I finished the 3.5 month rotation of STS last Wed. I haven't been consistant with my weight work since March of 08 when I finished P90x, but I started up again a few months before STS actually came out to get the best results I could {and so STS wouldn't kill me outright
}. I did the most of the 1RM used in the workouts since I wasn't confident about what to lift. I found I had been underestimating what I could lift, mostly, I believe out of fear of injury. I made a commiment to do the Extended stretch after every workout and only missed once, the following day I regretted it because I was very sore, and made sure I didn't miss again.
I didn't like the warmups. I felt they were too short, boringly repeditive, and disliked that the guys just used the cycles, especially for arm workouts. {Hubby did Meso 1 with me so I was worried about his reaction}. I didn't notice they were off-beat.
I found that I liked the structured program; no thinking required on my part
, just stick in the next workout. I would definatly like to do the program again, also trying the Undulating rotation for variety, or just using one Meso on its own. {endless possibilites
} I liked that Cathe divided the program into the three styles of weightwork, not only to mix things up but to make sure that we work all of our muscles in different ways. I have tried this myself in the past and gotten confused and given up.
I did fell worn out a lot. I wasn't able to add in as much cardio as I expected, mainly because I was just tired. I don't know whether this was me, personally, or the program took so much out of me.
Meso 1: Although it didn't seem like it at the time this Meso was the most fun for me. I dislike workouts that keep the HR up all the time, and I felt rushed during each workout, but the newness and variety of exercises kept me excited and coming back for more. I felt the most drained in this meso. I liked the push/pull method, rotating the exercises rather than the traditional Cathe way of doing all chest, then all shoulders. Having the arms workouts back to back didn't bother me because of my schedule.
Meso 2: This Meso seemed the most like the other Cathe workouts I have and have tried. I liked that Cathe switched out the body parts each meso, but would have been happier if the whole system had included Legs and another body part to switch off with. I enjoyed the drop sets and double wave loading methods, and was happy they were included to challenge us.
Meso 3: {otherwide known as 'hit by a truck Meso'}. I dislike being sore and I do everything possible to keep from being sore {backing off on weights to extra stretching} and I was rarely truly sore but this Meso I felt tired and worn out. I hadn't truely experienced 'heavy' lifting until this Meso, I like the results but found the workouts long and tedious, the long rests adding to this. I understand the rests make our work easier and more effective but I felt I needed to 'do' something {dusting maybe? Yes, I really did
}. I was hoping for more variety in the exercises in this Meso and after trying Plyo Legs once went with the squat rack legs. Since I don't have a rack or spotter I wasn't able to go to my full potential with the exercises but did use a 20lb weighted belt {two ankle weights} to add to the total weights lifted. Again I liked the push/pull method.
The only times I was able to catch the repeat footage was when Cathe said something specific, such as "Robert and Cedie have decided to switch weights", I knew it was there but I wasn't looking for it either, preferring to think of each workout as 'new'.
I did make strength gains, such as going from a 5lb db to a 10lb db for seated lateral raises. I can feel more muscle thoughout my body, especailly my stablizers. which I feel haven't been worked as much before STS. My bicep is solid and about twice as wide as it used to be. I am happy with the changes in my body, and proud of what I have accomplished by finishing STS. If I had paid more attention to my eating I'm sure I would have had better results, but eating is something I struggle with constantly. I feel better about myself and my body, even if I didn't lose any weight; I can tell I have gained muscle and that is a good thing; and my goal.
I'm sure this is way more information than anyone wanted to know, and further, I'll probably be back with ETA's as I think of other things. If you are still reading, or even skimming, thanks!