Things I just don't get...

>-I don't get why other drivers don't think they need to go
>faster until they see someone trying to pass them or why the
>other drivers who have been content to ride behind the
>slowpoke never seem to want to change lanes until I do.

I agree. Or drivers that pass you, only to slow down once they have passed. (I hate "highway games" like this).
OK, I just developed a new one from a phone call. I don't get tenants who think they can call and say, "Just wanted to let you know we're moving out in a WEEK!" Hello, this isn't the Radisson people, you have a LEASE. You need to give 30 days notice, thanks. Grrrr....


My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett
I don't get how I can tell my husband over and over again where the hamper is, and that is where he should put his clothes (it is only three feet away!) and yet he still throws them on the floor! :+
I do not get Bush and why people like him (sorry) - I refuse to call him President - he has not earned my respect for that
I do not get buying expensive gifts for Christmas just so people will like you.
I do not get why so called celebrities are paid hugh sums of money for what they do and police officers, firemen, teachers, etc get so little and what they do is important
I do not get rap music
I do not get the new shows like The Office - not funny
I do not get the shows which show so much violence, blood and gore - especially against women and why when I am watching a comedy I have to see the previews for these shows showing the blood and gore
I do not get SUVs - why do we need such big vehicles that waste gas
I do not get why people have no problem telling me because I am cold that I need to put some fat on my body and why I cannot tell them if they are hot to loose so fat
I do not get why the petite section in the store hangs their clothes real high up on hooks that are impossible to reach
PC and video games.

So many kids today are addicted to them (including my own) and I just look at them and think of the dozens of other things I'd rather be doing including reading a good book, watching a good movie and working out.

This is so fun....
ok...I just don't get Rosie O'Donnell...why can't she just shut her trap! She is annoying and over talks everyone.
On that note....I just don't get The View! They are an embarrassment to women!

>This is so fun....
> ok...I just don't get Rosie O'Donnell...why can't she just
>shut her trap! She is annoying and over talks everyone.
> On that note....I just don't get The View! They are an
>embarrassment to women!

I agree with most of what you just said, but I absolutely ADORE Barbara Walters! She is an absolute hero of mine.:7
Barbara Walters, would have to be my fav. pick on the show, I do like the youngest girl (from Survivor ...can't remember her name) too.
Here's mine:

Grills (on your teeth, not for the barbeque)
Spinners on your car
The Iraq 'war'
Why GWB can't say 'nuclear' as opposed to 'neucular"
irredescent blue eyeshadow
wearing pants so low that everyone can see your (eeeww) thong
Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, and Britney Spears, among others
The movies My Best Friends Wedding, Sleepless in Seattle, Independence Day, and Jurassic Park
Nicole Kidman and Julia Roberts

>I do not get why the petite section in the store hangs their
>clothes real high up on hooks that are impossible to reach

And why is my size of something I'm interested in always on the mannnequin?

>Why GWB can't say 'nuclear' as opposed to 'neucular"

This is the funniest so far...and I can't believe I didn't think of it myself...because it is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves!!!!!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Ooh, another word mispronounciation... Realtor - why does everyone say Real-a-tor? It's two syllables, not three.
I don't get Rosie O'donnell - ICK

Actually, I don't get The View at all or why anyone would watch that crap.

ETA that I see I'm not alone--lol! I didn't read the other replies about Rosie and The View before I posted.
OMG, Michele! You really are my sis...I hate Rosie...hate "The View"..ok, well I never really watched it. I rarely watch TV at all, but if I did, I would hate "The View".:p
Cristina, I love your list, and agree with most of it. But I just wanted to make one comment: Have you ever seen a movie called To Die For? That was the first movie I remember seeing Nicole Kidman in, and I think she has an enormous talent. I also admire her for her political causes and charity work.


I loved that movie! I'm not a big fan of NK, but I did like that. But I'm a sucker for black comedies.

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