The Body Blast Series

Cathe, really can't express fully my happiness !
Actually I was really feeling like 4 videos were not enough :+ !
I am sure U will do the usual wonderful workouts !
Hugs !
I nominate Donna to be in the tapes

We're REALLY looking forward to these new tapes!

PLEASE, Cathe, can Donna (gettinfit@39) be in your new tapes?! Pretty please!

Just Do It! :)
Omigosh! I checked the forum just before going to bed last night, I can't believe I overlooked it or just missed it! Thanks so much. I can't wait for the presale!!! I won't make the same mistake I made with the IS, this time I'm ordering them all. :D This will be my Mother's Day gift to myself . . . it's not like DH will remember to do anything! }(
Hi Cathe,

I cannot wait for these to be available! I have to save my $$$$ because I just ordered the PS & Slow & Heavy Series. I also want to get the Intensity Series....Now the Body Blast Series!!!!!!!

I also want to thank you for all your hard work and dedication. You always to deliver the most intense and fun workouts I have ever experienced.

Just to let you know how you have contributed to the postive changes in my life, I want to share my story. My first purchase was BodyMax. I enjoyed the workout so much I purchased all your step tapes. I had so much fun with these that I started your weight dvds and WOW! I was so impressed with the transformation. About a year into working out with you, I decided to take up running because I felt really strong cardio-wise!!!

Just only two months into running, I entered a 5K and won overall and my age group (25 min....first race ever!!!!). Then I entered a 10K (7:30 pace)...very happy with my PR (second race). Then I did a half-marathon (1:52)...very happy with time. And now just 2 days ago, I completed a Marathon (26.2 miles - 4:10)...very happy with my time considering I didn't know what to expect. I never "hit the wall" and I believe I would have had a better PR because I had extra "gas" for the last mileage and could workout (bike) the next day with no muscle soreness!!! I trained focusing on the Marathon for 20 weeks, but I still worked out with you (PowerHour, Maximum Intensity Strength, BodyMax and CTX Upper and CTX LeanerLegs) two times week. I believe it helped to run injury-free and help in the recovery process of races and hard/long runs during training.

I have so much to thank you for and I will always be a dedicated fan. I look forward to all your new projects. THANK YOU...Marla
Somebody pinch me. Is this for real or am I dreaming?
Cathe, you are one amazing lady.


Thank you Cathe and thanks to all the ladies here that gave you the great suggestions for these videos.

:D Hi Cathe! I am so glad you decided to make The Body Blast series of your new videos! They make such a nice workout package and take the guesswork out of trying to build rotations. I think I will have to take up in Cathestock with all the new videos and Cathe gear coming!:p
I'm bringing a sleeping bag and a chamber pot to my office and I'm going to camp out in front of my computer until the presale.

This makes my day!



:) :) ;-) :eek: :D }( :p :9 :* :+ :7
}( These sound fantastic! I am so excited. =:7

When I charge Cathe videos on my credit card, I never second guess it. I always know it is worth it and will not disappoint. :+

Gosh, I am even excited about the presale!!

You are the best, Cathe!! :7
Thanks Cathe!! These workouts all sound so good. I am so excited I can hardly stand it! My birthday is less than a month away and now I know exactly what I am asking for!! You really are the best!!


I couldn't BE more excited. They all sound FAAAAAAAABULOUS!!!!! Thanks especially for the legs and glutes DO listen to our requests and I can't thank you enough for that. This Body Blast series is sure to get my pre-pregnancy body back. Waaaahooooo! I can't wait. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: Go Girl Go!

Cathe, I would bow to thee, Queen of Intensity, but after reading the description of Legs and Glutes, my lower body muscles have tighten to the point of making me immobile. My hat's off to you. You ROCK!!!!

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