The "Everything About P90X" Thread

RE: mine has arrived!!

I am doing CLASSIC but I am adding in 40-60 minutes cardio 5 days a week on wt training days because I have 6 more pounds to lose to goal. Keep in mind that PLYOX is a leg/cardio day and from what I hear YOGA is also cardio balanced (I dont do yoga). Core Syn & Cardio X are also both cardio balanced. I finally broke my plateau by adding in a couple of Cathes on wt days.
YES: Band modifications are actually shown by at least 1 of the crew...thats a P90X STRENGTH! Modifications are actually done by at least 1 crew person on all tapes as well as Tony talking about variations. VERY WELL DONE IMO! No fitness test for me... I figured a year w/ Cathe was fit enough!
RE: mine has arrived!!

Sorry haven't posted pics yet. I finished on Monday and my DD just got home from college last night! We will take pics today! I swear!

Few things DEFINETELY take the fitness test. I didn't and I could KICK myself. I did it after but had NOTHING to compare too :( so TAKE IT! I NEVER did boy push ups with cathe - so I say 0 but who knows maybe I could have done 4. on the post test I was up to 32 Boy push ups!

I lost 5 lbs doing it. Had gained that over 2 years.

Definetely do yoga - Keep with the diet -

The bands worked great for me with the pull ups.

For some reason I got very good results lower body - not sure if it was less heavy weights on legs, less step, less cardio?

Good luck everyone with it!
RE: mine has arrived!!

Well I took the fitness test today, ( I admit I skipped the jumping up one because my ceilings in the basement are really low I can pretty much touch them so jumping up was not possible!). I couldn't even to one of the leg in and leg out ones, I thought I must be doing something wrong, but I tried and wrote everything down. I am starting the Classic program tomorrow. Wow I can't believe the number of push ups these guys do!}(
RE: mine has arrived!!


I hope that you don't mind me posting here, but saw your pics, and good work!! It definately shows that you worked hard. Congratulations!!!!

RE: mine has arrived!!

Thanks Lea! I appreciate that! I was going to post here but after another thread on this forum, I decided against it. I think I'm more suited for the other forum. Drop by if you can would love to see you over there. We've got 21 folks starting on 1/1. It's a great group- guys, women, fitness focus (very little O/T-drama!)

Thanks !

Best to you all!

Robyn, could you let me know the name of the thread where you all are posting who are starting on 1/1? I am going to do an abbreviated program for the next 6 weeks to get used to everything and then start the full 13 week program on 1/1, seems to make the most sense. Did the first day with Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X and LOVED it!! Also following the first phase of the nutrition plan as closely as I can.

RE: Robyn

I too started yesterday with Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X. Did Plyo that is boot camp. I modified some due to back issues but still got a great cardio workout. I would love to know where your thread is so I can go there too! Thanks

RE: The

Since I am very particluar about cardio, could someone give a brief description of Cardio X? Just the cardio DVD could make it or break it for me?

Thanks much,


Hey Deb, it's so cool to see someone else that started the program the same day! Oh far these workouts are kicking my patootie!! But have to admit that I'm adding a bit to them...yesterday I added 20 min. of Cathe cardio from Drill Max. This morning I added the standing and leg floorwork from Butts & Guts. Wow my muscles are definitely quivering by the end of those workouts! Okay, yeah I'm crazy....but I've been told that many times since I've done 10 marathons and an Ironman I'm used to being called a nutcase haha :)

RE: The

Cardio X isn't actually a major player in the series. It's not included at all in the Classics rotation.

It's basically just a 45 minute workout that has a bit of everything. Starts with some yoga, then a bit of Kenpo, some Plyo X and finishes with some Core Synergistics. The MAJOR cardio workout is Plyo X, which is killer. It's all plyo drills. You do four exercises for 30 seconds each, then a fourth exercise for a minute and then repeat that sequence, then you move onto the next set of exercises. For instance, there are tuck jumps, squat jumps, run stance squats, plyo lunges, etc.
RE: The

Shelley is right. Cardio X is the cardio workout for those NOT ready for PlyoX, or it is the workout used as a second workout in the Doubles Rotations. I only used it a couple of times. I used my own cardio for doubles. Not a bad workout, but not the workout to base your decision on in buying the Program.
RE: The

X: I actually found that in week 3 I chose to addin the CardioX because none of my collection were "lite" enough and I"M TIRED!!!!!!!! 2 days to first recovery week......
RE: The

Traci - 4 days until my first recovery week. It looks like we will finish around the same time. Yay. Which rotation are you doing?

RE: The

Hey Traci,Congratulations on completing ( or almost!) completing your first cycle.. I only just completed Day 3 and I am tired! ;-)

Did you lose the weight on the tracker you show by doing P90X? Do you follow exactly including the nutrition? The only problem I have is the Yoga.. yuk, hate it and don;t have 90 minutes on any given day to do that. I was thinking of subing a treadmill workout and doing Ab RipperX so I don;t have to tack it on to another day.. maybe be able to keep it to and hour or so each day and add a cardio.
RE: The

Lea- I'm doing classic but adding cardio (40min)on upper body days..
On plyo days I do 2 segments of Pwer Circuits from BM2 just to really get that lower! On Legs & back day I do any of Cathe floor work as an add on (legs are my biggest issue).
I ADORE Tonys upper work and cannot believe the difference in cut in just 3 weeks. A satisfied customer already!
Lets keep each other posted about what changes we're seeing since we started at same time!
RE: The

Hi there Foxstar.... I didnt lose all the weight since P90 (I WISH!). I have however lost another pound in 3 weeks and cut a bit off my bf% (thats really my primary goal).
I have followed BFL guidelines pretty much for the past year... Pretty similar to P90 BUT I did increase my calories which my body liked alot!!! YIPPEE
LOL on YOGA! I swore after the first 40 minutes I'd never do it again...then I bit the bullet on Sunday and decided to do it in full based on posts here... GUESS WHAT ... the part I dislike was over at 47 minutes... the rest is balancing and stretch poses which I already do! So now I will just suck up the first 45 minutes and do the darn thing... doubt I'll EVER be a yoga fiend but for another 2 months I can hang! If you decide NOT to do it I think a lite cardio/stretch and abs would do the trick.
LOL... I've been tired since I started too.... Make sure you are getting enough calories to fuel those muscles and that they are prot/carb/fat balanced. That was key for me! I wasnt eating enough fats (healthy of course;) )
Keep in touch so we can share ideas!
RE: The

Traci - Great, we are both doing Classic. No cardio added here, I am already wiped . And yes, I can't believe the results I am getting after almost 3 weeks! It will be interesting how it will be when we graduate.

I am all for keeping posted. Good luck with your venture.

RE: The

I too, probably don't eat enough. Just the thought of packing in 1800 calories ( even clean ones) is too scary for words! The most I can usually do is around 1600. How do you know you are not getting enough fats? I try to stay between 18-25% . How do you know you are not eating enough? Sorry for all the questions. I am only on day 3 and it is all new to me! I love it so far. :)
RE: The

I was only eating around 1200-1400 before P90... I went up to 1500-1600 with a "free day". (thats usually around 1850-2200). I track on and it breaks down my nutirients... When I saw I was only getting about 8% fatx( I knew that some lack of enegy, hair falling out, skin less than supple etc.... Once I added it back to your range then all those syptoms stopped. Its trial and error trying to figire it all out isnt it? Just make it part of the fun!

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