Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL 9/27/08 - Hilarious!!!

She is absolutely brilliant. When I watched it last night, I thought that there has never been a better SNL portrayal than this one! I hope that she doesn't give it up. There was talk that she wouldn't keep doing it b/c she is just too busy with her own show and family.
Thanks so much for sharing! I can't believe I missed this. I agree that this is the most spot on SNL portrayal of all time. Which gives me an idea. McCain should do a switch and have Tina Fey as his running mate! :D
That was hysterical. Tina Fey is so good, it's scary. She has all her mannerisms and her voice down perfectly. Sadly, the actual Couric-Palin interview was almost that funny.
The possibility of Tina Fey as Sarah Palin is reason I set my DVR for SNL-what a way to start Sunday...my DH couldn't believe that Mrs. Palin was really that dim...thanks for the link so I could show him that Tina rocks that impression...it's exact!
I thought the sketch was hysterical but, thanks to the link, I am more scared than ever of a McCain/Palin win. I'd heard the Katie Couric interview was a disaster but I never dreamed it was that bad. Frankly, McCain is old and the White House makes presidents older fast. If McCain should die in office That Woman would be our President and she is so far out of her league she isn't qualified to chair a PTA meeting, much less run the most powerful nation on the planet, I don't care if she is Governor of Alaska. It's absolute madness!! If she were in charge this country would never recover.
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No wonder they've been keeping her away from the media since that interview!

I really wish Obama would have chosen Hilary as VP, she would have blown Palin out of the water during the VP debate (I like Biden, but I think he could have a senior moment or bloviate).

Back when Obama was in the process of making his choice I argued that Hillary would have too hard a time in a supportive role and that he shouldn't be pick her because he'd get a backseat driver (maybe two, with Bill, I said). But I made a mistake and now I see now how wrong I was. I like Biden alright but had Obama picked Hillary this election would be all sewn up and he would have had a true partner. As it stands, this election could go either way and that has me terrified. My God.

I felt exactly the same way that you did about Hillary, and now I'm feeling exactly the way you are about wishing he HAD chosen her. What I really don't understand are the former Hillary supporters who are falling in line behind Palin. WTH?? The only thing those two women have in common are chromosomes. I would think Hillary supporters would be issue voters, and if that's the case, WHY would they vote McCain-Palin? It's maddening.
Watching the original interview, Palin reminds me of myself a bit. I'm a smart cookie, but sometimes my brain moves faster than my mouth. Making matters worse, I'm not nearly as eloquent verbally as I am on paper, so you can imagine. I often have to slow my speech down in order to answer a complicated question directly and avoid verbal wandering. It's frustrating.

Both she and Obama lack a certain amount of experience...enough to concern me. Yet Obama doesn't set alarms off the way Palin does, and I can't decide if that's because he's so well-spoken or if he truly is smart enough to make up for the lack of experience in a short period of time.

I wish Palin had the sense to turn McCain down. I know it's an honor, but one sign of intelligence and good judgment is knowing one's limitations.

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