight, so I must do something :(

Linda, when do you get your MRI results?

Judi, so what's next? BTW that is awful about your deck :confused:
Judi - Ugh! about the deck!

- How ya feeling?

Went to the ortho this morning. He describe what he saw on my MRI as looking like "you tried to dislocate your shoulder" . Good news is he wasn't like wow the damage is so extensive you need immediate surgery, instead he asked me to modify more over the next few weeks, gave me a another shot and scheduled me to come back in three weeks. In three I will see the doctor not just the physican's assistant and if it is still bothering me they will decide if I need surgery. He saw inflamation, what could be a tear in the labrum and a small pocket of fluid that shouldn't be there.

The big modification he told me to make was to only do the very top part of any chest press movement. Nothing beyond 45 degrees. So I think I will just shelf pushups for the next few weeks and I will also be going on vacation in June and will take a complete rest week.

Anyway, this morning I did Muscle Endurance except the ab work. Went just a little heavier than Cathe on some the upper body stuff and stayed with her on the legs.
Catherine- I can relate to your "eating well for a few days then all goes to hell" statement. You pretty much described me too. I've got the exercise part down but when it comes to eating, I just can't get my act together to keep it up. So glad "WE'RE IN THIS TOGETHER!" ;)

Linda- Sounds like your appt. was encouraging. At least he isn't seeing a huge tear or something that needs immediate attention. Now you can go on vacation without the worry of surgery looming over your head.

Next week, I'm going to dust off my kettlebells which have been shelved since STS and P90X. I want to mix in my AOS workouts with some endurance lifting for awhile to shake things up.
I am with both of you on the eating. I can do good but only for so long then it all goes to hell. Like the past three days!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Hi Ladies! Phew...it has been hot here. Yesterday it was 94 degrees:eek: and we broke all kinds of records. I had to take my dad to his cataract surgery for his left eye this morning and sit in the waiting room for 2 1/2 hours. At least it wasn't the 4 hours like last time. Came home at 1:00, did PlyoX and now I'm scaling the mountain of laundry I have to do. I'm getting annoyed with DD who keeps disappearing when there is work to be done. She wants to get in as much fun with her friends as possible since the nursing assistant program starts next week:rolleyes:

Hope you both are having a good day and glad to know we all struggle at times with our eating. It's nice to know we are not alone........
Yesterday I was tired because I had trouble sleeping and my shoulder was aching from the shot so I did Hiit 30/30 but didn't really move my arms much.

Today I tried my first Tonique workout. I did Tonique 2 Disc 1 and I could not believe how hard I worked through out that video. I mean I think I lost at least 5# in sweat alone. To watch it, it seems easy, but doing it is a whole 'nother story!

Forgot to add, I worked in the yard today moving the rest of the plants for the pool area and think I lost another 5# of sweat!
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Well my eating has been better this week overall. That's been the only positive thing about it.

Linda, how is the shoulder after the injection?

Judi, are you heading to the cabin this weekend?
Since it is CCPP Saturday this weekend and I'll be at the cabin, I decided to do it on the spin bike today. My @ss was dragging the whole way! I don't know what is up with me lately but my cardio workouts just suck. At least I can look forward to my last P90X workout tomorrow...legs & back.

Linda- Hope your shoulder is doing better today. I've heard a lot of talk about Tonique on the forums. Is it mainly body weight toning? Are you putting in an above or below ground pool? We have a below ground pool which was great when the kids were little but now it hardly gets used. It is such a money suck cuz you still need to maintain it even if you don't use it much.

Catherine- Been thinking about you and hope you are continuing to make improvements. Do you find yourself spending more time on Facebook than the forums here? I'm still about 50/50 but getting to like FB more and more.
LOL Catherine! I typed out my post and walked away from the computer before posting it and didn't see you post in between. Sorry about the week not being good :(
TGIF Ladies-

I'm celebrating the end of my P90X rotation! I had legs & back plus ARX this morning and looking forward to putting this on the shelf and starting something new. I did 10 unassisted chin ups this morning and tapped down on only 4 of them:D

We are heading to the cabin tomorrow morning and I won't have internet access so just wanted to wish you both a great holiday weekend!! I'll check back in on Monday.
Judi, :eek::eek::eek: nice job on the chinups!!! Have a wonderful weekend at the cabin.

Linda, how are ya girl? Did your tummy ever settle down?

I had another massage this morning with lots of work on neck and shoulders (very much needed) and gentle low back stuff. I think I'm gonna try to do these weekly for a while (as long as I have the $$) and see how it does. I am icing now and ready for a nap, zzzzzzzzzzzz,......

I survived the cabin and am now detoxing until we go back in a couple weeks. Seriously, it is non-stop eating, drinking and laughing! I have an awesome family...we all get along (siblings, spouses, kids, dogs) and have so much fun together.

I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to do "workout-wise" since I'm done with P90X. I'm thinking a week off of weights and sticking to cardio and yoga. I have Yoga Shatki coming from netflix and have heard good things about it. Plus I need to burn off some serious calories from the weekend:confused:

Catherine- Good idea on getting regular massages. I'm sure they will help with your healing & recovery. I used to think they were a luxury but now I get one every 6 weeks to keep my muscles healthy.

Linda- How was your weekend?
Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. Just busy busy busy at work. I am working full days now but not exactly a full schedule (but almost). I am wore out and in pain when I get done with the day. I have to keep reminding myself that not so long ago I wasn't toleratine working till noon then till two,.... Slow slow slow. It's just frustrating. And I think the massages are flaring things so I am putting those on hold for now. Even though it feels good.

Judi, so what did you decide to do post P90X? I always had a hard time figuring out to do after that.

Linda, I hope you are doing ok. When is your trip??
Catherine- Great to hear from you. I think it is awesome that you are getting in full days at work but sorry that it wears you out and increases your pain. It is definitely a long slow process of healing but you are making improvements and those should be celebrated! My SIL who is dealing with similar back pain issues after surgery quit her job and does nothing but sit in a recliner all day. My poor brother has to run his business and then do EVERYTHING at home....cooking, shopping, cleaning etc.. So you are my hero for persevering and not giving up!:)

Linda- Haven't heard from you in awhile. Hope everything is OK. I was also wondering when your trip was.

As for me, I'm just winging my workouts right now. I did a new one the other day called CrossPit by a man who trains MMA cage fighters. It was like HIIT & Tabata using body weight exercises done in 20/10 intervals and heavy bag work. For example: 20 sec speed squats, 10 sec rest, 20 sec pushups, 10 sec rest, 20 sec squat thrusts, 10 sec rest then all out punching and kicking the bag for a minute. Repeat 6 times then move onto another series. A no frills workout but it really kicked my @ss. I still haven't decided what to start next week.
Judi, those sound like some good workouts. It's all about changing it up, right? Don't forget to add in your chinups and pullups. You don't want to lose your momentum ;)

Thanks for your encouraging words. Actually going to work is good for me. It keeps me moving and it keeps me distracted- keeps my mind off of my pain. Weekends are worse for me because I am limited to what I can do. I don't want to venture too far away from home and I can not even go and sit through a movie :( But I know there are improvements as subtle as they may be. Your poor SIL :( I don't know her exact situation but I was told the worst thing I could do was just lie around. It takes most everything I have to get up and go most days but I know that I must. And it seems to be working. Depression sets in and it makes it hard to move really and then you get more depressed and it's a cycle. Did your SIL do physical therapy?

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