Way O/T, but need some feedback...

Hey Donna,
Remember "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will NEVER hurt me".
Old sayings stick around for a reason-because they are true. That person doesn't know what is good for her-no common sense at all. Just remember what a great person you are!


DONNA!!!! I don't even know what to say! You poor thing! What a way to repay you for all of your help! But I totally agree, that that horrible statement said nothing about you and ALL we need to know about this other person! I hope that this bad experience doesn't stop you from reaching out to others - so many people benefit from your fitness journey!

I am another person that was shocked when reading your message and sat there staring at the computer with my mouth open. Hopefully, you can put that behind you and look at the positives that everyone here has expressed. You are truly an inspiration and I hope you keep up the positive attitude. ;)

Oh, Donna! I'm so sorry this happened to such a nice person. What a complete jerk that woman is.

Yes, my mouth did fly open when I read it!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE the stupidity of some people!

What goes around comes around Donna. She'll never be a happy person.
Donna, better late than never...

Well, this will teach me to go a mere EIGHTEEN HOURS without checking my beloved forums!!!

I'm so sorry I didn't sign on earlier to see your original post -- but, bringing up the rear, I want to tell you this: Of all the forum members, and lurkers and occasional posters, guests, etc. who've been a part of this community since I joined it way back at the beginning, IMHO there are maybe a half-dozen who've stood head and shoulders above all the rest of us in terms of dedication, commitment, courage, humanity, humor, compassion, generosity and true joyfulness. In other words, the epitome of everything that each of us strives for in well-rounded personal development -- just incredibly fine, fine people in every sense.

I think you are the leader of that elite group, Donna. And for my money I could care less whether you turn out secretly to be a purple-spotted lizard creature from Mars. Who you are has nothing to do with your exterior, as all our lovely friends here have reminded you, and I'm glad that seeing these posts today has helped to remind you of that! The woman who took advantage of your kindness and generosity for so long could not be farther from you on the spectrum of humankind. If you're the top of the evolutionary chart, honey, she's just a single-celled organism CLEARLY with no brain development yet!

We love you Donna!!!!! :7 :7 :7

http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport003.gif Kathy S.
RE: Donna!

Hi Donna,
I share the group's outrage at what this small-minded person did to you. Your fitness journey was a huge inspiration to me and to so many others, and I hope you don't let her ignorance affect you. If it's getting to you, just reread all of the above posts and remember how much you're loved and appreciated!
RE: Donna!

That is shocking. I am so sorry. I was going to get on here and point out what a minority view this woman has --- hmmm --- something under 0.00000001 per cent --- but you pointed it out yourself! You are a strong, wise, beautiful woman and I knew you would rise above this quickly. It is her loss.
RE: Donna!

Hi Donna, Yes, my mouth fell wide open as I read your post. Seriously, I was shocked.
This person just used you, for what she thought you were. Hopefully, she will think about what she did. Maybe someday she'll change. Who knows? You are an inspiration to so many. She is not.:(
Donna I would've been extremely shocked too just as I was when I read the word. Unfortunately it has to do with the way people are raised, their extreme ignorance or people that they decided to befriend in their lives. The woman sounds like she has a lot of inner issues to deal with. It always astounds me that living in the year 2003 we still haven't come very far. Just ignore the email, delete it as I'm sure you have already & just choke it up as one more sad experience. I'm soooo sorry this has happened to you. Cyber hugs, Kathy :*
Hi Donna,

I don't know what to say but you are a great person. Even though we have never met, I feel like you are a friend, we are all friends here.

I have to say that when I was growing up I was around all different people. When we moved to MI, a little town I couldn't believe what I kept hearing and how prejudiced people were. I am a white person and coming to such a prejudice town stunned me. People couldn't believe that I didn't say bad things about other people, but unfortunately some are brought up that way and it is sad.

Hope you start to feel better, we are all here for you.
I have the greatest respect for your consistent courage, kindness and intelligence. I am so sorry this happened. It amazes me that anyone could feel this way, especially after the closeness she must have built with you over your long emails.

Everyone has already said it all, but i just wanted to add my own voice to the chorus of support.

I'm sorry it happened and I hope it doesn't ruin another moment of your day.
Wow Donna!!

I can't believe that woman! I really have no words of wisdom but to say that I LOVE You and all your wisdom.. no matter what race..etc..Thanks again for all your help in the past

hugs :+
OMG YOU ARE KIDDING! That made my jaw DROP! I am at work an just said out loud OH MY GOD YOU ARE KIDDING.

Donna that woman is a horrible, ignorant person. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE. I don't even know what else to say. HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!

You are my hero and that woman is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is just the most apalling and ignorant thing I have heard in a very long time. It just says a lot about her as a person. Obviously she is not worthy of any of your time and advice. It's just too bad you can't take back what you have already given her.
Keep your chin up.
Hi, Donna. This is the most disturbing thread I've ever read on this or any other forum, with the possible exception of anonymous women telling of abuse by their intimate partners.

I too am appalled at what you've had to endure, both this most recent display of cowardly bigotry and what I'm sure has been a lifelong marathon.

This is difficult for me to acknowledge even to myself, let alone to you, one whom I admire so much and from whom I've learned so much, but I think you deserve to "hear" this from me: as distasteful as this is to admit, I have a very "white" mind. What I mean by that is, if I am not acquainted with someone first by sight, I automatically presume that person to be "caucasian", and it is always a memorable moment when I learn otherwise. That is what happened to me when I first logged onto your bio myself and saw this beautiful African American woman; I saw the African American first. And many of my reactions to your bio and subsequent posts have been "colored", if you will, by that knowledge in some ineffable way, not negative, hopefully not condescending, but certainly real. And my consciousness of "race" and "skin color" has always been there.

That's my feedback, as sad as it is. It's a life's work to erase social and cultural bigotries that always have a personal element. I sincerely hope that someday, that work will be done, for me and for others.


I am so sorry that anyone could say that to you or anyone! That is just so disgusting and low. I wish there was something I could say or do, but I know there is not. I agree, too bad you can't take back all of the advice and time that you have given her. I am floored that anyone could be so callous and heartless. Who the heck does she think she is?


I dread coming out of lurkdom to post a response, but to keep quiet would indicate that I find no offense in the email you received, and to do nothing would mean it could happen again, to anyone. You are a true inspiration, and one of the few posters I always want to read. I have lived my life as a member of a minority, and know how brutal and ignorant and dangerous prejudice can be. I also live each day believing that there are good people and bad people in every race, religion, gender, and nationality. And you know what? People are mostly good! (Even Anne Frank believed that!) I think that is why it is always so shocking to come face to face with prejudice; it is a sickness and an anomaly. It is not what is normal in the human race. I hope it is enough for you to know that you are loved and admired by probably thousands of people who never even met you. Please don't stop your wonderful posts, and please don't let one person's ignorance and hate change your attitude. My gut feeling is that she hates herself worse than she could ever hate anyone else. And she consumes herself with that hate the way she does with food.
But please, please remember:you rock!!!!!!!!!;-) :)

I read your post to my husband and we were both shocked!
I don't even know what to say, except that the vindictive side of me hopes that she experiences discrimination based on her weight so that she can know what it feels like.


Very Sincerely,


Please don't give this woman the power to continue to hurt you by dwelling on this. Instead, think about the overwhelming response you've received to your post. You have many friends and admirers here - and rightfully so!

Donna-I am very sorry this had to happen to you.People can be so cruel ...and it about makes you sick!I am very appalled by what happened to you-this person that did this to you obviously has no values.Hang in there though.....!!!

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