Hello ladies!
Sorry for being MIA.

I did want to pop in and let you all know I'm doing
Slow and Heavy this week.

LOVE IT!! I really hope Cathe makes a S&H 2 in the future! I love the slow and controlled movement. I have decided to focus on heavy splits this month using a different Cathe series each week...S&H this week, PLB and XTrain Burn Sets next week, STS Meso 2 and then finally Gym Styles. Then I plan to take a week (going into the first of the year) of cardio and endurance workouts for lower body before heading into another STS rotation.

This will take me away from my beloved HoCo and kettlebell workouts for a bit, but I may try to squeeze in some HC 101's at some point. We shall see! If nothing else, I may bust out Core Max and Ab Circuits to make sure I maintain some core.
I also just got a new bunch of workouts called "Classical Stretch" which is beloved on VF. They are short (23 minutes) workouts that involve dynamic stretching and light "toning" (hate that word

, but you know what I mean). It is a series that runs on PBS so they sell it in "seasons" of 30 episodes. There was a sale going on right now that I just couldn't pass up! LOL

I also got a few other similar ones called Essentrics which is similar and done by the host of the show's daughter. I want to try and get some CS in at night before bedtime to help with flexibility and stress relief.

My goal is to do CS most nights, but we will see how many I realistically get in.
Natty- as usual you are so inspiring!

I think I mentioned this before, but you should really check out the women's section of reddit fitness. The ladies on there are REALLY into lifting! So much so, that sometimes there is a little negativity toward cardio, but the women on there are very inspiring! I think you would love it! Link:
Fitness for Women!
Justina- Oh I made some goodies for TG!

One thing I always make, that my family just oohs and ahhs over is my Magic Pumpkin Buckle. This is the recipe I use:
Magic Pumpkin Buckle Recipe | Taste of Home I always use 3 eggs instead of two, though (and I don't worry if they are "eggland's best" eggs either lol). A dollop of whip cream and I'm in heaven!

I must admit, I indulged quite a bit!

It took me awhile to get it down so that the crust would come to the top like it does in the picture. This time, mine looked just like the picture! The trick is to get all the ingredients ready to go and wait to add the milk/vanilla to the crust mixture until you are ready to assemble the two layers in the pan. The baking powder gives it a bubbly consistency almost right away so once the milk is added you have to pour it in the pan right away and then have the pumpkin mixture ready to pour on top as soon as possible. You have to be careful when pouring the pumpkin mixture on top though so the layers don't mix. I used to dump the pumpkin filling in too quickly so that it would break through the layer of crust filling and mess up the layers. It still would taste yummy, though.
Marie- I sure hope I get a nurse as dedicated as you the next time I have to be in the hospital.

AOLIH is one of my favorites! I just love the music in that one, especially in the warm up.
Sarah- I have finally cracked the code on how to cook brussel sprouts that my family and I like to eat! I always tried boiling them before, which...just like when I did that to asparagus is just not how my family (and ME) enjoys vegetables. Too slimy!

I also never cut them in half before, which worked a lot better as well as roasting them. I used this recipe the other night and they were NUMMY!
Parmesan Brussels Sprouts Recipe - Allrecipes.com Great job on taking on the TG dinner all by yourself! Even though I did most of the cooking, I had each family member bring a side dish. If I have TOO many things going on at once I tend to lose track and inevitably something gets burned.
Jen- Congrats on losing weight! Good luck with the new potential interest.

ITA it is tougher and tougher for me to meet new people these days. In college it was so easy. You were almost forced to meet people. With the kids and work, though, the only people I meet nowadays are parents of my kids' friends. I have lost touch with so many girlfriends over the years because we are ALL so dang busy with families!
Nancy- How are you doing? I hope you are feeling better and resting up!
Okay, my novel today may have made up for the ninja/lack of posting these past few weeks. LOL

Have a great day ladies!