Hello girls.
I did Ballet Beautiful Body Blast today. 15 mins x4 body parts, and it was tedious. Ugh. Hardly broke a sweat. Borowed it for the week.
Pulled out Stretch Max with band after, which was perfect for all those butt and leg exercises.
I do momentarily panic that I'll lose the Cathe definition (or lack thereof

Missy, I've experienced that exhaustion from dreaming all night too. This morning I woke up an hour before the alarm and couldn't really fall back asleep

, even though I'm so tired.
Mary, high five on the toned arms and shoulders! So awesome. Like I've complained in the past, the only time my arms look toned is when I'm pumping them!
I rarely wear bathings suits any more but many yrs ago I only felt comfortable with Lands End's tankinis (tank tops with cute skirt bottoms). Now those are a bit loose and I don't ever feel a need to buy any more. Good luck looking.
Carolyn, I've not gone outside yet, but it doesn't seem humid here. It's slightly breezy, and the rain will start in late aft or early evening. Nope, it doesn't look like a hot week for you. Too bad, but there's always shopping

. Does your sis hit the beach in GA?
So happy to hear that dh's feeling himself. Phew, that was a worrisome period!
I just read in Prescription for Nutritional Healing that if you take your calcium supplement before bed, it promotes a sound sleep. Try that.
Nice job with your consistent walks. And HC. I will try to walk and garden before the rain hits.
Everyone who has done UY already, what should I start with and how should I start? I should preview or something... I might follow Travis' 108-day program, but it'll take me twice as long!