The change of Seasons

Sweater weather, pumpkin picking....and carving, the stunning colors, wine tours in the Finger Lakes at peak of color, leaf jumping, Hallowen stuff, fall golf, apple anything.

One thing I dread....when it gets dark at 4:30pm and it's dark on the way into work. Ugh.
In no particular order:

apples from western NY
hockey season ( more for DS's teams, but NHL is cool too)
football Sunday with a pot of Sauce simmering for dinner
school day routines
home cooked soups
Birthdays DD & DH ( Ok these are probably ranked number one)
good sleeping weather
excellent running weather
leaves in technicolor
We are still having temps in the 90's so fall seems a long time away. I can't wait to be able to go outside without sweating. The first hint of a cool breeze is like heaven. I love seeing the leaves change but I'm a summer girl at heart.
I absolutely LOVE the fall!! Cooler temps, gorgeous fall colors, fall festivals, bonfires, delicious apples, pumpkins, everything!! Oh yeah, chili, stew, and all of those warm comfort type foods! :)

I also love football games, and hearing the marching bands (former band geek here!).
The crisp air and the crunch of the colorful leaves underfoot while walking down the sidewalk -- and kicking up leaves as you go! It's one of those wonderful, playful childhood things, like skipping, that we just don't do enough of when we get older, for fear of looking dorky. But I go for it!:D
Fall means night riding!

The mosquitos are gone! The leaves are changing and you can feel the air coming in from the north. Time to charge up the batteries and mount the helmet and bar lights and ride to a full moon without bugs.
Ummm. Cooler nights with the windows open. The crickets, the overwhelming scent of decay, and the sense of nature preparing to take a long nap. After a long night cooped up in a big, fat, climate-controlled building it's LOVELY.
Pumpkin ale....good beer. Pretty leaves. That's about it. It's just a harbinger of the winter to come (and the depression that comes along with it). I can't stand football although hunting season is nice because I have a bit more time to hang with the chicks. I'll be glad when it's summer again.
Hmm... I LOVE Fall. I love the leaves changing, pumpkin lates, pumpkin pie, Halloween, etc... I HATE winter though... shoveling snow, driving in it, waking up in the dark, coming home in the dark, only seeing actual light on weekends. The change of seasons is definitely a love hate thing for me.
Now lets not turn this into a winter bashing thread LOL!! It's supposed to be about Fall :p

Oh gosh, ok. I'll try not to. This thread has me thinking ahead to winter. My most dreaded season:(
I wish I could have Spring and Fall all year. I'll take summer as long as it's on a sandy beach!
Oh gosh, ok. I'll try not to. This thread has me thinking ahead to winter. My most dreaded season:(
I wish I could have Spring and Fall all year. I'll take summer as long as it's on a sandy beach!

I'm with you Cynthia! I was telling my DH yesterday that I wish Fall led right into Spring!!! :)
I LOVE autumn!!! In our bedroom we have two windows that face a large tree in front of our house. When I'm lying in bed and look out, it seems like you're in a treehouse. That tree gets so pretty when it turns yellow and gold in the Fall! LOVE waking up to that! Can't wait!. The bad thing is, I don't think it's a very healthy tree, and a huge branch fell out of it during the rains about a week ago. DH says we should call the City (it's not actually in our yard, it's on the other side of the sidewalk) to check it out because it could cause some damage. **Sigh** I told him we could wait until next year; we've already suffered a big loss (Gilda) recently; I'm keeping my damned tree for at least one more autumn!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and I like Hallowe'en and cider and apples and pumpkins and sweaters and jeans and lighting the fire and I even like it getting dark earlier! And I like the crisp air and it not being 90 degrees and humid like it was all weekend AND today. Bring it on, baby!

Good thread, Catherine!
I love the smell in the air, the promise of pumpkin everything, Bath and Bodyworks new fall scents come out...sweaters, boots, more energy since the heat zaps mine...Halloween and Thanksgiving my two favorite holidays!
I have mixed feelings about the fall. I love it for all the reasons everyone's mentioned, & it's also great hair weather for us curly girls. ;)

But I don't like the shorter days. I love getting up early to work out in the summer b/c the sun is already up & I feel energetic & motivated. I hate getting up when it's still dark out & my bed is so warm & inviting--I'm much less motivated. Also going to the gym after work is easier when the sun is still up. Nothing to worry about yet, but I have the same motivation issues when it's dark at the end of my work day--I wanna go home & snuggle on the couch instead of going to the gym to pump iron.

And I much prefer my summer clothes to my winter........errr sorry, FALL clothes. I hate putting up all my pretty dresses & sandals in exchange for pants & boots. :(
I just look forward to the fall because temperatures in AZ start coming down, by the end of the month I may actually be able to touch the steering wheel of my car without getting 3rd degree burns and be able to go outside barefoot without doing the hot-hot-hot dance :D

My favorite season is spring though.
Eggnog for my morning cup of coffee! :p

I love the change of each season and look forward to each as they come! I can never pick a favorite; as each arrives, it's my favorite. :D
My most favoritist (yes, I am sure it is a word) season is summer. I love, love, love the heat. I swear it is because I was born in July.

Having said that, I loved waking up this morning to a nice cool, crisp morning. It felt good to snuggle in the covers...and was very difficult to get up and workout!

So Summer will officially be over soon. What kinds of things do you all look forward to in the change of season?

I love the cooler mornings. The sunrise is beautiful in the fall. It's probably beautitful in the summer too, I just don't get up early enough to see it :eek: There's a crispness in the air that I enjoy during the fall. Can't exactly explain it.

Fall is my favorite time of year, I love the longer evenings, the cooler weather, the beautiful colors of the trees before the leaves fall off, the apple picking, and the holiday season! I love to decorate for the holidays and since I'm a kid at heart, I start with Halloween...and I get the decorations up on October 1st!

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