Things I just don't get...

OK I have a new one.

I don't get why a kitten would rather play with a string of used dental floss instead of one of the various $5 toys I bought her.
* why do I always get in the slowest lane at the checkout
* Why if I am running late I am always behind the slowest car
* Why if I get up early and try to get to work early I am always arriving at the same time ..
* Why if you are lucky you remain the same size but as you grow older things shift and you don't look the same
* Why do men grow old and get even more sexy .. women tend to get not grow old as gracefully
* Why do teenagers look older than when I was a teenager
* Why do you always have too much change in the bottom of your purse until the very moment you need it
* Why is the umbrella in the house and not my car when it rains
* Why do celebrities feel like they can be polititians
* Why does my mother in law come to my house when it is a total disaster area
* Why do people with kids asume b/c you don't have kids you don't know how to be "motherly" or know anything about kids .. uummm .. just b/c you gave birth does not make you a good mother .. just as if I have not given birth makes me a bad one ..
* Why is it when I make up my mind on what to give someone for Christmas the stores don't have it .. LOL
* Why is it ..when it rain it pours ..
* Why does the phone ring at the exact time I sit down to eat supper
* Why do bad things happen in threes and good ones only in ones
* Why do I have so many of these ....

Merry Christmas everyone!
>I just don't get how people are against the war in Iraq but
>say they support the troops.

You can support the human beings they are and wish them well, without being 'for the war.' I don't get that people don't get that!

Another one: people talking on cell phones in public places, especially in a loud voice.
>Why GWB can't say 'nuclear' as opposed to 'neucular"

I don't know if it's true or not, but I've read that he made a conscious decision to mispronounce it, so he would sound more like 'common folks.' (That doesn't explain, however, his endless misuse and abuse of the English language in other ways!)
>* why do I always get in the slowest lane at the checkout
>* Why if I am running late I am always behind the slowest car

But if you change lanes, the one you were in speeds up, and the one you moved to goes slower!
<<But if you change lanes, the one you were in speeds up, and the one you moved to goes slower>>

Ok - I will totally switch gears here. I do not get why at Labor Day firefighters across the country are allowed to stand in the middle of public roads, sometimes with flashing lights going on their trucks, slowing down or stopping the flow of traffic, asking people to put money in a boot for MD (a very worthwhile charity - no offense to it.) Yet if I try to do the same thing for any other worthwhile charity of any kind, I will get my a** ticketed and hauled into court. How is it they can do it and not even need a municipal permit of any kind, but I cannot?


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
*Why the government spends millions of dollars each year to fund in depth studies of the obvious like, "Eating too much linked to obesity epidemic."

*Designer clothes & expensive shoes on infants and toddlers

*The evening news teaser for an "exciting" story that is only like 10 seconds longer and has 0% more info. than what is in the teaser.

*Why my neighbor has a HUGE trampoline in the front yard for over 2 years & I have never seen 1 person jump on it.

*Star Magazine & The Enquirer. People really believe that this is real? Good for laughs at the checkout,though.

*Why people who don't agree with each other often resort to calling the other person an "idiot" instead of discussing the topic at hand
I don't get:

Why poodles are being bred with every breed imaginable and then being sold for outrageous prices. I've seen these for sale in the paper/internet: cockapoo, goldendoodle, labrodoodle, boxerdoodle, doberdoodle, maltapoo, yorkiepoo, pugapoo). If you want a poodle, then buy a poodle!!!

Why people wear white, chuncky socks with black shoes! Eww!

Why my neighbor (who I do not know) thought it was neighborly to bring my family a 1/2 eaten jar of peanut butter & jelly mixture (I believe it is called goober) b/c her brother bought it, did not like it, gave it to her & her DH, and they didn't like it. Strange people.

Why every radio station in my area keeps playing Fergalicious! That song is awful.

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