ITA that the school administration NEEDS to be held accountable for these incidents. My DS was bullied endlessly in Elementary School and the principal said "Well, it's a he said, she said situation. One student's word against another..." NOTHING was done! (BTW, the parents refused to believe their angel could be so cruel.)
Fast forward to middle school w/ a principal who gets it. The targeted kids are believed when they finally screw up their nerve to tell an adult. The bullies get detention, their parents are notified, they have to attend a series of behavior classes. They are then WATCHED for repeat offenses. Gee, you know what? When there are consequences, kids stop the bullying behavior.
If these schools think they can't afford to watch out for bullying as it requires too much supervision/personnel, I wonder if their budgets can afford the legal consequences. If they think it's not their job to keep kids safe from bullies, how can kids learn if they are under daily torment?
That they didn't look out for this girl when she recently moved here from a foreign country is unreal. At least one of the 9 students charged had done this kind of bullying before--not a big surprise. Bullies like their power but it takes a lot of people willing to do nothing to let them continue. It's just appalling that so many adults are among the ones doing nothing...