Survived 40/20


I had to slow down halfway through the butt kicks (4 risers on each side make a HUGE difference--will have to work on that one). Otherwise it was intense but doable. It's the last 10 seconds on each interval that really get you. I loved it! It helped that I knew most of the moves from previous workouts. Even though it's more intense, it's like "I know this one--I can do this!"
I did this one tonight and I "barely" survived! It is definitely one tough little workout!! ;)

All I can say is OMG! My 40/20 was more like 38/30! I know I have to work up to it so OK, but yea, the butt kicks were ridiculously hard! I couldn't figure out why I couldn't do them all, but forgot that before we have done them on lower set of risers. Ahh, big difference!

So, after surviving this workout this morning and BTW the stretch was great. I was so WARM during the stretch I figured I would hop on my treadmill for a 20 minute 2 mile run. Yowser. My A$$ is already so freaking sore - I cant wait till tomorrow morning:confused::confused:

Tomorrow I'll do some upper body! I think my butt is being reshaped as I speak. ha ha! Enjoy if you DARE!!
Just did this one this morning and I have to admit, after 30/30 I was TERRIFIED to even attempt 40/20!! The butt kicks def did me in; I've never done them before and my legs are super long so it was quite a feat trying to get them over the step. I did what I could and rewound the segment to try again. Then came jumping over the flat step and my legs said uh-uh, so I took Cathe's suggested modification and used a band instead of the step topper.

I'm now referring to this workout as IMAX 3 on crack!!! Totally kicked my butt but at the end I felt extremely accomplished! Pyramid is schedule for Wed :eek:
I just did 40/20 and oooh holly molly I don't think this was the best way to go back to workout after 2 weeks off, but I did it and after I was done for a while I felt sick....mmm not god but it wasn't good either been off and eating whatever and whenever.... so suck it my self...I love my self...:eek::p tought, tought...
I'm heading to the "dungeon" now to give it a whirl... You all are preparing me for the butt kicks...YIKES!!!
Cheryl, kudos for heading to the treadmill!!!! YOU ROCK
Oh! Oh! Oh! See Colleen try to breathe...! My workout was more like 39/40 instead of 40/30 and I only used 3 risers on each side instead of 4. I've got a long way to go to master this one. It makes Imax 2 look like a walk in the park. I think I want to say thanks Cathe but ... :eek:
I did it for the 2nd time tonight.
Boy this really kicks butt and then I followed it with heavy bag boxing bonus with hand weights since I dont have a bag. Great workout, but it really works ya!
I've got 3 words to describe my experience with 40/20 today...
Out. Of. Shape. !!!
...and for me it was more like 20/40...:eek:

I did 40/20 last night and I was right to be scared of it. After Cathe said 30/30 was the EASY one I had to pause for a moment...but I sucked it up and did 40/20 yesterday and I think I was slumped over more than I was upright!!!!!!! I put on my HR monitor and burned 500 calories in those 29 min and I was only using 1 riser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was worth the wait and my money!!!!!
Breaks in segments

I'm not sure how anyonw else is feeling, but there is not enough breaks between the segments. Moves to fast and when I did the 40/20 I hardly had enough time to set up my equipment that I needed for the next excercise. Maybe because its new and until I get used to the new workout. It is very challenging though I like it.
Does anyone feel the same about the breaks between the segments.
I hardly have time to pause my video to get set for whats next.
I think this is one of my favorites. I've done it 3 times now!!! I am a glutton for punishment though, my previous favorite was Imax 3 if that tells you anything! :eek:
I like 40/20 the best. I am majorily OUT OF SHAPE for this type of workout. I am taking it slowly. Right now I am working up to the first one min break with no modifications.

I also can not use any higher than 6 to 8 in risers.

I don't feel safe when I use 14 risers.

I love the music and that is what is driving me right now. I LOVE the warmup music.

I do have a tendency to stop about one second before Cathe and the other Girls.

I think 40/20 is my fave workout in Shock Cardio to date.

I also notice that it is really working out my core - I am having DOM city in my core with 40/20.

My second fave is Step Moves.
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I did this one today. I had to modify this one because my legs were burning so bad!! It wasn't my breathing that was tough. 30/30 and pyramid I was able to do without modification so my HR was maxed out. I really felt that one in my heart and lungs more than 40/20.

I love the HiiT's. These are my absolute fav Cathe dvds.
I thought it was 20/40!

Yowza! I haven't been working out for a few months since starting a new job and decided to get back into it with 40/20(along with another STS strength rotation). Not having as much time to read the descriptions like everyone else, I quickly looked through them and thought "I'll start with the 40 sec rest and 20 sec interval" .

Holy Crap! Was I in for a surprise!:eek:

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