Things I just don't get...

Muffin Top,

Please feel free to make fun of me ;), but what is PC? All I can come up with is personal computer :)

small hijack.... I'M WITH YOU SARA!!! These new attendance regulations are something I DON"T GET!!! I live in GA. I just got a call from a social worker for my middle schooler. They can all KISS MY A$$!! If my kid is sick he/she stays home thank you very much!

And here is something I really don't get - I have 1 in high school, 1 in middle school and 1 in elementary school; all have said the bathrooms are disgusting. On any given day they are out of toilet paper, paper towels or soap. For almost 2 weeks last year they were out of ALL 3 at the middle school. How can kids use a gross, germ filled bathroom with no soap and not get sick???? I'll end my rant now, but I assure you I could go on for another 30 minutes.;-) Marnie
** When changing lanes, why do people sometimes put on their blinker after they are already partially in your lane. Additionally, they will sometimes only put it on long enough to give one quick blink of the light. I would say that is not sufficient notification / warning to the other drivers that you are entering their lane.

** Plastic yard animals, sometimes even faded by the sun. My next door neighbors have multiple white plastic deer in their yard.

** People that say, "Not to interrupt, but" as they are interrupting you. Why would you say that -- yes, you meant to interrupt. You are even acknowledging that you are doing so.

** Why park your shopping cart on one side of the isle then stand on the other side blocking all other isle traffic?

** No matter where you are, (sitting in a restaurant, in a doctor's waiting area, etc) when you hear any sort of siren (police, fire, etc.) all heads swing around.

** Indoor public smoking. Even in bars. Why? Doesn't seem fair.

** Sometimes I will answer my phone, "hello". Only to have the first thing out of the other callers mouth be, "who is this?" Excuse me? I believe you dialed my number.

** Uggs

** MTV programming and the lack of videos.

** HBO's 'The Sopranos' -- why does it take so long to tape a season?

** People who forward you multiple stupid e-mails on a daily basis.

** People who forward you multiple stupid e-mails on a daily basis and don't take the time to erase all the crap before the actual content of the e-mail. FWD: FWD(2): FWD, etc.

** One last thing I don't get -- I am proud to say I have lost a little weight and had to take in a bunch of pants at the tailor's last weekend. Well, the women at the tailor, all of whom were very overweight and proud of it, told me that I need to gain weight for two reasons. 1) If I fall, I won't get hurt as bad if I have more fat on me. 2) I am more likely to get sick since I am thin. I just don't get it!

Wow - I appear to be a pretty negative person don't I? This was fun!
hee hee!

small hijack continues.... My middleschooler will not even use the bathrooms there, they are so disgusting. I don't think it's good for her to "hold it" but am I supposed to force her to use a filthy restroom? Maybe I should just pick her up and bring her home when she has to go? And the elementary school bathrooms are not much better.
Okay, I feel better now.

I also shop in the Junior's department for my tops only. I am 5'0 and small frame so I hate the way Misses tops fit on me. Most of the petite styles are for the elderly from what I've seen. At 51, I feel silly doing it but feel like I have no choice either :) . Well, I guess I do have a choice to look like a little old lady but I ain't doin' it :)
Wow Monica, people are still smoking indoors over there? Thankfully not here.

And I agree with "The Sopranos" too:)

I agree that there are way too many shows that are cancelled before they can find an audience. I don't know if anyone remembers "Hidden Hills" on NBC a few years ago -- it was about 2 families living in the suburbs - but it had a funny "Scrubs" twist to it. I loved it, and I was so upset when it just disappeared one day. It really makes me mad that good shows like that are gone and we have reality show after reality show. Not needed!

Me too. I can't wear the other clothes...too big.


Your being silly now..come on! :p :+ BTW, great job on the weight loss..way to go!!!

I don't get the pants down around the knees thing
I don't get the pajama pants and slippers in public!
I don't get running red lights, but refusing to go at a green light
I don't get why it's taking me so darned long to lose this weight!
I don't get why my chosen career couldn't have been one where I actually earn what I am worth!!!
I don't get why my house can't stay clean when there are only 2 of us with 3 cats!
I don't get why people have to come to a full and complete stop BEFORE they get into the turn lane, or forget the turn lane completely!!!
I don't get why some cars come off the assembly line without functioning turn signals (I know this because they are most certainly NOT used!!!)
I know there are others!!!
"** People that say, "Not to interrupt, but" as they are interrupting you. Why would you say that -- yes, you meant to interrupt. You are even acknowledging that you are doing so."

This made me laugh, because I'm guilty of doing something similar:

Not to change the subject, but....and then I totally change the subject!! Why don't I just SAY, to change the subject!!

--- why, why, oh dear lord why so many women have babies because they want to please other people - their family, a spouse they think will leave, or simply for attention - not because they're ready.

--- on the same note why feeling that you don't want children is SELFISH but wanting children to make yourself and your family feel whole and happy is NOT SELFISH???? (this is not referring to how selfless you have to be to raise your children, just the wanting children part). I'll agree my reasons are completely selfish if you will.

--- why it is so wrong to take classes JUST BECAUSE. I have to ask the rhetorical question of WHAT is wrong with our system when my own teachers wonder why I would take a class because I might just actually want to learn something!!????

--- why people start asking when you're going to get married as soon as you begin dating somebody... and why in the world should I have my wedding day planned out already??? I might never get married. How 'bout that!? }(

--- why I eat one of the cleanest diets I've ever seen, care about health and healing to the point of obsession, and yet have more health problems than friends of mine who eat nothing but junk.

--- reality TV. Why? Period.

I'm really not that bitter of a person. I promise :).

-- reality tv
--coach bags (whats the big deal - its a bag and not that cute)
--skinny jeans
--smoking in public period. i am sorry i did not ask for second hand smoke and it may be your right to smoke, but not mine to get lung cancer that could kill me?? I wouldn't mind a lawsuit on that one..

** I actually liked the DaVinci Code ;)
** more power to ya if you shop in the jrs :) but some people do try to look like the teeny boppers and that is a little

Merry Christmas!!!
My list concurs with yours! Brad Pitt has nothing on Clive Owen for example, and Tom Cruise, well, just don't get me started. Julia Roberts isn't half the actress Julianne Moore is, or Miranda Richardson or Kate Winslet or a whole slew of others, but, try telling the Oscar voters that. The Da Vinci phenomenon passed me by completely, I've never seen an episode of Friends and am not bothered by it, and I have no interest whatsoever in American football, all that stopping and starting, just play regular football/soccer and get on with it!

Celine Dion is awesome -- she's in Vegas and is the top act there. You should see her show -- it is very expensive, but worth every cent.

So is Barry Manilow's show.

I visited the Titanic exhibition last week in Vegas and it was fantastic. To see actual items of clothing, jewelry, china, stationery and hear the actual voices of a few of the survivors really made a strong impression on me. I found it hard to believe that a top notch room in First Class on the Titanic would cost appx. $78,000 in US dollars today. Even a third class ticket would be appx. $600 in today's money.

I like Paris, Brittany, Nicole, and Brittany.

Lindsey Lohan is a very talented actress - but her substance abuse scares me.

At anyt rate, at least reading about celebrities takes the edge off the horrible situations in Iraq, Sub Sahara Africa as well as in the U.S.

So what do I just not get?

Civil Wars in Africa over pieces of rock called "diamonds"

The US involvement in Iraq

Terrorism - not only foreign, but those domestic terrorists like Timothy McVey.

Barry Manilow said it best in his show last week - people are starving for the old love songs instead of rap songs full of gloom and doom.

And I agree - whoever the buyer is for most petite clothing in department stores needs to realize not all of us are high frump!

I love Bebe, Cache', and the Target's "GO" line of clothing.
I love skinny pants and leggings, but I agree with you about smoking -- by ANYBODY!

I kind of feel sorry for Bush - I sure would not want his job.

I suppose you did not like "Little Miss Sunshine" which is dark comedy at its finest.

I also saw the film "Invincible" in the plane on the way to Vegas and it was GREAT! Mark Wahlberg did a great job in the role of Vince Papale.

What an uplifting film and I don't know a thing about football!

It's so good I bought it!

It helps motivate me when I do my Cathe workouts!
Perhaps they had the exploda shits and the restroom seemed to be the best place to take care of the problem.

I would lots rather they use a restroom versus crapping in public.
My in laws went to Tanzania to see the migration of the Wildebeasts. They had a wonderful time.

Unfortunately, problems in Kenya prohibited them from visiting that country.

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