Thanks everyone for the advice. I'll be honest, I am very depressed today. I can't believe how much pain I am in. It has been more than a decade since I have suffered from back pain like this and I really truly believed working out and lifting weights had fixed my back problems forever and now here I am--I can barely bend over. Getting out of bed, using the bathroom, showering--everything is painful.
I don't mean to be a whiner, I am just not used to this. My husband is so afraid I am going to workout anyway and make it worse, but honestly--I can't! I
want to workout, trust me, but I am physically incapable right now and that is what is so depressing to me. I cannot even do yoga! WTC?!?! How did this happen?
Anyway, I got through work okay yesterday, even though I was in pain; they do supply us with very comfortable ergonomic chairs and desks that raise and lower so I was able to alternate between sitting and standing. Plus I took tramadol, which really helps. I loathe taking any kind of meds unless absolutely necessary and unfortunately, this is a case of absolutely necessary. After work I alternated icing and heating my back. I did not get up at 4:30am and attempt to workout this morning

. I slept an extra hour, hoping the extra sleep would aid in the healing process. My lower back, shoulders and cervical spine (shoulders and cervical spine were injured on Monday--yay me!) are all worse today. <sigh> I considered calling in sick, but unfortuntely, though I have tons of sick time since I never get sick, no one does my work when I am not there--it just continues to grow, so I came in anyway. I may go home early though.
So my spine is forcing me to not workout at all. Once I am able to actually bend over without wanting to cry, I will try to do some yoga, then maybe Cathe's Ride. I remember, all those years ago, that I did not get over back problems quickly, so I don't know how long this is going to last. I am so very depressed about it tho. Today just feels so wrong without my morning workout.