~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

Hi everyone!

Yesterday I chose to do my 1 hiit cardio and get it out of the way for the week. I didn't do BB Cardio though :D I did hiit 30/30 instead :p. I still stand by my ground in saying that 30/30 is harder than Pyramid. You get NO long rests during 30/30, while pyramid gives you a few 1 minute breaks.

How did you like Bulk Legs? I still find Build Legs a bit tougher, cardiovascular-wise.
Glad to see your neck is feeling a bit better and you are able to workout again :).
BTW, how is the standing desk doing? Did anyone else get in on that action?

I'm so sorry to hear about you and Mark :(. It's funny because my Mark will act the same way sometimes, for no good reason :mad:. Perhaps they're long lost brother's or something ;). Speaking of jealousy and the forums, Mark used to be the same way :rolleyes:. He also seemed jealous of me exercising :confused:. It got to the point where I told him that he NEEDED to go back to the gym (this was at a time when he was taking sort of a hiatus from exercising). It's been about 1yr since he got back into the swing of things, and he seems much happier now -- and he leaves me alone! Sometimes they just need s**t to keep them preoccupied...kinda like little kids lol.
You are a champ with those hip thrusts lady :eek:. Did you know that Nia does 1.5 reps with the thrusts with 1 leg :eek:.

OH YA those progressive sets are INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE. Wait until you do the 1 arm rows like that :eek:. I swear I think I've cried a few times :eek:.

Gotta jet! My aunt is paying a visit today :). Have a great day everyone :cool:
Last night was the start of my Sizzlin' Summer Rotation and it was a toughie! We had the windows open and it was hot and HUMID so I was DRIPPING after All Out HiiT :eek:! My DH turned on the air and it helped me get through chest and tris a lot easier! I did Gym Styles Chest and realized I was stretching out the workout a bit because I like at least a 30 second break between sets (Cathe really speeds through them...I think it's only 10 sec in some cases!). So I decided to do a quicker tricep segment and choose High Reps (I had intended on doing Xtrain...NOT the burn sets, though). I kind of felt like I cheated myself :eek:. My initial plan was to hit the first body part really hard and the second one not so much. Then when those parts came up again in the week I'd reverse the intensity for them. So on Friday when Chest & Tris come up again I'd do a real tough tricep segment and maybe LIS TBT chest. Now I think I want it tough all the time :p;)! I'll have to re-think the time issue....it really eats up the night! I wish that ALL the chapters on ALL the workouts had the time listed!

So tonight I'll be doing a leg workout (probably B&G), delts (probably HR), and abs.

Marie, your little "B' is darling!

Sarah, how is that DOMS?;)

Colleen, hope your hubby feels better! Does he workout?

Justina, glad you're doing okay and keeping up with your workouts!

Natty, 30/30 or Pyramid...either one KILLS me!!!! Bet you're glad that's out of the way ;)!

Sorry these personal are so short....I am swamped here at work today...maybe I can check in later???:rolleyes:
Hello ladies!

Today I did HoCo 101 October Year 2 followed by the first 4 rounds of Paul K.'s Bootcamp 4x4x2. These two went really well together! It made for an extra long workout (about 70 min) but it was totally worth it and I was in the mood to really hit it hard today. :eek: The 101 was sort of a mini-bootcamp alternating gliding disc horizontal work with plyo. Even with a shortened version I still have to pause and catch my breath before heading back down for core work! :eek:

Tomorrow I'm thinking something with kettlebells...

Sarah- the hip thrusts with the 60 lbs was tough! What's crazy though is that when I do single leg thrusts, even if just done with body weight, totally slay me! :confused: I think that means I should be doing more single leg hip thrusts. ;) I'm trying to wrap my head around the mindset of: if it's hard and something you are thinking about avoiding...then it's probably something you should be doing! lol Of course, if it's something that I truly detest or hurts me (like barre workouts or floor work killing my knees) then I feel NO guilt avoiding those. ;)

Marie- B is looking so cute! How is the crawling going? Is he getting into everything yet? :D

Justina- Haha, I usually take the route of avoidance when Mark is in one of his moods. Unfortunately, since it was Father's Day I just couldn't avoid/ignore him! LOL I was trying to make it a good day, but it just gets under my skin when he is like that. :confused: :( The sad thing is, I could tell he was trying to not be like that...hence the up and down. Then he wouldn't go down with me to the farm to get the kids where the rest of my family was also coming to have a grill out. I couldn't stay at the farm because I just couldn't leave him alone to eat dinner on Father's Day so I had to pick them up and just leave. :(
The valley where I grew up in is REALLY beautiful. I always took it for granted when I was young, but every time I go down there I'm reminded of how rustic my upbringing actually was! :eek: I'll have to try and get some pics next time I'm down there to post and show you guys. :)

Natty- Mark is thisclose to starting to workout again. He has been wanting to and talking about it forever but just hasn't gotten the desire to actually DO it yet. However, he just bought a weight bench with a barbell, weight plates and some heavier dumbells than what I have (YAY I have some 35 lb dumbells I can use plus...a weight bench! :eek:). He wants to sit down with our BIL (who works out daily in his basement) to figure out a circuit of weight exercises to do. He isn't too enthused about the dvd thing, but I'm hoping once he gets going he'll be curious enough to check some of mine out. :) In fact, even if I don't end up loving Body Beast, I'm planning on hanging onto it for his sake! :D

Nancy- Great job on the workouts! I hate it when it's humid and I'm breathing heavy! :eek: It's like I'm breathing water...:confused:

Just got a file! Gotta scoot. TTYL!
Today I got up and went for a walk. Then a little later I did Ab ripper followed by BB Bulk Legs for the first time. I really liked this one. I really liked how he held the bar for the Split Squat because I could load it up heavy and didn't have to lift it over my head. Although the first time I did it I did it wrong because I switched legs. But then decided to do it again and go heavy. Surprisingly my Doms aren't bad from BB chest yesterday.

Colleen - I agree 100% on what you said about avoiding it and as long as there is no pain you should push through. This is how I feel about Hoco. I know it does do my body good. I also know that once I have something nailed that I didnt necessarily like before it feels awesome!

Nat - I guess I see your point about pyramid. I did think 30/30 was tough yesterday, I really pushed myself.

Nancy - I really like your idea of working one body part hard and the 2nd not as hard. Its really humid here also although probably not as bad. We usually dont get that humid but this morning just on my walk I was dripping sweat.

Marie - Have you been able to get your WO in recently? I know when my kids were super little I wasnt into Cathe but I did try to do the sit up with the peek - a - boos and my kids loved that.

Justina - I am always trying to to catch up with Sagi too. Thanks ƒor making me feel not so bad ; ) So how old are your kiddos?

Happy Hump Day :p

Yesterday's w/o was Tempo Back & Bi's + 1hr walk outside :). I love, love the S&H approach to weight training :eek:. I know it takes a lot of concentration and focus, but that's why I'm drawn to it so much! While doing the back rows with the 6 count down/6 count up, my mind desperately wanted to stop, but my body hung in there. It takes a lot of mental fortitude for me to break through that barrier and keep going. This program has definitely put my body and mind to the test :eek:. With weight training, I see what I am truly capable of, and for that I am ever thankful :).

I like Bulk Legs a lot too :eek:. The split lunges with the EZ bar underneath the legs makes me want to scream, just like that guy Eric :eek:. I love it when he does that! It makes me push through so hard and feel like a total bad a$$ :eek:. Which guy to you like the best?

Good for Mark if he decides to start exercising again. I find that my Mark really needs that outlet to release all that kept up testosterone :p:D. How are you guys doing btw?
Great w/o yesterday :eek:.

I have a difficult time working in a very humid room as well. Thank goodness for AC :D.
I know what you mean about feeling like you "cheated" yourself. For me personally, I try to hit all my muscles groups hard (no way around that, really, with a split training program). But when I used to do total body w/o's, there were always a few muscle groups where I thought "man, I could have hit that harder :(". Regardless, you had one heck of a w/o yesterday :eek:.

Justina, Jen, Marie
Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Hello and Happy Wednesday Ladies!!!!
First, I wanted to respond to Colleen about doing the thing you dread the most...ITA!!!! I was nodding my head as I read your post. Then I saw the part about floor work hurting your knees and wondered if you'd ever tried those knee doughnuts? They're made by the same company that makes the wrist wedges to ease wrist pain during push-ups. Here's the link:
DOD Fitness
Sarah, do you do massage or foam rolling after your workouts? I use a foam roller after leg work and it seems to help with the DOMS. I just bought The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook and am trying to learn how to do self massage. I bought a few massage tools and am saving up for one of those "bumpy" rollers.

The workout last night came in at 1 hour and 24 minutes...and that was before I could do my foam roller! I think that's a little too long for me! I may have to give serious thought to breaking it up and doing the strength in the AM and the cardio in the evening. I just felt that by the time I was done showering and getting dinner together, it was time for bed :rolleyes:! Plus I am totally wiped out after all that too! I fell asleep on Monday at 9pm! and last night it was 8:45pm :eek:!!!!! My chest still hurts a bit from Monday's Gym Styles...I like it :eek:! Tonight is Tabatacise, Back, and Bis. I haven't worked out the specifics yet....

Hope everyone else is on track with their w/o schedule and getting good results. I may stick this schedule out for 2 weeks to see if I can adapt...;)
Can u please take a look at this vid?
135lb Barbell Hip Thrusts - YouTube
The woman has her head on the step w/5 risers, hip thrusting over 100lbs. Do you think her form is good? I want to do these today :eek:. Also, I see many youtube vids with people using a reg bench and they have their head resting on it also. I really do think I have a weak neck and would benefit from this! When I do the hip thrusts, I swear my form is spot-on (I have looked at myself in the mirror and used my own body weight -- no weight) and yet my neck just can't take it :(.
I think we posted at the same time today so I missed your first post! And I just HAD to give you a pat on the back for sticking with your grueling weight work! I think S&H is waiting for me in my mailbox, but they are re-paving the parking lot and I can't get to the box until tonight :rolleyes:! I can't wait to experience that "mental focus" you are so fond of :eek:! I'm hoping to incorporate the individual body parts once per week!
Hmm, Natty I just watched that video and I afraid to say I wasn't too comfortable with the way she had her neck and spine in that. She let's her spine in the upper back area totally curve backwards and her neck is back too far, at least in my opinion. Plus she didn't do the movement in a controlled fashion but snapped her hip up, which to me would be a recipe for tweaking the low back. Now, keep in mind I'm not a PT or physiology expert though! :eek: It's totally possible that was just fine and someone with more expertise could maybe weigh in. My gut tells me that doing it like her wouldn't be a good idea and TBH it made me cringe a little. :confused:

ETA: Now is there away you could get a wedge pillow to support your upper back and neck some on the bench? You could put the bench up against a wall and put one or even two pillows on the bench to sort of lay against (using the wall as a stopper for the pillow so it doesn't slide back as you are doing it). I bet a memory foam pillow would work really well since that would give you more firm support than a fluffy pillow would. HTH!

Second edit! LOL: Check out this youtube video with Brett Contreras (aka The Glute Guy :D)!
Hip Thrust Instructional Video - YouTube He's awesome, I swear! :eek: Toward the end of the video, he demonstrates the wrong way to do hip thrusts which is exactly the way that first lady was doing them. He says it could hurt the low back and is an indication that the person is attempting to thrust too much weight (more than they are ready for).
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Hi ladies!

Hope everyone is well. I decided to study last night instead. There isn't enough time in the day to do everything I WANT to do! :mad: My exam is next month and I do not feel ready at all. Maybe I'm way over my head. Having full time job, kids etc. Is this realistic? There is always something to do on the weekends and studying during the week is nearly impossible. :(

I forgot to say congrats on the purchase of Slow and Heavy. :D I thought about getting it few months ago but I decided to get BB instead. How are you liking it so far?

My girls are 13 and 11. My son is 3. Morgan will turn 14 this weekend, hence a sleepover on Saturday night. I can't believe she will go to high school in August! I don't feel like I'm old enough to have a child in high school. :D
I am 40 by the way.

Over the years I think I have given up on making everyone happy; not good for my mental health. LOL I have learned to be a bit more selfish these days. :D I have never even attempted hip thrusts. But the way you described this lady doing it seems dangerous to me.

I like BB Legs. It's tough but I like it. I modify the one leg work out a bit though. I'm loving the standing up option at work. Two people from work already requested the same thing. I hear some other people actually have a standing desk that moves up and down! How cool is that? They can't reconfigure my work area so I have the platform instead. It works!

Hi Marie and rest of the gang!

Tonight I will do cardio. I'm working on losing few pounds!:)

Quick check-in before I have to give report to the evening nurses.

Went for a walk on my lunch break and planning on going for another one when I get off work. Plan is to get a salad at Subway and then head to the park. B is addicted to playing in the sand lately :)
Hi ladies!

Hope everyone is well. I decided to study last night instead. There isn't enough time in the day to do everything I WANT to do! :mad: My exam is next month and I do not feel ready at all. Maybe I'm way over my head. Having full time job, kids etc. Is this realistic? There is always something to do on the weekends and studying during the week is nearly impossible. :(


What are you studying for?

You have A TON going on and are rocking it all! Nice job!
Today I got up and went for a walk. Then a little later I did Ab ripper followed by BB Bulk Legs for the first time. I really liked this one. I really liked how he held the bar for the Split Squat because I could load it up heavy and didn't have to lift it over my head. Although the first time I did it I did it wrong because I switched legs. But then decided to do it again and go heavy. Surprisingly my Doms aren't bad from BB chest yesterday.

Marie - Have you been able to get your WO in recently? I know when my kids were super little I wasnt into Cathe but I did try to do the sit up with the peek - a - boos and my kids loved that.


Nice job on your workout!!!

LOVE the sit-up with peek-a-boo thing. Thanks for all the great ideas :) I haven't gotten an official Cathe workout in lately :( I feel so guilty!!! B usually sleeps til 7 so I used to get up at 6 and get a workout in but lately he has been getting up a lot more at night, probably because of teething, so I have been sleeping til 7 with him. (Hello run-on lol!) Goal for Friday though is to get my butt up regardless of how dead I feel and get a workout in. Walking and the occasional plank while playing with B is good but it's just not the same. Need my cardio rush!
Hello ladies!

Today I did HoCo 101 October Year 2 followed by the first 4 rounds of Paul K.'s Bootcamp 4x4x2. These two went really well together! It made for an extra long workout (about 70 min) but it was totally worth it and I was in the mood to really hit it hard today. :eek: The 101 was sort of a mini-bootcamp alternating gliding disc horizontal work with plyo. Even with a shortened version I still have to pause and catch my breath before heading back down for core work! :eek:

Marie- B is looking so cute! How is the crawling going? Is he getting into everything yet? :D

Nice job on your extra long workout!

Thank so much :) Crawling is going real good. And he sure is into everything. Loves cords, trashcans, etc....everything he is not supposed to get into lol. I never let my eye off of him. He is standing and taking a couple steps along the furniture too. It sure is a fun stage :)
Today was BB Bulk Arms. I liked this WO a lot short and sweet, to the point.
I will be heading out on a walk in about 20 minutes also.

Justina - My daughters are 11 going on 12 into the 6th grade. They moooooody. It is tough dealing with them day in day out. The progressive set got me again to day with the biceps. I think I am picking out a lighter weight and by the time I get to the 4th set, I'm like thinking I may not make it, eeeeek.

Nat - I would say try some of the hip thrusts that way. It obviously doesnt bother her any. She does arch her back but maybe she's just more flexible so it doesn't bother her. I have also seen lots of people arch their back for chest presses. I guess, to each their own. I like Eric, cause he's a shorty like myself. But I also like the Asian guy because he's soft spoken. : )

Marie - I know it's not the same. I figured out out I'm missing my cardio too with all the weights I've been doing. But the flip side is when I do get to do it, I really am able to push myself that much more.

Nancy - I don't have a foam roller, Ive heard they are painful. I get really good massages from the hubby when I need them.

Good morning!

Once again I got to work a little early so I'm just out walking and sipping my coffee.

It's my last day on the geriatric psych unit and then I switch to float pool. I'm kind of sad because I'm going to miss my coworkers but I'm very excited to get more experience and move on.

Great job on the workouts everyone!

Have a good day!
Morning ladies!

Yesterday I had the day off of work. I had intended to get tons of cleaning done but for some reason I found myself puttering around and wasting a lot of time instead. :eek: I did get a workout in, at least. LOL I did RKS: workout 1 (timed swings 30 sec swing/45 sec rest for 20 minutes) and then RKS workout 5 (shoulder press ladders~15 minutes + one armed swings 15 sec swing/15 sec rest alternating sides~15 minutes). I managed to get 14 ladders in with my 20 lb kettlebell and boy am I feeling it today! The shoulder press ladders go like this: 1 shoulder press right, 1 shoulder press left, then 2 right, 2 left, 3 right, 3 left then back to 1/1, 2/2,3/3...doing as many ladders as you can in the allotted time resting whenever needed. This is a GREAT workout for that middle deltoid of the shoulder and I think I need to do that workout more often. I have this thought that to keep my shoulder joint happy I need to keep the 3 deltoid heads balanced. HoCo works the front delt so much, and I've been trying to focus on getting rear delt work in (often doing those exercises in my office at work!:p).

So I decided to start STS in July! lol :D Three of my check in ladies from VF are planning to start July 1st and so I decided that's what I want to do. I'm going to try out some Body Beast workouts next week and then join them July 1st. We'll see how far I get with it. :eek: I'm hoping to get all the way through Meso 1 and Meso 2. I'm going to do 2 leg days (likely making the second day cardio/leg) and hopefully keep up one HoCo a week. We'll have to see about that though! It may wind up that I combine an HC 101 with some cardio since those are only 30 minutes.

Natty- Mark and I are doing fine now. :) It usually takes a few days and then he's back to normal. He's been doing a little of the weights the past few days, too. Not really committing to an entire workout, but he complained of being sore in the chest last night and said he'd been doing a few chest presses with the barbell, single arm dumbbell rows and bicep curls...mostly just to test the waters. It's a start anyway! :eek:

Sarah- Lydia is already giving me a hard time and she's only 6 (on July 14 that is)! I cannot believe what a drama queen she is already. :rolleyes: I can't imagine when she's your daughters age...and to have TWO on top of it. Yeesh!

Marie- did you get that workout in? :D

Justina- that does sound like you have a lot on your plate! I can't imagine being back in school and trying to juggle the kids and everything. I remember when I was in optometry school and there were some people in my class with families. I never knew how they did it! I could barely take care of myself. :eek:

Nancy- I can't wait to hear what you think of S&H!

Gotta scoot! TTYL girls!
Hi everyone!

Yesterday's w/o was Bulk Legs + 1hr walk outside with my girl :). I wanted to incorporate the hip thrusts, but I really pushed my weight #'s and was pretty fatigued afterwards. I have been looking at several Bret Contreras (the glute guy) tutorials on youtube regrading squats, deadlifts, different variation of hip thrusts. I'm trying to do the squats like he recommends with feet slight pointed outwards and knee's extended to the side. I can get much deeper this way! And I feel it in my glutes too. My focus w/the squats is to perfect my form with a lighter weight (I only used a 15lbs barbell) and sink below parallel. No more half a$$ squats for this chick! If anyone is interested is helpful youtube tutorials from Bret, here are the links:
Everything You Need to Know About the Hip Thrust - YouTube (uses a step and 2 risers here)
Simple Squat Correction - YouTube
Feet elevated glute bridge - YouTube
Deadlift Form - YouTube

Don't feel guilty about not working out to vids! Walking is just as good as any cardio you can do IMO :). Get all the sleep you can mamma!

I like the w/o's in the Bulk phase because they are short :D.
I see a lot of people on youtube exploding back up during the hip thrusts w/very heavy weight. I don't think I'll be using 100lbs+ anytime soon, so I think the best thing for me is to monitor my form and make sure I activate my glutes. My only problem is my neck :mad:.
Are the kids done school yet?

I have been looking at Bret's vids for some time now on youtube. I agree, he is awesome :eek:. That woman in the vid link I sent you, her form did look a bit "off" that's why I wanted a 2nd opinion. Thanks for reminding me about the pillow! I remember asking Cathe if I could do this and she said it was ok as long as I had the form down pat. Thanks for all your help and info :).
Glad you and MArk are doing ok :).
I was *thinking* of doing STS after BB, but I'm not sure if I want to revisit M1 again. Love the Leg w/o's on those discs :eek:.

Thanks for the pat on the back :eek::).
How has your foot been these past few days?
And FWIW, I don't have the stamina to w/o for 1 1/2hrs! Most importantly though, I have no desire to even past the 1hr mark :p.

I give you so much props girl :). How you do everything that you do just amazes me. It takes a lot of courage and determination -- I hope you realize that :). Can I start calling you Superwoman? ;):D

Have a good one ladies!
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Hi fit ladies!

Last night I did BB Cardio. Man, that was a good workout! I have to commit to do this at least once a week. :)

Marie, Colleen,
I'm studying for a professional exam for a certification in my field. I'm not back in school since I don't have time to take classes. I study at home with text books and online questions for practice. Honestly, if I have time to take a class, I would take classes that I enjoy.

Have you ladies heard of Krav Maga? It's a form of tactical martial art system developed in Israel. It's very cool. I saw some videos on the web. It's something that I would love to learn. Then I can really kick some a**. :D

my daughters can be drama queens sometimes too! They also fight over little things. The fighting drives me nuts. :mad: It's interesting to see my 13 year old becoming a young lady though. She's almost as tall as I am; not difficult to do by the way, I'm only 5'2. :D

What's RKS? You know, I love STS. I buy new DVDs often but I always go back to STS. I'm sure you will enjoy it and get great results!

What do you do in geriatric psych unit if you don't mind me asking? It sounds like an interesting profession. I'm tired of mine. :D Maybe one day I can do something different.

Natasha, Nancy,

Hi! Hope you ladies are doing well!

Have a good day!

I just finished XTrain AOLIH, extreme cardio premix. :) My shoulders are getting more sore with each passing hour from yesterdays shoulder presses! :eek:

Justina- RKS is a kettlebell system. I just love it and don't use it nearly enough! https://www.rksworkout.com/store/

Natty- I keep forgetting to tell you that one of the ladies on my check in at VF has been doing the Strong Curves workout by Brett for the past few months. She's been enjoying it a lot! Let me know if you want to ask her anything I can get you in touch with her. :)

Gotta get to work!
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