Things I just don't get...

-why people cross the street NOT at crosswalks and expect you to know that they are going to dart out in the street
-why people do the above and with small children in tow
-why so many people have no idea how to use their turn signals (or if they even have them)
-why people like to walk at a snails pace and spread out so you can't get by them
-any words written on your butt. really. I don't need to be compelled to read your a$$
-why more and more "trainers" at the gym seem to know less & less these days
-why people are getting so ornery about holiday decoration
-how Cathe seems to know exactly what I'm saying and when I'm muttering under my breath
-why donuts aren't a clean food yet? come on, now.


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
>I also don't get people who think if your are from AFRICA YOU
>When i first came to the States i had to explain to people
>that last one.

lol! I know several people from Africa: the Ivory Coast, South Africa, Kenya... and that is their number one complaint, too! One of my friends has a great sense of humor about it, but he wishes people would realize that they run around with cell phones just like everyone else, not spears! :p

--why people don't bag their own groceries (I had to stand in line behind one person the other night, by the time I got to the cashier 20 minutes later I had to make him get me a new carton of ice cream)
--why some drivers have to swing left to make a right turn
--why no one holds the door for the person behind them anymore (people used to do that, right? Nothing worse than having a door swing shut in your face)
--why people believe they can take a pill & it'll make them lose weight
--why Hollywood producers use animation with the voices of good actors when the movie can be produced exactly the same with real live people
--Why I am not allowed to call the school for an excused absense when my child is home is only excused with a dr's note...I guess I am an idiot parent who can't determine if my child is sick??? I do know how to take a temperature and read a thermometer!!

--If my child is home sick for 5 days in one semester without a dr's excuse, I have to go in front of the attendance committee board (which consists of department of family and child services)and explain my child's absenses. If I decide not to go to the meeting, or can't go, I risk being charged with educational neglect.....

--Why I have to go through all this crap when my child is sick, but the lunchroom monitor can YELL at the kids and tell them they are horrible.....for talking to each other while eating lunch!!!!

--Why I am at risk for being charged educational neglect for being responsible and keeping a sick child home, but, I have to worry about him being hungry in the afternoon from his teacher or principal taking his snack away!!!! Talk about neglect!!!!

Now, the problem is, my child's dr does not want him at the dr for a runny nose and a fever. Half the time, I would not even be able to get him in. At this point, I am wondering if my son is property of the school.......What do you think?

"why donuts aren't a clean food yet? come on, now."

- Why is it that in a large public bathroom (work in my case), where there are at least
6 stalls and all but one are empty, some people choose to walk right next to the one you're in. And THEN, they have the nerve to just let it all rip..............(((YUCK!!!!!)))) I almost ran out of there with my pants down.
- And why do the same people that just took a huge dump in front of you walk past you and smile like nothing happened.

Ok sory this is disgusting but this happened so many times !!!! I can't stand it.

- Why do grown ups "have" to act "grown up". I don't wanna........

Sara, that sounds SO big brother to me. What state are you in? I'm lucky if I even remember to call the school if my kids are sick... half the time they call me. I can't believe they require a Dr's note.... are you supposed to drag them to the doctor when they're getting sick in the toilet every 30 minutes?? Crazy.

OOops, sorry to hijack thread.
*why my neighbors behind us put a pool in their backyard, even though we have a neighborhood pool for all to share
*why above mentioned neighbors have not put in the landscaping around the pool that they promised to, and now I look out my bedroom window into their pool which is half empty, half frozen, almost green, and still has floaties in it from summer!!!
*why people like John Mayer
*why people put on their brakes when they are going through a green light
*why my cat insists on pooping just outside the litter box
*why my husband does not know where we keep the scissors (or any other household thing!)


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
I am in Indiana. And yes, if I want the absense to be excused, I have to take him to the dr and get a note.

I guess this policy exsists for the parents who are too lazy to get out of bed and take their kids to school or on the bus. This is not me...we have never been late and I always call when ds is sick. They can have up to 4 days unexcused. After 5 days, I would have to go in front of the attendence committee board, which includes DCFS!!!!!

Crazy, huh? I think the school should have to pay for the dr and mileage to get there.....

Well, as long as we're starting in on our neighbors--LMAO!

I don't get why my neighbor put a Victorian style front door on her VERY colonial style house. It just looks stupid!
TeTe - I'm totally with you on the Da Vinci Code thing. I actually got angry because it was SO bad. (I read it for a book club too.)

Speaking of neighbours, why do the people behind me and two doors down allow their little girl to SCREAM non-stop when she's outside? Not cry. Just that little-girl, high-pitched screaming that, if it went any higher, only dogs would be able to hear.
For those of you who read the Da Vinci Code & didn't like it, try to bear in mind the book wasn't written to read. The book was written to be made into a movie. :p Try Angels & Demons--I read it before DVC even came out & I thought it was a lot of fun.
I don't get people being rude to one another.
I don't get why people don't understand how to be nice, it is so easy.
I don't get why people have to spend so much money at Christmas and get themselves into trouble.
I don't get that people don't understand that it is a market out there at this time of year for company's to make a huge profit.
I don't get why some people can't help others. Even a nice hi-to-ya is so sweet.
I don't get why I'm so negative today. I better go workout.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
The book wasn't written to be read? Well, that explains a lot! I wish someone had told me that before I wasted my time with it.

Still doesn't explain the bad writing. Shakespeare, Isben, Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, etc. wrote plays that were meant to be preformed, but they are pretty interesting to read, in and of themselves, much more so than Mr. Brown's "screenplay."
i dont get why 12 years olds are hanging out at starbucks on friday night drinking coffee...
i dont get why a big diamond ring is so important to so many women
i dont get why when i go to the movies i now have to watch commercials before the movie starts
i dont get why people dont want to think for themselves anymore
i dont get why parents of small children ignore their screaming kids in the grocery store
i dont get why some people think their belief system is the only right one, and the rest of the world should believe the same way
>How people find that guy who plays "Sawyer" on "Lost" to be
>sexy (when he has a shirtless scene, I wish he'd put it back

Three guesses who's rugged, mischievious grin is my 'screen saver' (thanks to my 17 y.o.):+ I totally 'get' the Sawyer thing, can't say I 'get' the Jean Luc Picard thing though:7 Vive la difference!!!:7

Take Care
"* Grown women shopping in the juniors' section (can you say RIDICULOUS)"

I HAVE to shop there...they don't carry my size anywhere else in the store! If I go to the womens section, the absolute smallest size I can find is a size 4...which would fit me and both my kids in there! I shop there because I have no other choice!

I am with ya girl!!! I will be shopping in jr's until the day I die!!! I don't like the women's section....looks too much like stuff my mom wears...or mil!!!!

Try being 5'2" and having to go to the women's petite section! Most of it is so old fashioned. I still get stuff in junior's, too, especially casual funky stuff.
I don't get how ridiculously PC this country has become. It's to the point where we can't make fun of anyone any more...not even ourselves.

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