We're in This Together***Jan 2-Jan31st**

Colleen - Holy ****. I guess you really were seeking your drug of choice ; )

Thanks for answering my question. Thats exactly what I was thinking.

Todays WO for me was also a long one, 80 minutes. Alot of floor work, but I don't mind like some of you. I did start getting very belligerant with Cathe serveral times. She said "now we are really going to work the glutes" I keeped replying in a , oh so nice way, " as opposed to what we have been doing hasn't really worked them?"

Overall I loved it, she kicked my lower bodies butt. I loved the music too. The combo of old and new was really nice.

Colleen and Nat- My hubby and I are trying to catch up on shows. We are 3 episodes away from finishing Dexter. I still really like it. Although when he had the "hot chick" on his table and cut her out of the plastic before *****, I was yelling that Dexter had jumped the shark! But I love it anyway.
We also have been watching alot of breaking bad. I believe we are in Season 2.
Walt just let Jane die by ignoring that she was choking on her vomitt. I cant believe he did that but at the same time, I hated her. I'm still hoping Jesse will stop being a druggy. I been waiting though since the first season. Sometimes I look at Skylar and think she's pretty other times I look and say "butterface".

Sarah- LOL "butterface" LMAO! :p You are going to love season 3 (and 4 and 5) of Breaking Bad. Jesse will BREAK your heart!! I agree Dexter has pretty much jumped the shark at this point, but heck...I'll keep watching until the bitter end! ;)
I CAN'T MOVE MY ARMS!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

After my Burn Set Bi's & Tri's + 100RC bonanza yesterday, I'm rendered in a state of paralyzation throughout my entire UB. My right shoulder feels especially sore, which is kinda weird :confused:. Not certain if it's DOMS or strain. I'm all for DOMS, but this bad -- ha ha NO WAY! I was slotted to do Cardio Leg Blast, but I seriously can't move my arms to even pick up a 3lbs weight, so what's the point? I figured I will let my arms rest and give it a go tomorrow.

I was going to suggest the same as Colleen. Inner thigh DOMS never stops me enough to do an entire LB w/o.
I love LB floor work! I'm not good at it, but it's a work in progress :).
Dexter pissed me off this season. TBH, I thought this season sucked BIG TIME. Stupid plot, stupid character's, just dumb :mad:. I will watch next season only because I'm curious to see what happens...and I find Michael C Hall to be kinda hot ;).
Breaking Bad is the bomb! Probably one of the best TV series ever created.
LOL ButterFace :D. Ya I thought that too :D.

OMG thanks so much for the tip on Ellen! That was super nice of you :). I'll let you know what I decide :).
Holy mix & match w/o yesterday! Next time you want an endorphin high, just do 40/20 or CCC :eek:.
I have yet to try Super Cuts. I have no clue as to when/how I will fit it into my rotation :confused:.

How great of you and Tony to have a nice getaway :). I seriously NEED one of those!
LOVE LOVE LOVE Low Max :). It's one of Cathe's pure gem step w/o's.
Don't be scared of Tabatacise. IMO, 40/20 is still the hardest cardio Cathe has ever produced. I'll have to pull that one out soon just so I can eat some humble-pie again ;).
Wait until B starts to walk :eek:. Bella started at 9 months -- too early if you ask me. By her 1st year she was running everywhere! It's like she totally skipped the crawling faze :(.
Hello Friends.

Sorry, I haven't been around. I went from sniffles to cold to cold/flu combo. Finally, I am off Sudafed. The warm weather doesn't help.
Workouts went nill last week.
Hope to do personals when I have more energy.
Grateful for my inside connection at the place of the job I want. Hope it pans out.
Found out a former crush past away a few years ago. From junior high.
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Hello ladies!

I was going to try and do a yoga this morning, but didn't manage to get it in. I was so sleepy! My marathon yesterday was so strange. :eek: I totally felt like a meth addict scrounging around for my fix! lol I finally got it with the express premix of Afterburn. I thought about doing Crossfire, TTM or one of the STS Hiit workouts like 40/20 but I was trying to keep it low impact. When I was doing the last half of the Paul Katami, is was really more of me previewing the workout than anything. I did some of it, but then bounced on the rebounder in other parts just to check out the moves. I can't wait to do that on in it's entirety.

As far as Supercuts, I just have to come to terms with the fact that it isn't the workout that I thought it was going to be. It's a great one, lots of fun, variety, total body work and functional fitness...but it just doesn't get my heart rate up all that much for some reason. Well, it does in parts and then it comes back down. That's okay, though, because it'll still have a place in my regimen for sure. It's just that for some reason, I expected it to be more along the lines of Afterburn intensity/cardio wise.

Marie- I hope you guys are having a fun get away in the hotel!

Natty- will the streaming Ellen site work for you? I thought I read somewhere that not all streaming site work in other countries? Like the youtube version that works for us doesn't work elsewhere?
How are your arms today? :eek:

Jen- I'm so sorry your feeling sick. Get well soon! :)

Sarah- how's your lower body feeling this morning? :eek:

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Hi everyone :)

I did Cardio Leg Blast today sans weights. I did not want to risk injury and let my UB recover. It was on the easy side (of course :rolleyes:) but I found it to be pretty fun :D. For some reason, I still think Plyo Legs is more challenging, but I'll have to re-assess once I've actually done it with no modifications.

Can I be honest about something? I'm a tad bit disappointed that Cathe did not include a heavier leg routine in Xtrain -- kinda like along the lines of 4DS-ish. I know I can use heavier weights in Cardio Leg Blast and Legs + Rear Delts, but it's not the same :(. I still love both workouts, I just wanted a little more "heavy" to balance out the UB heavy. Am I making any sense here?

What a beautiful warm day! I went for a 2 mile walk with Bella to enjoy it :D.

That's ok if Super Cuts did not exceed your expectations. I appreciate your honesty about it. Just because we love Cathe, it does not mean we have to love all of her w/o's all the time. I'll end up probably liking it because it's NOT like Afterburn :D. He he ;).
I will let you know about the Ellen streaming site. Thanks so much again!

I hope you getter better soon. Rest up and take care :).
Another rest day for me today. I'm not feeling well. I never get sick so I'm super bummed. Tony even called in sick today. Just hanging low and drinking lots of water. I hate feeling like this. Workout for me today everyone!
Marie - Did you get your enabling skilles from Colleen? He He (they were already in my cart) Seriously thanks for the recommendation. Would you get the single ones for Medium resistence or the ones that you can change out the bands on? That was the one thing I hadnt made up my mind on yet. I love LM. Boy have you gone through all your new WO already with the exception of X-train? Your kickin' butt and taken names.


Thanks Sarah! I love nothing more than getting new workouts. So far I have done Low Max and DM. Still have yet to try Travel Fit, Circuit Blast, HST, Low Impact Circuit and omg what's the last one I'm drawing a blank. I'm going to try and hold out on trying them all in a row. I'm weird and like to have something to look forward too. Delayed gratification :)

TPE Non Latex Stretch Bands

These are the bands I got. I absolutely love them. Very high quality! Highly recommended!
Thanks for the link Marie. I'm sorry your feeling sick too. This usually is my families time too, now through March at least everyother week I will have 1 kid home. I was bad this year and didn't get flu shots either for myself and the kids, yet. My oh so nice Mom told me today "you never got flu shots this year, you know kids are dying". All I could say was, "Thanks Mom." Can't she find another way of making her point? Anyway, sorry for the rant : )

Nat - I got the 5 mile Leslie DVD today at Target for $10.00. I too wished she would have done a Heavy LB one. Without a doubt that was when I saw the most change in my toosh. I LOVE Plyo legs too. I love the combination of weight vs. jumping. I love the 180 degree turns, those get me. Last year I was doing the whole WO witha 10lb. belt on too. I've lost alot of my fitness gains I made. I do feel however after just one week that it's coming back pretty fast.

Colleen - So your superhuman WO caught up with you today? Now I know that indeed you are human ; ) Cathe says though to listen to your body. If there are days where you feel like doing more, then do it.

Jen - I hope you are on the upside of your cold. It's all good no worries about missing the check-in. Lord knows I havent been the most commited for a couple of months.

I'm finished with week 1. Yippee. I am so needing a rest day because my LB is feeling it. Hurts to sick on that hard toilet. Maybe Cathe should come out with her own padded toilet seats for the DAY AFTER a LB Cathe DVD. I managed to do about 90 % LI hiit today and it was good. I also still have major bi tri DOMS. So tomorrow, I don't care what it will cost me, but I will get a full body massage from my hubby ; ) and take a walk too. So I can be 100% for week 2.

Could you make me laugh even harder at 7:30am? OMG you are seriously one funny woman! Your posts are always so candid -- I love it! I really think you should suggest the padded toilet seat covers on the forum :D.
Congrats on finishing week 1 and gaining back all your fitness gains. It so true, muscles have memory :).
Your mother reminds me of my grandmother, and to a much lesser extent, my mother. Damn, my entire family is super paranoid about illnesses. And yet when I push that they use hand sanitizer before they try to hand feed my daughter :rolleyes: they look at me in dismay :mad:. I think I got the flu shot twice in my life. In my defense I was working at a pharmacy and came in contact with all sick people, and the filthiest thing of all -- MONEY. Bella has never gotten one yet.

I'm so sorry to hear that you are sick. Rest up and take care of yourself -- well try to anyway. No rest for mommies with little ones :(. The show must always go on.

Everyone from my other check-in is feeling hit hard by Xtrain. I think Toni and Heartymax are both taking some recovery days. This program is no joke. Rest up, I'm sure you need it :).

My UB DOMS is much, much better (thank goodness!). My right shoulder is doing perfectly fine. I wonder why I was feeling such bad strain?
Today we go to Big Al's Aquarium to get one more Neon Tetra. You see, right now I have 2 Neon's in my tank, and they are starting to "nip" at each other. Apparently they need to be in schools of 3 or more. I am pretty much at maximum capacity for the tank, so I can probably only get 1 more.

My w/o of the day is undecided :).

Happy Sunday everyone :)
Feeling better today :) I did get a flu shot. I usually don't but I figured with Breckin now here that it's a good idea. Tony gave the overnight bottles last night so I got to sleep 7 hours straight. Felt so nice! I was so engorged when I woke up though.....pumped 10oz!

Finally did disc 5 today. That was supposed to be on Fri but oh well. I'm back in track now to do disc 6 tomorrow.

Laid back day with my boys.
Yesterday's w/o was Rhythmic Step :D. I don't think Cathe could have a made a more perfect complex step workout -- besides Step Blast of course which to me is #1 :D.

I had my aunt, uncle, and cousin over yesterday. We ordered take-out pizza for dinner. Man, it was delish :p. I only had 2 slices, but that already felt really heavy in my stomach. I can tell right away that my body is not accustomed to cheese laden bread and all that gooey, yummy, deliciousness :(. Mark says I eat too healthy and my body see's the food as a foreign object. Oh so funny dear husband :rolleyes::D.

Mark was always very active w/night feedings. I think that's why Bella is so attached to him :). Everything is about her daddy :rolleyes:. I'm not jealous, I actually love that she wants to be with him 24/7. It gives me a break when I need it!
Glad you got that beautiful stretch of 7hrs! Once you have a kid, sleep takes on a whole new meaning that's for sure.

Have a good one ladies!
Morning ladies!

No workout today. :)

I wound up doing yoga after work Saturday to stretch out my poor muscles from Friday ;). I did a dvd called Yin Yoga from Ultimate Yogi. I was worried I was going to be totally bored, but it turned out to be exactly what I needed! It's a very slow, still practice where he has you hold various stretch poses for 3 minutes, and upward of 5 minutes for a few at the end. I felt FANTASTIC after and I slept like a baby that night. It was almost like meditation actually. :)

Sunday I did Crossfire (premix: fitness blast + firewalker tabata minus cool down (20 min)) then XTrain legs premix: standing/ball/chair (minus warm up/cool down-35 minutes), then 100 rep challenge hip thrusts with my 40 lb barbell (took me about 5 minutes). I did my own series of stretches afterwards. I decided to up the XTrain legs challenge by wearing my 8 lb weighted vest (I really need to get a heavier one) and also used heavier dumbells than Cathe. That made the workout much more challenging (and to me, better). I took the vest off for the single leg deadlifts, though, since I didn't want to throw my balance off with those. I always do the option with one leg in the air and use my 20lb kettlebell for those. Great lower body workout! :eek:

I told Natty about some excitement we had this weekend. My mom had fallen down some stairs on Saturday and hit her head pretty hard. Turned out in addition to the huge goose egg and concussion that she also had a small bleed on her brain. The doctors kept her over night to observe, but luckily it clotted and looks like it will resolve on it's own. They discharged her yesterday at noon.

Natty- I really think there is something to that thought that when we start eating healthy and exercise that our bodies like to reject unhealthy foods. I always feel a little sick now when I eat something bad. It's almost like it's toxic to body anymore to eat anything really heavy, processed, sugar or junk food in general. Kind of a bummer in a way! :eek:

Marie- I'm glad your feeling better! There seem to be a multitude of different viruses going around right now. :confused: On Saturday I was at work and in the middle of a refraction on this young kid (9 or so) when he literally coughed right on my wrist and hand as it was up close to his face on the phoropter. I froze. Blech! Then I immediately took my hand away and went to my purell sanitizer! I practically held my breath for the rest of the exam waiting for this kid to cough all over me again! :mad:

Sarah- I love it! Cathe padded toilet seats! LOL I'd totally buy that! ;)

Have a great Monday gals!
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I did Super Cuts today and LOVED IT :eek:. What an incredibly awesome workout. I don't say that lightly ;). Having 0 repetition is what sealed the deal for me. I MUST find a way to add this w/o weekly into my rotation :D. Oh, and I need that blue band gosh darn it! Cathe always finds a way to entice you with new fitness goodies.

I forgot to add in my previous post that I'm happy you are feeling better :).

OMG great w/o on Sunday! Adding the vest to Xtrain Legs was a smart idea. I think I will follow suit this week :cool:.

How are you feeling???

Did you end up getting the hubby massage? ;);).
Hello Friends.

My flu turned the corner in the right direction late Saturday or early Sunday. Thought I would be able to start up against on Xtrain this week, but shoveling added doubt to that.
Cold weather does help with the flu.
Will watch some Biggest Loser till The Layover starts.
Yes! Everything went according to plan on Sunday. The massage was about an hour long and was just what I needed. We also took a walk. I felt about 99% this morning and did the Burn Sets for CBS. I really liked it, loved how fast it goes. I also ended up doing Yoga Relax Premix #1 and was super proud of myself for that. Tonight I will walk, jog, or intervals.

I will write more tomorrow.

Disc 7 and HiiT DWP today.

I went to a friend's house after that and we watched the movie Babies while snuggling our babies :) It was really good. It follows 4 babies from different parts of the world from birth until they walk. Very cute :)

Tony got off at 4 so we are just having a low key evening. Dinner was potstickers and veggies. YUM!

Natty Oh how I love Rhythmic Step...that is my number one :)

Heck yeah sleep has a new meaning :) So do showers. I used to always be a quick in and out girl but now when Tony is home to watch B I take my time.

I feel ya with the unhealthy food. Last night for dinner Tony was craving a burger so I decided to get one too. Man did I feel ill this morning. Instead if my usual wake up time of 6am I went back to bed until B woke up at 9.

Colleen Sorry to hear about your mom. It's so scary when older people fall. Glad to hear she was discharged!

WTG on Sunday's workout. You rocked it!

Jen Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better but yes take it easy until your 100%. Enjoy TBL!

Sarah Nice job on your workouts. Good job with yoga. I ALWAYS say I'm going to do more but never do. I really got into it when I was pregnant and it felt great.

Glad you got that massage...nothing better :)
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Good morning fit ladies :)

I've decided to lay off the heavy weights this week. I think my body is telling me to back off for a bit. I will include Super Cuts, Leg workouts minus the weights, and yoga, into my exercise regime this week. I think my right shoulder was indeed strained due to the 100RC bi's :(. Note to self for next time: use 3lbs all the way through.

I am making Jamie E's Turkey Meatloaf Muffins today, but I am not putting them in a muffin tray, instead I'm making it into a normal loaf and cooking it in my slow cooker :p. I will also add a little ketchup on top :D. What's a meatloaf without ketchup right? ;)


I love movies with babies :). Sounds like a super cute way to snuggle with your little one.
Great w/o yesterday :eek:.


I need to get a REAL massage from a therapist :D. Mark's crappy ones just don't cut it for me ;).
Proud of you for doing yoga :).

Have a good one ladies!
Today was Cardio Leg Blast Core #2 nd a sorryful attempt at 100 hip thrusts.
I was to lazy to take all the plates off so I had 50 on and only made it through 50. Better luck next time. I also did them with the ball rather than the step.

Marie - I havent seen the movie but it does sound like it was a great several hours to watch movie about babies and cuddle one. Great now I have a hankering for 5 guys. Yum.

Nat - You do push yourslef hard, I really can't remember when the last time I remember you taking it easy for the week. I do love the glaze on top of meatloaf the best. It's the only way I can get the kids to eat meatloaf by putting the ketchup bottle on the table too. I made the meatballs again, but this time I improvised. I used chicken instead (it was cheaper). I like the turkey better. The chicken is sort of mushy. I also just made meatballs on a cookie sheet with a cookie scoop. Because cleaning the muffin pan was no fun. I sauteed my vegetables also before and added alot more. Today I made the pumpkin protein bars. I also improvised again and used 2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites, Im not afraid of a little fat. I didn't use the applesauce because I rather cut down on the sugar. I did use maple extract and pan roasted the pumpkin before hand, to see if that would deepen the pumpkin flavor. They are good, not great. But they do foot the bill for something baked and sweet.

Jen - What up?

Colleen - I love wearing my 10 pound belt for any leg routine, but night right now. Glad to hear your mom is okay.

I forgot, I couldnt run yesterday as my hubby had a hurt foot, so I had no partner. But I did come home and did about 3/4 of Spin! Also my bis, shoulders, and back too are fealing yesterdays burn sets. Ab are not getting any easier, what is up with that.

IMax 3 and core from BM2 this morning.

Snuggling with my lil man right now :)

Apple chips baking in the oven....smells so good.

All is good except that I go back to work on Thu. Trying to tell myself it is healthy to miss him and will make our time together even more precious.


Yum! Your meatloaf sounds delicious! Enjoy! I'm with ya in the ketchup :)


50 with 50! Sounds like you worked it to me!

Hi Colleen and Jen!

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