Colleen, OMG, I LOVE lavender too and think it would be so neat for you to plant them all around your house. One of my favorite uses is that I put a few drops in a 1 oz spray bottle with water and spray my sheets and pillow with it every night before bed. I also make Lavender Lemon Cookies that are made with Whole Wheat Pastry Flour and are yummy!
I haven’t made them in a while, but this reminded me of them. Also, I hear you are the Cardio Queen. Would you mind sharing with me what type of cardio you did and how often with the STS program? And thank you for the compliment! Glad to hear you put the blog on your fav bar. And I hear ya! It’s hard to get back from vaca and then there is so much to do. Have fun at your daughter’s bday this weekend.
Betty, So glad to hear that the pushups get better and that there is hope for doing them on the toes.
Thanks for your compliments! Glad you enjoyed the bio (it was a long one, lol). You are absolutely right about the conflicting data! There is much of it out there. I hear this a lot from clients as you could imagine. I would say, that most importantly to choose an eating plan that resonates with you and choose foods that you enjoy. If it doesn’t taste good, probably not a great match for you. I could go on an on… See organic answer below. As far as supplements, I choose food first always. There are a small few that I love and swear by, but I recommend a whole foods diet first as supplements can’t take the place of a healthy diet.
Jean, I LOVE Kale! So nice your mom broke you into it while you were young. Which was your favorite way she cooked it? What I eat for dinner typically changes every night, even though I do have my favorites! What I ate tonight was a salad that I made with a mix of greens and this bean salad I created (kidney beans, feta, avocado, cherry tomatoes, corn, sugar snap peas, raisins with a homemade honey mustard dressing) and Smoked Salmon and Lemon Quinoa. Dinner is usually my smallest meal of the day, with Breakfast and lunch being bigger and I eat snacks in between. Anyway, that is so great that you love to learn about healthy meals.
Gratefuldog (Carolyn?), thanks for your kind complements. I hope you enjoy the blog.
Mfv3, yay for breastfeeding! I’m not a mom yet, but from a nutrition standpoint this is fabulous, for you and baby. Glad to hear you’ll be checking out my blog. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for your compliment too. So cool you were a dancer too. My gym said I can use their classroom and steps when there are no classes in there, so I think I’m gonna start there and buy some downloads. Which should I get if I could only get 2 right now? I’m thinking at least 1 low impact one. Thanks for sharing about Rebecca Small. I’ll have to check her out. Yay for meditation! I love it. It’s easy to get out of routine, but the nice thing is it’s always there when you are ready to return to it.
Disc too was awesome, thanks for asking!!! I love all of the super sets and burn outs with the band. I struggled with the tricep pushups at the end but they were pretty sweet.
Missy, cool we are the same age! Yeah, that must be hard working at a doc’s office. Thanks for your compliment. I hope you enjoy the blog.
Meredith, My take on Organics…I give you the short version. I try to choose organic as often as possible for myself, and would say that my diet is mostly organic. For clients I make it an individual recommendation. For some people just getting them to eat veggies is hard enough that I’d rather start there before mentioning organics. So it depends on the circumstance. Anyway, I’d say that Meat, Poultry, Dairy and eggs are the top priority that I tell people. So, it sounds like you are already doing this and that is great! Oils, Nuts and seeds are my next pick for organic because nuts are pasteurized and they either fumigate them (non-organic) or steam pasteurize (organic). Then I would say you could check out the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 (just type that in google) for priority fruits and veggies. I’ll leave it at that for now. Hope that helps.
Whoa, that was a lot of threads to reply to, lol! Hope I didn't leave anyone out!
I’m going to get a few of Cathe’s step videos. Which do you all recommend. I want at least one low impact.