This week is 70% of 1RM. OMG. I
knew it was supposed to keep getting tougher; that's the point right? But WOW. It's hard for me to pinpoint which of the 3 workouts each week is the hardest and challenges me the most as they all have their own brutal moments. Chest, Shoulders and Biceps it's always the bazillion push ups. Back and Triceps is the 21 rows with a very heavy barbell (80 pounds for me this week

). Today was Legs. Somehow, it seems the hardest of the three every week. Today I went back to 45 pound dumbbells for the squats. Holy cow! I'll be honest. I did every rep, but I had to set them down for the calf raises. I think next week I'll have lighter dumbbells at the ready for the calf raises. I just could not hold the dumbbells anymore. And those nightmarish ball/wall squats.

I had to modify this time. I mean, they are
immediately after elevated straight leg deadlifts with 80 pounds! My back is already feeling it after that! So... I didn't set my dumbbells on the floor this time when doing the ball/wall squats. I gotta say--my legs were trembling anyway. But I just didn't feel my back could handle it after the deadlifts. And this is the first workout that near the end I began to wonder if my legs were going to carry me through it. They did--but even now, two hours later, my glutes, hamstrings and quads are still stinging and weak.
All I can say is, STS is going to be doing some major changes to my body--it already has actually. But I have never worked this hard before when strength training.
So how is everyone else doing? Tomorrow is Back and Triceps. I'm already feeling some worry about this rows with an 80 pound barbell. But I did 75 last week--so hopefully I get through them fine!