I am feeling inspired to recommend a DVD I bought a few months ago for upper body rehabbing. I was having pain in my right shoulder, my right elbow, and both thumbs, for a very long time. The elbow was in pain for a year (originally from an injury weight lifting) and I've had trouble with both shoulders and thumbs for many years. I use computers all day at work and had been seeing a massage therapist for ages and reading every book I could find trying to find something to help me. I got STS when it came out, and was unable to do it, groan. Anyway someone here recommended "Shoulder Shape Up," a yoga DVD at Pranamaya, by Jill Miller. It has literally changed everything for me. My right shoulder and elbow are nearly pain free, my thumbs are improving enormously, and my massage therapist says I have more range of motion in my shoulders than in the entire time I have gone to him, 2 years. The DVD has a shoulder rehab workshop, a yoga breathing primer, a training section, and a bonus section of stretches for thumbs (the "Blackberry" stretch) as well as forearms and shoulders. I have loosened up my forearms enormously - I am feeling stretching in part of my forearms I never even knew existed - which I am sure were tight from both weight lifting and computer work. Anyway this is already very long, but thanks to whomever originally mentioned this, and I wanted to add my enthusiasm. I had tried lots of other things, but this helped me the most. I am going to tackle STS soon - finally!!! Oh, Jill Miller does get into positions which I think no other human being can do - but - there is benefit in simply trying to achieve even a small part of what she does, for me. Check out the "Jane Fonda Light Bulb" stretch - my current fave.