Finished my six month STS rotation last night!!! I did each week twice before moving on to the next week and took a recovery week every 8 weeks. I didn't lose weight, but that's because I ate like crap the entire time and because I went on some medication that causes weight gain. But that's neither here nor there.
Back to STS.
In disc 36 last night I did bicep curls with a 62.5 lb barbell. I completed 8 reps on all 4 sets. I began this meso cycle 8 weeks ago and could lift 57.5 lbs 8 times for 2 of the sets and then only made it to 6 or 7 reps for the last two sets. This means I am definitely 5% stronger!
Berfore STS, I used about a 30# lb barbell to do shoulder front presses. I used to marvel at how Cathe could bang out those front presses in MIS with a 35# barbell!! Last night I did 4 sets of 8 reps of front presses using a 55# barbell. I'm not trying to compare my weight loads to anybody elses; I'm merely trying to point out that I definitely experienced strength gains with STS. Simply put: STS works!!
Before STS, I used to use a 60 lb barbell for static lunges (like in PLB or S&H) and I really felt it! I mean, I don't think I was slacking. I used a 95 lb barbell for static lunges during the last 4 weeks of meso 3 and I'm thinking I probably could have used 100 lbs.
Another benefit from STS? This morning I did Cardio Fusion and I have to admit, I hardly ever do this workout because it's so tough for me! When I've done this workout in the past, my legs were like jell-o, and by the time the BM2 power circuits and Drill Max drills came along, my movements were shallow and small because my legs were so fatigued. Well, this morning, my legs had much more endurance than before. I even added on an extra two squat thrust/tuck jumps to the end of drill 6 for good measure! Sure, it could have been a 'high energy' day for me, but I truly think STS's leg workouts made my legs stronger, which makes not only strength training workouts easier, but cardio workouts easier too! (Though I'd hardly call Cardio Fusion 'easy'!)
I plan on taking a highly anticipated recovery week, and then I think I'll go back to Gym Styles or Muscle Max or some other Cathe weight workouts that I haven't done since starting STS. Can't wait to see the strength gains in action!!