I don't think the show degrades anyone at all; everyone on the show wants to be there and get healthy. Most of the population finds it motivating! How can it not be -- seeing 300/400+ pound people working their tails off and loving their results?! Getting rid of their diabetes, lengthening their lives, and being healthy enough to play with their children? They learn skills that they will have for the rest of their life!
I do agree that exercise modifications would probably be better for these people - but they have been cleared medically to participate in the show. They have professional trainers working with them, and medical staff on hand (thank God).
I think it's awesome that so many overweight people are finding the courage, making the commitment, and strive for the drive to change their lives! They can win money and get the help they really need. Badly.
I agree that Jillian's tactic is not one that works for everyone - it certainly wouldn't work for me. Personal trainers are NOT taught to treat people the way she does. Because of it the one girl on the White team up and left therefore making her team lose the weigh in which forced the guy to go home - he wanted to be there and wasn't ready to leave. That sucked. Now they are down TWO people. I do blame Jillian for that.
Dolvett and Bob motivate the people in a POSITIVE way. Did you notice how Bob's guy wanted to give up on those awful burpees until Bob reminded him about his son? That's what got his ass up and moving! That is positive encouragement. Dolvett is the same way - pushy but positive.
I just felt I needed to write in and defend the integrity of the show - if you disagree then so be it... but we all love Cathe and fitness, and I think we all really want to stop this obesity epidemic. What works for one person might not work for the next. And we all see things in a different perspective.