Things I just don't get...

* I just dont get why people are so willing to give up thier freedom .....why give into every stupid law politicians propose and let it happen.
* I don't get why some think we need to pull out of Iraq? (sorry)...its not right to leave those people now.
* I don't get ANY of the HOLLYWOOD people?? Are they for real?
* DITTO from others.....I don't get why some are so sensitive and PC?
* I don't get why you can't say God in the pledge of alligence!
* I just don't get why my husband just won't put his dishes in the dishwasher!

Ditto to the Brad Pitt, Celine Dion, and James Blunt madness...also have to add Neil Young to that list, pretty sure my dog can sing better than him (sorry).

- Celebrities (and others) who give their children ridiculous names; Apple, Pilot Inspektor, Coco, etc.

- People who use the expression "I could care less"... umm, that doesn't make sense. The expression is "I COULDN'T care less"...Ok, that's more of a pet peeve, I suppose.

- Why I can't get to work on time on Wedsnesday's... it's always Wednesdays!

- Why people don't understand how to use traffic circles and 4 way stops.
I don't get why my friend used to bike to work to keep fit...with a smoke hanging out her mouth!

And yeah...that dishwasher thing...I have that problem here too - why do my kids dump their dishes on the bench even when the dishwasher door is open and waiting.

Sometimes I get really mad at people dumping things on every spare space in my house, so I make up signs saying 'Don't dump your stuff here', and then they dump their stuff on my sign...grrrr!!

Why do I still put junk food in my mouth when I know really well now that the bad feeling that follows will outweigh any satisfaction?!
Wow, I'm amazed by the number of folks here who shop in the junior's section! But if it works for you, more power to you! :) :7

ETA - I still hate leggings. :*
why people get offended if you sneeze wrong
why people think they have a sense of humor when clearly they don't


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
Why every piece of open space has to be developed
Why people have to be so noisy (music, mufflers, dirt bikes...)
Why people use the word "utilize" when they could just say "use."
Why people think Africa is a country (see post upthread!)


My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett
Here's another...

*Why people who can't cook their way out of a paper bag INSIST on hosting every holiday meal (at least it makes clean eating so much easier)
Just to name a few because I have sooo many....

-why our culture is so obsessed with celebrities. They're normal people just like the rest of us and I have got way too much going on in my own life to care what is going on in theirs.

-why celebrity status somehow makes a person an expert. I remember when Cindy Crawford had her first baby and they booked her on The View to offer parenting tips! Hello! Women have been having babies since the beginning of time and we managed to do it quite well without Cindy Crawford or her advice!

-why when someone dies, they suddenly become an angel despite the fact they've been a "pain in the a**" (too put it nicely) their entire life.

-why people drive around parking lots looking for a spot closer to the store. The time it takes to do that, you could have walked and been done.

-I don't get the attraction to Chewbaca looking boots either. Some people call them Uggs, I call them Chewbaca boots...especially the ones with fur on them :).

-I don't get why all the women who end up on "The Apprentice" (or maybe reality shows in general) are cute, young, and thin. I know there are plenty of qualified (if not moreso) chunky, older, and not so cute women who apply for this (and other) shows. They sure don't take the same pains to make sure the men are attractive.

-I don't get why other drivers don't think they need to go faster until they see someone trying to pass them or why the other drivers who have been content to ride behind the slowpoke never seem to want to change lanes until I do. Or why most drivers in Georgia don't understand that the left lane is for passing slower vehicles. It is not for cruising. If you're no longer passing anyone, get out of the way!

-why women insist on reading beauty/fashion magazines. Their entire purpose is to convince you that there is something wrong with you and somehow the fix is in the pages of their magazine.

"Where there's a will, there's a way."
1. Eggplant. I just don't get what people like about it. I think the texture and color are unappealing, and it has very little taste. If it were up to me, it would be banned from every restaurant menu.

2. Travel. The indignities and discomforts of airports where you're treated like cattle, and organizing and packing and unpacking and making endless arrangements for hotels, rental cars, pet care, having your matters covered by co-workers and explaining 50 times where you're going and what you're doing and when you'll be back. And being expected to "relax" and "have a good time". Coming home exhausted and needing a vacation. Totally escapes me.

>How "I'm moving" or "We're having a baby" is a legitimate
>reason for dumping their pet off at the animal shelter.

Or how about...

* People who make really nasty remarks about Cathe and SNM on other boards and then continue to post here like all is hunky-dory and none of us are reading those other boards? Why bother?
Oh, I love to travel to far away places I've never been to. It's worth all the stress, IMHO to view the world from other's point of view and not just my own. For me, it's so fun to see a far away place in a movie or on T.V. that I've been to and actually remember what it felt like to be in that very same spot. Sometimes, suffering indignities can make us more humble human beings.

Okay, I've got another one I experienced this morning:

Why people go through the exact change toll booth without exact change and then continue to throw money in the basket, coin by coin, and think the arm is going to magically lift for them to go through even though all those pennies they have thrown in don't add to 50 cents x(
>Or how about...
>* People who make really nasty remarks about Cathe and SNM on
>other boards and then continue to post here like all is
>hunky-dory and none of us are reading those other boards? Why

People *do* that?! Wow...(and feel free to PM me with the name of the guilty parties) :p KIDDING!!


My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett
I know this is going to show my age, but I just don't get the music today where the singers talk instead of sing. I know I thought my grandparents were nuts when they said they just didn't "get" the Rolling Stones. But there it is. I'm just like my grandparents were. :(

Why people in the check-out lines at grocery stores can't start writing out their checks before the cashier has finished. (It's easy to fill in the store name, date, and signature while you are waiting).

Men with long fingernails. Women with too-long fingernails (fake, but also real ones that start to curl under!). Or anyone with pointy fingernails.

How people can be so lazy/inconsiderate to leave their grocery cart in a parking space: especially when the cart coral is only two cars' lengths away!
>...can't say I 'get' the Jean Luc Picard thing though:7

The sexy accent! The beautiful bald head! And he looks mighty fine in his shirtless scenes (and has a chin...unlike " Sawyer"!).

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