Wal Mart sucks!

You know, I've said it before & I'll say it again. I think it's the people that SUCK and make places SUCK. People are crazy....at Walmart, Target, Sears, CVS, Home Depot, blah blah blah. Yeah, you get my drift ;)


Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice.
--Dave Barry
>I have a problem with your statement as well. It is against
>the law not to pay your emplyees o/t. You can not force an
>employee to work. I do remember that there was some sort of
>lawsuit againt Walmart, but I think that had to do with
>illegal immigrants. And I believe it was a isolated incident.
>And as far as buying cheap goods from places that use slave
>labor, Walmart supplies what the comsumer wants. If you have a
>problem with those companies, that is not Walmarts fault. The
>customer ultimatly decides what the store puts on the shelf by
>continuing to buy a product. Stores like Walmart also bring in
>thousands of jobs to communities. I think it is a good idea
>that you didn't go on with your "Facts".

Walmart has a practice of not paying overtime. Of course, they can't get away with it all the time but there are many, many lawsuits pending against them for unpaid overtime. Yeah, it is illegal but that doesn't stop them from doing it. See link below.

As far slave labor, are you saying that its ok so long as the customer gets the cheap products they want? I'm sorry, but I think we all have a responsiblity as human beings to do what we can to ensure other human beings are treated with decency and respect, particularly when it comes to children who are forced to work for practically nothing. It's no ok to look the other way so long as we get a MP3 player for $16.99.

I don't shop at Walmart because I don't support their business philosophy. They are not the only business I don't support, there are definitely others. Believe me, it is not always easy to stick to this because I live in a small town with not a lot of shopping and while thank goodness there is no Walmart here, there is one nearby and convenient.

For the person who suggested that I must work for a union shop, no, I don't. In fact, I'm not pro-union; I pro-human!

>>I agree Wal Mart sucks!!! I never shop there because they
>>are blood suckers who come into local communities and put
>>and pop places out of business and appear to take pleasure
>>doing it. Also they don't pay their employees o/t but make
>>them work anyway. They buy cheaps goods from places where
>>they use slave labor. The Walmart heirs are worth billions
>>but they contribute very little to charities. I could go on
>>and on but I won't.
>I just have to comment here because this is a patently false
>1. No store can succeed if the people won't shop there. The
>last time I checked, Wal-Mart was very busy. Mom and pop
>stores can compete and succeed by offering great customer
>service rather than low prices. Sometimes mom and pop stores
>fail because of their own lack of ingenuity.
>2. As far as I know, Wal-Mart isn't nabbing people off the
>street and making them work in their stores. Dissatisfied
>employees are free to quit their jobs at any time.
>3. I've purchased many American made products in Wal-Mart. I
>don't know anything about the practice of using slave laborers
>and I suspect you don't either, but I bet you work for a
>unionized company--the real blood suckers! Unions are upset
>that they haven't been able to penetrate Wal-Mart and have
>launched a aggressive campaign to destroy them.
>4. According to a Forbes.com article from 11/14/05, Wal-Mart
>is one of the top ten most charitable companies in the US.

Michelle, THANK YOU for telling it like it is. You seem to do your homework on these topics and that is refreshing.
Wal-Mart has the cheapest prices in many cases, so I shop there. I do think they should not be rude to their customers however.
Yeah I heard something very similar to that. Except instead of eating them I heard they just pay them slave wages to make all their cheap crap.

In a capitalist world, the person who can make and sell decent products for the cheapest price wins the game. The guilt trip needs to end.
While I do agree Wal-mart is not know for the "best" customer service (yes, I have had a few moments there myself)
maybe we should take the anger towards bad Wal-Mart and be focus it on some people in our society who steal from the Wal-Marts and make the store have to enforce the "too bad" rules.

Just a thought....
>In a capitalist world, the person who can make and sell
>decent products for the cheapest price wins the game. The
>guilt trip needs to end.

I don't see anything here as a guilt trip, just an attempt to be more aware. Gaining more awareness of my place in the world and the impact my actions/ decision have elsewhere is certainly not something I feel needs to end!
I just returned from chaperoning a preschool field trip to Walmart.

The children earned money by doing extra chores around the house to buy gifts for a needy family - each child earned ten dollars. Walmart matched the kids' ten dollars with a ten dollar gift card. I thought that was really generous. The kids shopped today to select gifts for the family and Walmart also supplied cookies, juice, napkins and cups for the preschoolers and provided a place for them to sit and enjoy their snack after the kids shopped. The employees knew that the children were shopping for another family and were all very helpful. I was very impressed - it was a great experience.

Sorry, I respectfully disagree with Michele and I would never set foot inside Fascist Death-Mart. That's my personal opinion and don't think less of anyone else who may choose to shop there. I just don't agree with their policies or ethics and choose to spend my hard earned money elsewhere.
>Walmart has a practice of not paying overtime. Of course,
>they can't get away with it all the time but there are many,
>many lawsuits pending against them for unpaid overtime.

According to the source you posted, 39. For a company the size of Walmart, I personally don't think that's as significant a statistic as you are trying to make it.
I don't understand at all why people who make a mistake never take responsibilty for it. Why is it Walmart's fault you forgot to take something out of your cart????? They did nothing wrong. I think this is how the whole sueing over everything got out of hand in our country. I am so sorry to vent on you but this is a REAL pet peeve on mine. Wal-mart, Target, etc all do a wonderful job of donating MILLIONS of dollars to worthy causes. There are too many dishonest people who will just say they forgot something to get something for free. It is time to be a person who can admit to making a mistake and not make everyone else pay for YOU!! It all gets passed down on all of us honest people!!!
Oh, that stinks! Who told you "Too Bad"? Was it the manager or just a snotty employee who answered the phone? Maybe if you try to call and explain you'll get better treatment this time. Ask to talk to the head manager. They've got to be able to do something for you.

P.S. I'm not crazy about WalMart either.
I wanted to add, that a friend of mine left her WALLET in the grocery cart out in the parking lot. It was at a grocery store(not WalMart). The managers were very helpful and they cooperated with the police and let them look at tapes to see who might have taken it! They found that it was some high school kids!
I just had to resurrect this thread because I just watched a documentary I got from Netflix titled, "Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price." If anyone still believes that Walmart is an ethical, responsible corporate entity worthy of anyone's business or respect, please rent this DVD! The facts speak for themselves.
I hope this will be the end of this thread. The argument (Walmart stinks vs No It Doesn't - is very much like the political threads that get going on this forum and are, IMO, very tiresome - few minds are changed in the end. I respectfully reserve the right to shop where I choose, as do all of us, and nothing I have read has made any difference. So, vote with your wallets - shop or don't shop where you want and let's give it a rest, please.

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