~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

Today's WO was BB Cardio and abs followed by Yoga Relax premix #1. It was good, even though I really had to make myself do it because its ttotm. I also have to admit my quads are sore.

I went to Walmart today because my kids needed something and went wandering the isles for Marked Protein Powder but they didn't have it : (

Justina - I have heard of Krav Maga in a really smutty book I read. The main character (female) did it, and she loved how it made her feel like she could kick some a** bootay. I love anything like that, but since I live in a small town I have no opportunities, so its probably a good thing I love my DVD's.

Colleen - I am also thinking of continuing heavy lifting once I get done with BB. I say GO FOR IT. You can also do a rotation that doesn't necessarily fit into a 5-6 day week you can go over if you want to make sure to fit in HoCo. I'm down with not sweating the small stuff anymore. So if you instead of working biceps and tris once a week, work them once every 8 days, I think that would be fine. Beside Hoco works the whole UB so well anyway.

Nat - How many weeks do you have of BB left? I really, really like the bulk WOs they are very similar to X-train Burn Sets. I lurv how short they are : ) Yes, the kids are home with me now (big sigh)

Hi Nancy, Marie, and Jen!

Off to take a walk and get rid of cramps and quad DOMS.

Ninja check in! :D

No workout today. I may just take tomorrow off, too. :eek: Les shoulders are DOMS'ing big time from Wednesday's shoulder press bonanza. :eek: I am SO sore I don't feel one bit guilty for taking two rest days in a row. :p

Next week, I'm going to explore some of the Body Beast Bulk workouts. So far I have Bulk Legs, Arms and Back planned. Since I also plan to do HoCo I'm going to forgo the Chest and Shoulders discs. I decided I'm not going to stress myself out by going super heavy since I really want to get familiar with these workouts first. I'll be starting STS in July to join my fellow check in buddies on VF. :D I sketched out my July workouts on the Workout Manager and now I've got the STS bug big time. :eek: There is something very soothing and straightforward about putting the STS workouts on the calendar. :cool: I'm going to be switching the order of the discs a bit, though. For example, on Sundays I'm going to plan for HC 101 + cardio, and on Tuesday instead of doing disc 1 (chest, shoulders, biceps) I'll be doing disc 2 (back/triceps) first. Then Wednesday legs disc 3, Thursday disc 1 Ch/Sh/Bi. And so on and so forth. :)

Gotta get back to work! TTYL girls!
Guess who did low-impact challenge today? This girl! So excited that I got official Cathe workout in. B took a nap for a full hour which is actually really long for him.

We were off today so we just doing some garage saling. I found some really good deals on clothes and toys for B.
Hi fit ladies!

Last night I did BB Cardio. Man, that was a good workout! I have to commit to do this at least once a week. :)

Marie, Colleen,
I'm studying for a professional exam for a certification in my field. I'm not back in school since I don't have time to take classes. I study at home with text books and online questions for practice. Honestly, if I have time to take a class, I would take classes that I enjoy.

Have you ladies heard of Krav Maga? It's a form of tactical martial art system developed in Israel. It's very cool. I saw some videos on the web. It's something that I would love to learn. Then I can really kick some a**. :D

What do you do in geriatric psych unit if you don't mind me asking? It sounds like an interesting profession. I'm tired of mine. :D Maybe one day I can do something different.


I'm an RN :) I absolutely love it. It is such a rewarding job :)

That's great that you're getting a certification in your field. Nice job!

I've never heard of KM but I'll have to check it out. Sounds interesting! Thanks for mentioning it!
Oh Marie! I keep forgetting to tell you about this workout that the dance/choreography loving people have been raving about on VF! :eek: One of the ladies on my check in there just loves it. It's by Christie Taylor:
Christi Taylor's Pure Spice Cinnamon I guess it's a lot of fun and not as hard to follow as you would think despite no verbal cueing. :) Of course, this two left footed lady wont' be getting it, but I immediately thought of you! LOL :D
Finally summer is here! I have been sticking with the workouts this week and have today's to do and then REST DAY!!!!
I watched S&H yesterday and thought "uh-oh", but you guys know I'll give it a go! I think I'll be trying some of it out next week! I can't get over how young and buff everyone is! Did you guys know that was Jai's first appearance in a Cathe video? Cedie had just come back from having a baby (her arms are jawdroppingly chiseled!). Cathe looks SO FIT!!!! She always does, but she really is lean in this video! Cathe also seems very lighthearted and giggly! I watched it at 2X speed so I didn't get all the dialog, but she sure laughed a lot!

Today looks a bit overcast so I'll get my housework out of the way and maybe do some reading. One of the students lent me "Game of Thrones" (I know, I'm a bit behing the popular trends :eek:). I know NOTHING about it so I'm really enjoying it so far!

Marie, you have a very demanding job! I have SO MUCH respect for nurses! In fact, I don't have a doctor; I see a nurse practitioner because I think she really has my continuing good health in mind...I find that too many doctors are "flip chart" diagnosticians that want to push the latest drug on you. I really miss my doctor from up in MI. She was a DO (you don't find many of those down south) that really knew me! Her favorite prescriptions seemed to be a clean diet, exercise, and good sleep! Nurses seem to be so much more in tune with patients and I know they aren't in it for the money ;)!

Natty, how are the hip thrusts/squats coming along? I really want to add the hip thrusts in somehow...maybe in another rotation in the near future! Do you use a padded barbell? I noticed that in S&H they have a really thick pad on the barbell. I use the old Firm barbell with the neoprene cover on the bar, but I will probably be getting good use out of my weighted vest on the S&H leg workouts just to save my upper back from too much pressure...and I cannot lift a lot weight up over my head :rolleyes:!

Justina, I'm sorry that your career is sucking the life out of you! Maybe learning Krav Maga will be just the thing to give your brain and body a challenge....Also, you REALLY have a full plate with all that you do in a day! I don't know of many women who can juggle as much as you do! I often find myself amazed when you talk about working out at 9pm after spending an entire day working, then coming home for family time, and then kicking out a super tough workout! You're amazing!!!:eek:

Sarah & Colleen, keep grippin' 'em and rippin' 'em! Sounds like you both are sticking to the plan!

Take care ladies, I may be back later but for now I am determined to get the cleaning done so I can play!:D
Hi ladies!

Just a quickie check-in cuz' I have to go grocery shopping and take Bella swimming. I'll BBL for personals!

Today was supposed to be Plyo Legs, but it's TTOTM for me and so I didn't feel like jumping. Instead I did STS Squat Rack. It was an excellent w/o! Four of my fav moves: squats, deadlifts, static lunges, front squats. During the rests, I pulled out my blue firewalker :eek:. I also did some hip thrusts today! I used a 30lbs bar, step w/2 risers (like Bret), placed myself in a good position where I was able to actually rest my head on the step while keeping good form. I used the method where Bret pauses for 3 seconds at the top :eek:. Oh boy did I ever feel the heat in my glutes! Must have done it right because I felt little/no strain in my low back. All in all, great w/o today :eek:.

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I'm back :)

I have a Valeo pad for my barbell and I love it! I agree that Cathe and crew look awesome in S&H :eek:. I find her personality is very bubbly and light in her earlier w/o's. My fav "Cathe" is from the Body Blast series :D.
Game Of Thrones S1 is AMAZING :eek:. I really did not enjoy S2 & 3 as much though :(. There seem to be too much foreplay and not enough action for my liking :D;). The characters however, keep me coming back for more! BTW, if you like Game, you'll LOVE Vikings!
Regarding the weight #'s in S&H, despite the name, you really can't go that heavy. Going slow takes the momentum out, which makes it that much harder! You shall see...:eek:

Jennifer from my other check-in has been doing Strong Curves as well and getting great results! She also has a pear shape :).
You know what I started watching? Homeland! I remember you talking about it before. It really is a great show!
You gotta try the 3 count hold at the top of the hip thrusts! I swear it felt as though someone put a flame to my butt :eek:.

I have 2 weeks left of BB :eek:. I'm not sure what I want to do next though :confused:. TBH, I am going to miss some of the BB workouts :(. I was thinking of maybe going back to XT or giving myself a few weeks of "lighter" w/o's until I go back to the heavy again. And then there's Nia's program too.
I'm glad you are enjoying the Bulk w/o's! I really do think Sagi has an excellent program.

YAY for Low Impact Challenge! I have not done that one in a long time :(. I'm itching to get back to my beloved step again. I can't wait until Cathe's newest comes out! :eek:
I hope you found some great stuff at the garage sales :).

I love martial arts :eek:. I am seriously contemplating getting Les Milles Combat :eek:. I'm going to check out Krav Maga. Sounds cool :cool:.

Hope everyone had a great kick butt w/e!
Nat - I really am enjoying all the bulk WOs. I think I will revisit these from time to time. I can't make any plans for the future as I might have to fit it a move ; )
But this winter, I will choose to do another heavy lifting program of some sort. The hip thrusts sound good, I will try them today. I don't have the squat rack for STS : ( Is Bella taking swim lessons?

Colleen - The schedule for STS looks great. Are your kids glad its summer vacation?

Nancy - I always like to know what was going on in that persons life when the filming took place. I just think its interesting, so thanks. Have you had a chance to try S and H?

Marie - I'm glad that you were able to get an entire WO in. When you been away from the WOs for awile its so fun to do it again.

Hi Justina and Jen : )

So Friday's WO was BB Bulk Back, ab ripper X, and a walk. Saturday I just wanted to warm up to Cathe on Crossfire but it was like a drug. I needed a little more, and little more. I ended up doing the fitness blast (doubles through only once), Plyo Tabata, and Firewalker Tabata. Then did BB Bulk Shoulders. I loved Bulk Shoulders, it fried my arms good.

I also went with my niece for another food excursion with my niece.

The Country Cat

I love food.

At IKEA Dallas today since I plan to purchase in the next 60 days. I start my new job on July 1st so waiting on my Federal investigation to clear. Took drug, criminal and prove my US residency.
I'm so excited. I just have to show you guys because other than my husband nobody else cares. I have been diligent about looking on craigslist several times a day for 3 months or so. I finally scored $250 for everything.



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Hi everyone :)

My w/o yesterday was Build Shoulder's. Oh man, that one really destroys me :eek:. I love the way these w/o's are defining my shoulder's!

I have been really tired these days because of TTOTM :(. Mark took Bella to the splash pad and I ended up staying behind and took a 1hr nap :eek:. I'm not one to pass-up outdoor activities, but I felt as though I really needed the rest.

I'm making this today: = PROTEIN POW(D)ER !. I really hope it turns out! I'm not a huge fan of baking with whey, but these looked super easy and tasty :p. Any baked goods with espresso just makes my mouth water :p.

Congrats on the job! Please check-in more if you can :).

WTG on the equipment score :eek:. I'm super duper jealous of the hex! No one cares about my exercise stuff either :confused:. Some woman like shoes, I like weights -- what's the prob? LOL ;)
Those restaurants you went to look DELISH :p. I would totally be all up in that :eek:.
Great w/o on Friday btw!
No, Bella is not taking swimming lessons yet. I might put her in a program next year. I also want her to start ice skating. I started when I was 4yrs old and caught on very quick.

I'll let you know how the cake turned out. Have a great day ladies :)
Back to report that the cake was crappy :confused::(. No more cooking with whey and egg whites again :mad:. This is my 10th time cooking with that combo and it just does not sit right on my palate. The thing is that whey needs a lot of moisture or else they turn out rubbery and tasteless. I have used whole eggs, avocado, banana's w/whey, made muffins and they turned out fabulous :p. Now I have this crappy protein cake that I have to eat [enter yuck face here].
Sarah!!!! Nice weight package!!! Patience really is a virtue, isn't it! I have been wanting a weight tower like Cathe has for years. I don't have the floor space for a horizontal station, but it looks much more stable.....:confused:...I don't know what I want now!!!!:p

Natty, sorry about your baking disaster :eek:! I know how much you like your protein goodies ;) and you need them for all that muscle you are building with your w/os!!! I keep threatening to make those black bean brownies that were floating around the recipe forum...one of my co-workers made them and said they were outstanding! She put in protein powder, but she's uber-strict vegan so I know it wasn't whey.

Jen, glad to hear you landed a job! I'm not up to date with your saga...sounds like you moved from MI to TX for work?

Tonight I'm going to dive into Slow & Heavy :eek:!!!!! I've tweaked my rotation a bit for this and will do one body part from S&H per night and try to keep the cardio to around 30 min. sessions. So tonight will be All Out HIIT (floor/step premix) and S&H Chest!!! Tomorrow will be S&H Legs and Xtrain Rear Delts. I have the rest of the week planned as well and am FIRED UP :D!!!!

Hope everyone has a great rest of the day/evening!!!
HI to Colleen & Justina!!!!!
Hello and Happy Monday ladies!

Friday and Saturday wound up being rest days. Then on Sunday I did this mish-mosh: Crossfire: premix plyo tabata + firewalker tabata (minus c/d ~15 min), then Body Beast Bulk Legs (minus calf work and c/d ~35 min) then after resting a few minutes (putzing around on the computer, drinking a little of my chocolate protein shake...) then I finished up with HoCo 101 Year 2 May .

The Bulk Legs...OH MY! :eek: That was tough!! I went as heavy as I could. I wore my vest with 21 lbs and alternated between my 20lb, 25lb and 30lb dumbells (occasionally resorting to the 15's during the last set of 15 reps...sort of making it a drop set). Sweat was pouring off me and I woke up with crazy DOMS this morning! :eek: :D I am such a freak...I LOVE it! LOL I haven't had DOMS this bad in quite awhile! Muwahahahaha! :p I'd have to say both the Build and Bulk Legs are winners with me! :)

The HoCo 101 was awesome, too. It was a ball/mat one and really challenging. I am finally starting to appreciate the ball HC's as those seem to be the ones I get the most DOMS from (got some ribcage DOMS to match my lower body ones today!).

Today is another rest day, thank goodness! :eek: I am walking like Frankenstein over here. lol

Jen- Congrats on the new job! You'll have to keep us updated on how it goes. :)

Natty- I'm going to have to try that 3 second pause at the top of the hip thrusts! :eek: I do always do them slow and controlled so that I'm pausing at the top of the movement for at least 1-2 secs but I bet doing a count of 3 would really amplify the intensity! I also need to start doing single leg hip thrusts more. Those are no joke! :eek:

I'm sorry the cake didn't turn out. :( I tend to be a purist when it comes to baking. I figure if I'm really in the mood for something sweet I gotta use the real thing. ;) White flour, butter, sugar and I always use the whole egg unless I'm making something like meringue. I so rarely bake that when I do I don't try to make it healthy...Mark and the kids would revolt! LOL :eek:

I'm so glad you are enjoying Homeland! How far are you into it? I loved both the first and second seasons but I probably should give you the heads up that not everyone was on board with the second half of the second season. I loved every second of it, but some people felt it got too over the top/unrealistic and that it focused too much on Brody and Carrie. I LOVED Brody and Carrie's dynamic though and was a total sucker for it. :eek: I ate it up. :eek:

Nancy- I'm a total Game of Thrones geek! :eek: I've read the books and I'm about 2/3 of the way through Book 5 while eagerly awaiting Book 6 to come out. The show is incredibly faithful to the books! It is a lot of characters to keep track of, but I totally love that because you are really immersed in this whole other world. I haven't seen season 3 yet because I don't get HBO but instead wait and buy the dvds as they come out. However, since I knew what was going to happen this season by reading the books I kept going online after every episode to drink in all the discussion and buzz! lol :p

Yes. I am a geek girl. :eek:

Sarah- Crossfire is definitely like a drug for me. LOL I have a hard time holding back on workouts like that. I just want to keep going and going. That food excursion sounded so good! I also can't hold back when I'm surrounded by yummy food like that. I tend to pig out at things like that. :eek:

Hi Justina and Marie! I gotta sign off...TTYL!
Today was Week 2 of the Bulk Phase Chest with my new babies. Go figure I went to heavy and prematurely wore myself out ; ) But its all good. I also did Ab Ripper X and will be doing either a walk or a hiit of some sort later on.

Nat - I've never been entirely happy with any protein powder stuff either, nor anything used with substitute sugars or flour. I really think the Jamie Easons stuff was about the closest. I did like the PB Protein cake I made too but its still not the same. I'm glad you git a nap in, I love naps. It really is hard for me to push through when its ttotm also. On Thursday when I did BB cardio I though I would die. But I didn't.

Colleen - That is one hell of a exercise marathon. Glad you got DOMS. I did too nothing to bad just perfect. I hate when they are so bad when the kids come and plop down on me I start yelling and whining.

Nancy - I don't have a lot of room either. Those towers are expensive too. I eyed them for awhile also. Can't wait to here about how you like S & H.

Hi Marie, Justina, and Jen !

Hello ladies :)

Yesterday was my rest day but I did manage to take a walk for 1hr outside before it got unbearably hot. We are having a crazy heat spell :cool:. According to the Celsius to Fahrenheit converter, our 37c (with humidity) is 98f. What are temps like for you guys?

Funny thing I forgot to tell you guys, Mark told me that my butt feels firmer :eek:. He is not the type of guy to say that stuff just for the heck of it, so I guess it's true :eek:. WTG Sagi's Build & Bulk Legs! :eek:;)

You must have been so happy breaking in your new babies :eek:.
I agree about Jamie E's protein cake being the best kind, as far as using whey is concerned.
BTW, can you share with me your tastiest cookie recipe? My cousin loves to bake, and she says she can never make a cookie that tastes right. Meanwhile her cakes, cupcakes, pies, turn out awesome.

YAY FOR CSOTT DOMS!!!!! I was reading your post and felt so happy for you :p. Glad you like Bulk Legs! I try to go super heavy on it too, especially with the static lunges. Just a word of caution, my legs would get super "puffy" for a few days after those leg routines. I'm assuming it's the muscles retaining water. Anyway, it goes away within a few days. I have definitely seen an increase in quad definition :eek:.
I just starting watching Homeland. I'm on S1 E5.
I don't bake much, but I agree that using regular flour, milk, butter, eggs, sugar, makes for tastier desserts. The cake was supposed to be my pre-workout snack :mad::(.

SO...did you do S&H last night???? I love how those pec muscles dance during the chest work :eek:.
How are your veggies doing? I would be so impatient waiting to eat those little suckers :p:D.

Have a great day everyone :)
Hi everyone!

Last night was BB Legs. I took three days off this weekend. I took my daughter and her friends to the mall and then had a sleep over at my house. I can't believe she's 14 years old now. :)

Hi Sarah,
Awesome that you scored a bargain! You have a great set up now. My dumbells are all over the floor and I'm missing some weights. Whenever I do STS, I feel like I can lift really heavy weights. With BB I'm conservative with the weight. When I try to go heavier, I struggle to finish the set.

Hi Coleen,
Congrats on the heavy weight for BB Legs! :D It's a great wo that really gets your heart pumping.

I don't have HBO so can't watch Homeland. It's one of the shows that I would love to see when I can. I'm a The Walking Dead fan! I can't wait for it to come back in October! Many of the scenes are filmed in Georgia. :)

Hi Jen,
Congrats on your new job. I hope you enjoy it!

Hi Nancy,
I think I have piled too much on my plate!:D I don't feel like I do anything well at this point. I'm taking next week off so I can study for the exam. My attitude now is doing the best I can do, if I don't pass then that's that. My life is just too busy for this. How are you liking S&H so far? Do you find the pace too slow or just right to get the burn?

Hi Natasha,
sorry your cake did not turn out well. I have never tried to bake using alternative ingredients. Well, I take that back, I have used wheat flour before and it turned out fine. But most of the time, I use sugar, white flour etc. I also bake cheese cake. I use low fat cream cheese.

I'm glad you are listening to your body and rest when you have to. :) I have been doing the same thing. I have been getting up a bit later than normal, so I can get more sleep. I'm less productive when I'm tired and cranky. :D

I have looke into Les Mill Combat too! The reviews that I've read all say the martial art is pretty accurate. This is on my list for sure. I also looked into Zumba!:D It's not something that I would usually do (can't dance) but it looks like a lot of fun! And it's different from all the workouts that I have done.

Have you ladies tried Zumba?

Hi Marie, hope all is well!

Have a good day!


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