strength gains
I'm starting my 3rd wk of meso 4 today. I have to say there is one big difference I have to mention. When I was doing meso 2, I couldn't do boxing or kb after an sts upper body w/o. Now, I'm doing much heavier weights, and I can do it. I think that is incredible. I'm lifting the most I can and am not too sore the next day, this opens up all sorts of rotations I was limited to last meso cycle. Thanks Cathe!!!

I'm starting my 3rd wk of meso 4 today. I have to say there is one big difference I have to mention. When I was doing meso 2, I couldn't do boxing or kb after an sts upper body w/o. Now, I'm doing much heavier weights, and I can do it. I think that is incredible. I'm lifting the most I can and am not too sore the next day, this opens up all sorts of rotations I was limited to last meso cycle. Thanks Cathe!!!