Just to name a few because I have sooo many....
-why our culture is so obsessed with celebrities. They're normal people just like the rest of us and I have got way too much going on in my own life to care what is going on in theirs.
-why celebrity status somehow makes a person an expert. I remember when Cindy Crawford had her first baby and they booked her on The View to offer parenting tips! Hello! Women have been having babies since the beginning of time and we managed to do it quite well without Cindy Crawford or her advice!
-why when someone dies, they suddenly become an angel despite the fact they've been a "pain in the a**" (too put it nicely) their entire life.
-why people drive around parking lots looking for a spot closer to the store. The time it takes to do that, you could have walked and been done.
-I don't get the attraction to Chewbaca looking boots either. Some people call them Uggs, I call them Chewbaca boots...especially the ones with fur on them

-I don't get why all the women who end up on "The Apprentice" (or maybe reality shows in general) are cute, young, and thin. I know there are plenty of qualified (if not moreso) chunky, older, and not so cute women who apply for this (and other) shows. They sure don't take the same pains to make sure the men are attractive.
-I don't get why other drivers don't think they need to go faster until they see someone trying to pass them or why the other drivers who have been content to ride behind the slowpoke never seem to want to change lanes until I do. Or why most drivers in Georgia don't understand that the left lane is for passing slower vehicles. It is not for cruising. If you're no longer passing anyone, get out of the way!
-why women insist on reading beauty/fashion magazines. Their entire purpose is to convince you that there is something wrong with you and somehow the fix is in the pages of their magazine.
"Where there's a will, there's a way."