The change of Seasons


So Summer will officially be over soon. What kinds of things do you all look forward to in the change of season?

I love the cooler mornings. The sunrise is beautiful in the fall. It's probably beautitful in the summer too, I just don't get up early enough to see it :eek: There's a crispness in the air that I enjoy during the fall. Can't exactly explain it.
I love the beginning of fall when you can still sleep with your windows open (even if only a crack) and wake up to that brisk air and then throw on your big terry cloth bathrobe and go out on the deck for a cup of coffee when all is dark and quiet. I also LOVE wearing turtlenecks and sweaters so look forward to this when the weather gets cool enough - they give me this protected/cocoon feeling of warmth and safety.
The change of the seasons is when I go back to the kitchen to cook and bake in large quantities. I've already made sauce with a bunch of roma tomatoes and a big batch of brocolli cheese soup yesterday. I'll get some cheap apples and make a bunch of sauce for the freezer.
I must confess, I had a very fun summer but not much in the way of running and exercising so that's something I look forward to getting back to as well, running in the cool temps is the best, those jeans will fit by Hallowe'en for SURE!!
Fall is good snoozing weather! Open the bedroom window, find DH, make a 2 person blanket cocoon ahhhhhh. I love the cool air and the warm sun. I like the crunch, crunch of walking thru leaves, I like to rake the leaves. Time to decorate for Halloween, which is always fun. Snuggly warm clothes and cute boots. Wearing DH's sweatshirts and flannel button down while bumming around the house. Baking and cooking. I lovelovelove Fall and Winter. Def not a Summer gal!

I love when the leaves turn to brilliant golds and reds, and the crunch of them under my feet when I walk.

I love the crisp, cool air.

I love the the way people decorate their yards and porches with colorful gourds.

I love sweaters.

I love simmering pots of soup and stew.

I love pumpkin anything!

I'm sure there's more -- fall is my FAVORITE season!
One word: APPLES! I ate a gala apple last night that was just heavenly. :)

Nancy, we went apple picking yesterday...YUM! The Beni Shoguns were terrific!!

I like the cooler temps, but I always get depressed later in fall as it gets colder out. I'm more of a spring gal myself :cool:
My favorite things about fall:

The crisp air.

Wearing sweatpants and sweatshirts.

Soups and stews.

The sound of leaves/twigs crunching under my feet.

Fall is my favorite season.
We all love the start of soccer season. Like you said the crispness in the air, just the different feel. Changing of the leaves and getting back in my kitchen cooking. Not that I don't cook in the summer - mainly grilling.
The beautiful reds, oranges and golds of the changing leaves.

The smell of the air when walking through the woods or near a lot of trees.

Pumpkins, apples, apple cider.

Being able to leave the windows open and not use air conditioning or heating (then putting on an extra blanket to snuggle into when it gets cool during the night).
I love it all! The colors, the crispness in the air, going to the cider mill with my family, watching college football, wearing cozy fall clothes and boots, making chili, decorating my landscape with corn stalks, gourds, and mums. Fall is my favorite time of year-can you tell?:)
Summer is my least favorite season and I am always glad to see it go. I love everything about the fall, the colors, the pumpkin ice cream at the local farms, the cool nights, the jeans and sweaters days, hot cider, apples, harvest festivals, lighting the wood stove again, the smell of burning leaves, the coziness of being under a blanket on the couch, reading. LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

DH loves it too because my mood improves considerably once the sweltering days of summer are over. :D

Turning off the AC and being able to sit on our patio, but with the temps still in the 100's here in AZ we're not quite there yet.
Ditto Ditto Ditto :D:D:D

I LOVE Fall! Best time of year for everything if you ask me.
I feel cooped up in the summer with the AC on and the same in the winter with the heat on. But ah Fall, windows open, cool breezes. LOVE IT!!!!
fall pics?

Turning off the AC and being able to sit on our patio, but with the temps still in the 100's here in AZ we're not quite there yet.

I am just north of you in Las Vegas going on 2 years soon, and not sure we really have much of a fall! I'm originally from the Pacific Northwest (eastern Washington state) and really miss the distinct 4 seasons... and did a 5 year stint in Alaska, so I'm thankful for something more than 10 months winter and 5 days of summer-like weather there! lower temps will be here soon enough and it will be wonderful!

anyone have some pic's of what fall looks like out your window? might make me homesick though! :)

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