want to recommend DVD for rehabbing


I am feeling inspired to recommend a DVD I bought a few months ago for upper body rehabbing. I was having pain in my right shoulder, my right elbow, and both thumbs, for a very long time. The elbow was in pain for a year (originally from an injury weight lifting) and I've had trouble with both shoulders and thumbs for many years. I use computers all day at work and had been seeing a massage therapist for ages and reading every book I could find trying to find something to help me. I got STS when it came out, and was unable to do it, groan. Anyway someone here recommended "Shoulder Shape Up," a yoga DVD at Pranamaya, by Jill Miller. It has literally changed everything for me. My right shoulder and elbow are nearly pain free, my thumbs are improving enormously, and my massage therapist says I have more range of motion in my shoulders than in the entire time I have gone to him, 2 years. The DVD has a shoulder rehab workshop, a yoga breathing primer, a training section, and a bonus section of stretches for thumbs (the "Blackberry" stretch) as well as forearms and shoulders. I have loosened up my forearms enormously - I am feeling stretching in part of my forearms I never even knew existed - which I am sure were tight from both weight lifting and computer work. Anyway this is already very long, but thanks to whomever originally mentioned this, and I wanted to add my enthusiasm. I had tried lots of other things, but this helped me the most. I am going to tackle STS soon - finally!!! Oh, Jill Miller does get into positions which I think no other human being can do - but - there is benefit in simply trying to achieve even a small part of what she does, for me. Check out the "Jane Fonda Light Bulb" stretch - my current fave.
Thanks for the review Ann. I'm rehabbing my right shoulder after having had rotator cuff surgery. My surgery was May 19th and I'm back to doing STS (with very light weights) and walk/running for cardio.
I was using Fitness Fix for extra shoulder work on top of my PT and it was good in but her counts are off on some of the exercises and Cathe has spoiled me. Plus I get bored easily. I like variety.
"Shoulder Shape Up" sounds like a good workout to check into... I've got my strength back but I don't have full range of motion. 6 weeks in a sling and 4 weeks in a motorized chair made my shoulder joint feel like it was "shrink wrapped".
Thanks again for your Thank You post.
I wonder if that would help me, I was in a car accident when I was 11 yo (head first into dash board.) and I play violin and piano.
Fabulous Ann!

CONGRATS to you for finding what worked for you! May I ask how you used the DVD? You mentioned the various options- did you focuson 1 more than the others? How many days per week did you do the DVD? Did you do the stretches everyday on your own?

Thank you for any additional input you can provide.

I am feeling inspired to recommend a DVD I bought a few months ago for upper body rehabbing. I was having pain in my right shoulder, my right elbow, and both thumbs, for a very long time. The elbow was in pain for a year (originally from an injury weight lifting) and I've had trouble with both shoulders and thumbs for many years. I use computers all day at work and had been seeing a massage therapist for ages and reading every book I could find trying to find something to help me. I got STS when it came out, and was unable to do it, groan. Anyway someone here recommended "Shoulder Shape Up," a yoga DVD at Pranamaya, by Jill Miller. It has literally changed everything for me. My right shoulder and elbow are nearly pain free, my thumbs are improving enormously, and my massage therapist says I have more range of motion in my shoulders than in the entire time I have gone to him, 2 years. The DVD has a shoulder rehab workshop, a yoga breathing primer, a training section, and a bonus section of stretches for thumbs (the "Blackberry" stretch) as well as forearms and shoulders. I have loosened up my forearms enormously - I am feeling stretching in part of my forearms I never even knew existed - which I am sure were tight from both weight lifting and computer work. Anyway this is already very long, but thanks to whomever originally mentioned this, and I wanted to add my enthusiasm. I had tried lots of other things, but this helped me the most. I am going to tackle STS soon - finally!!! Oh, Jill Miller does get into positions which I think no other human being can do - but - there is benefit in simply trying to achieve even a small part of what she does, for me. Check out the "Jane Fonda Light Bulb" stretch - my current fave.
Hi Traci, to answer your question, I do the stretching part quite a lot, a few times a week. The "bonus" stretches last about 8 minutes so I often tack them on at the end of a weight or cardio workout. I also do many of the stretches at random times during the day to loosen up, e.g. at work in my office. I have done the DVD's breathing instruction twice - which is around 20 min and covers all the basics of yoga breathing, which I really did not know. I have found this helpful as well, not just in working out, but in relaxing. The workshop primer (training) is about 40 minutes, and so is the actual workshop, which assumes you have done the primer already. I do the workshop primer about once a week. I actually prefer it to the actual workshop because there is more instruction and yoga does not come "naturally" to me so I like having the longer explanations. There is also a short, maybe 5 minute, primer on directions of movement of the shoulder. This explains what things like retraction, internal and external rotation, etc., are. I have done this several times and found it helps tremendously in general. For example several weight training DVDs will say things like "retract your shoulder blades while you do this move" and I did not truly understand what that meant until I did this DVD and saw Jill both explain in words, and demonstrate the movements.
thank you Ann!

I so appreciate your detailed info! You sound very committed to the cause! I am 95% healed with my shoulder but its been such a long slow process that I want to be proactive to avoid a re-injury.
Again- Thank you so much!
Thank You

Ann - thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am recovering from another strained tendon (with another 6 weeks of PT) in a shoulde I already had surgery on last October. I'm going to check this dvd out and hope it helps. Thanks again for sharing!
Ann, thank you so much for posting this. My shoulders/neck and back have been in distress for a very long time. I haven't been able to work out in so long. I know people on these boards had posted about Total Body Solutions as having helped their shoulder issues. Have you tried this? I was considering at some point purchasing that but now you've thrown another possibility into the mix. It's so nice to find something that actually GIVES you results. I can't tell you how many things I have tried to improve these areas but to no avail. I'm so happy you have seen such great improvement. Keep it up!!!

Hi Bam, I've got this one - Shoulder Shape Up - and also Total Body Solutions and Fitness Fix intermediate. I have used them all as this problem went on for about a year. I still have mild elbow and shoulder "pain twinges" sometimes, but not constantly, and now at least I can work out more normally for me. I am sticking with 3 pounds max for upper body for now, as I don't want to flare things up again by pushing too hard too fast. Someday I will get back to heavier weights on upper body! From these videos, I would recommend Shoulder Shape up #1, Total Body Solutions #2, and Fitness Fix #3. They are all useful, but the first one has made the most difference to me. TBS is nice because the routines are short - about 14 min each, so it is convenient to work in when short on time. It has sections for shoulders, neck, core, knees also which is nice. But for me with the elbow and shoulder pain, the one that really made the big different is the shoulder shape up. It takes longer to do, but is very thorough. Fitness Fix is the one I've used the least - it does have nice targeted stretches and a foam roller section which is good though. I imagine what one person likes and finds helpful will be very individualized - this is just my experience, so I don't want to make any claims for anyone else! I would also recommend finding reading (internet, books etc) about weight training and what exercises can be problematic. For example I discovered that I simply CANNOT do pullovers or anything similar, as my elbow suffers.
Thanks so much, Ann. Can you tell me where you got it from and how much you paid for it? From what I can gather, you're doing either the stretches or the primer several times per week. I do have time on my hands right now but I'm working on my patience for doing things. Sometimes doing stretches for me does test that ability. :D I just have to stick with something especially when someone like you has gotten such great results. Thanks for the inspiration!!!!

Ann, I just got Hip Helper from there and it is a miracle worker! I've been in PT and chiropractic care off and on for over a year and I am so excited to have found Pranamyer! I just did the workshop for the 1st time and this is exactly what my physical therapist has been helping me with. $20 for a DVD I can use over and over vs. $20 per visit for PT and chiro! I might order the Shoulder and Core workouts as well, just to be proactive and prevent any issues.
One use and I already feel it is the best investment I have ever made!!!
Thanks for sharing that Ann. I remember you & I were doing a check in at somepoint in the beginning of the year with our shoudler issues together. Glad to hear your sis doing better. I'll have to keep that dvd in mind if mine ever flares back up. MIne has been doing good for quite a while. Enough that I have been throwing some STS wo's in here & there.

Goodluck when you start yours!!
Becky, it's good to hear that Hip Helper is worthwhile too! You never know when you will need something, and I will keep that one in mind. Like you, I also thought of buying the hip version and the core version, to head off trouble. And Tami it is great to hear you are doing STS! I remember that other thread - maybe 8 months ago? Anyway it was in that thread that someone else, I can't recall who now, recommended this pranamaya shoulder DVD. STS is on my shelf, waiting until I feel ready. That's one thing I love about DVDs - even if it takes a year - it will still be there!
Ann, thanks so much for that link and Becky, thanks for sharing about Hip Helpers. That website has the Viniyoga dvd's that others here have recommended. Has anyone done those dvd's as well as the ones talked about here to help your shoulder, neck or back issues? Since I'm currently not working, I really want to make the best choice possible first time out of the gate although I don't think I could go wrong with whichever ones I choose. Thanks again for this wonderful thread! :)

Ann, thanks so much for that link and Becky, thanks for sharing about Hip Helpers. That website has the Viniyoga dvd's that others here have recommended. Has anyone done those dvd's as well as the ones talked about here to help your shoulder, neck or back issues? Since I'm currently not working, I really want to make the best choice possible first time out of the gate although I don't think I could go wrong with whichever ones I choose. Thanks again for this wonderful thread! :)


I also ordered the Viniyoga for low back and sacrum. I am doing it tomorrow so I will let you know what I think. I have sciatica and a *tricky* sacrum so I'm hopeful this will help. I'll report back tomorrow!

I also ordered the Viniyoga for low back and sacrum. I am doing it tomorrow so I will let you know what I think. I have sciatica and a *tricky* sacrum so I'm hopeful this will help. I'll report back tomorrow!


Oh Becky, that would be great! If you could also let me know how things are going in a week or two I'd REALLY appreciate it. I have spent so many thousands of dollars on my back/neck/shoulder and whatever else decides to pop up just to keep me on my toes (at least I can STILL do that :D) that I'd like as much info as possible before spending more bucks. I hope it works out for you. I'm glad you found help in the Hip Helper. Can't wait to hear of your continued progress. Thank you!!!!

Report #1...I actually didn't perform any exercises today. I watched the lecture portions only and although VERY dry...that alone made me feel confident in the money invested in the DVD. Everything he said, was a re-iteration of my PT lessons, but even more detailed. Just gaining more understanding on the anatomy of my body was worth the $25. In fact, I'm going to order the upper back and shoulder one right now.

I'll keep you posted as I actually perform the workouts!


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