The Body Blast Series

OMG these sound fabulous. I will miss not having a new upper body tape though to go with the glutes and legs tape.
I am so excited I can't stop smiling. When I saw the info on the front page it felt like Christmas when I was a kid and santa had brought me that one gift I had wanted. Ok, I know that sounds corny but I can't help it. I love my Cathe workouts.

Six new videos. That's fantastic and more than I could have hoped for. Cathe and crew, you are the best there is.

Now all I need is some Cathe gear and the High Step and I'll be styling. :D

Thanks again. Can't wait for presale.
So, when can I preorder?? Now? Tomorrow? WHEN??? I have to know so I can pay up my credit card and NOT buy anything else until I have these on preorder!!!
RE: Sweeeet!!!

>Now that's a six pack!!! Can't wait Cath!:7

Nancy - that is the cutest little picture/signature you have. The bird on the step holding the Cathe sign... I love it. ;)
Oh MAN!!!!!!

(Really excited!)

Cathe, with my 2 girls and my cosleeping habit, I don't have time at all do workout at home these days -and yet, I MUST BUY THESE and try to get the time!
Thank you,Thank you, Thank you!!:7 You have made me so happy!!! You Cathe, are awesome! Sign me up!! Susan
Hi Cathe! And I too cannot WAIT to do these workouts too!! WOW to think we were only at first getting 4 & now its 6!! What a terrific summer all of us are going to have!! Woo Hoo!! THANK YOU, Kathy:*
I can not even express how happy and excited I am about this upcoming set of workouts:) Just reading about the legs and gluts workout has made my gluts sore:) Cathe, you have made my day!!! You are the BEST!!From your loyal fan in Canada. Helen:)
AHHHHHH!!!! I am so excited. This series sounds incredible, of course I expected nothing less! I have my credit card ready for the preorder! My fiance's going to have a fit because I promised no more new exercise DVDs until after the wedding, but how could I have known that something this amazing would happen! Cathe, you have really outdone yourself and are truly an inspiration. Thank you so much!

:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

ANNNND...............for good measure.......... :7 !!!!!!!


Thankyou!!!!! 6 new videos! Woohoo! I'll be waiting in the presale line.............. :D

Donna M
Wow! What a nice surprise to click on here today an see this announcement. What an awesome run down of your workout plans! Have I told you that your MY FAVORITE:* You made my day;)
Oh my! Oh my! I am soooooo excited I am hyperventilating and trembling as I type!!!!

I can't wait to preorder!!!

I imagine you will have another "Terminator" type of DVD????? Please!!!!!!????!!!!

Thank you...thank you...thank you!!!!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon

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