Wal Mart sucks!

I have to agree with most of the posters- if you left items in your cart, walmart can't really be responsible. they are, however, responsible for being courteous to the people who shop there, and obviously didn't do such a good job in that department.

unfortunately, I frequent walmart much more than i would like to. my husband works but i get a pretty pathetic grad student stipend, and walmart does often have some of the lowest prices. there are also about a million walmarts where i live, so you can't throw a stone without hitting one. it wouldn't be so bad if if didn't take 20 years to get through a check-out line and if the entire place wasn't so dirty, but maybe that's part of their marketing- i've never been in a walmart i've ever liked.

>Walmart has a practice of not paying overtime. Of course,
>they can't get away with it all the time but there are many,
>many lawsuits pending against them for unpaid overtime. Yeah,
>it is illegal but that doesn't stop them from doing it. See
>link below.
>As far slave labor, are you saying that its ok so long as the
>customer gets the cheap products they want? I'm sorry, but I
>think we all have a responsiblity as human beings to do what
>we can to ensure other human beings are treated with decency
>and respect, particularly when it comes to children who are
>forced to work for practically nothing. It's no ok to look
>the other way so long as we get a MP3 player for $16.99.
>I don't shop at Walmart because I don't support their business
>philosophy. They are not the only business I don't support,
>there are definitely others. Believe me, it is not always easy
>to stick to this because I live in a small town with not a lot
>of shopping and while thank goodness there is no Walmart here,
>there is one nearby and convenient.
>For the person who suggested that I must work for a union
>shop, no, I don't. In fact, I'm not pro-union; I pro-human!
I never said slave labour is ok. I said that it isn't Walmarts fault that there is slave labour. It is the fault of the companies that do it, and the consumer for wanting those products. I never said to look the other way. But you can't blame Walmart.
And, well if the over time thing happened, that's really too bad, but you also can't force someone to work with out pay, you can always quit.
All I can say is thank God for Walmart. If it wasn't for them, and their low prices, we would not be able to afford for me to stay home with my kids.

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