STS first time!

Good Morning all. I did my cardio this morning!

I am not sure what DVD I am doing tonight. I am between arm days..... Disc#7 yesterday...Disc#8 tomorrow...what to do today????

Something to think about!!!!

At work, just thought I would check in. BBL!:D
This weather makes me want to take a nap, which is not a good thing because I am at work. Carolyn, I hear you on the rain and sports activities. We are supposed to have tryouts for fall soccer tonight, and they just got cancelled. My husband is away on business this week so I am happy for any less driving I have to do.

Jean, great job on the legs. I generally like leg workouts, but am known to groan sometimes with those endless low-end pulses. I just keep thinking about how my legs will look if I stick with it.

I'm hoping to get in Disc 31 tonight, if the timing allows. Have a great day!
A little bit of DOMS goes a long way Jean! No need to be hobbled by horrendous DOMS every time you workout to get the benefit, for sure. It's fine and good to be really sore when you first start and whenever you up the challenge but you should get to a point where your body adapts and is getting stronger. I think if we're that sore all the time, it's not necessarily a good idea for the body. We need those small muscle tears to heal to build stronger muscle and if we're always in DOMS mode that probably means we are never giving our muscle time to do that. That said, if you get to a point where you never feel sore anymore it's probably time to up the challenge if you want to see more change (add more weight, go deeper in the lunge or squat, etc.)

Speaking of lower body DOMS, I did Butts and Guts today!!:p I was going to try my kettlebell kickboxing dvd I just got but my upper body is still sore from Burn and Build on Sunday!:eek: Carolyn- to keep it more cardio I'd probably just use nothing more than an 8 lb dumbell (I believe you don't have kettlebells, right?). My shoulders and back are still feeling it today!

Pretty busy today at work...this was my first break today. This whole week is turning out to be crazy busy. Wednesday I have to go out of town to fill in for another doctor who's on vacation this week so I won't get to post much tomorrow. Phooey. :(

Oh, a 7 lb kettlebell would be perfect for that one, especially if you are looking for more cardio and don't want to over stress your upper body during STS! I use my 10 lb one but if I were to ever try and do that workout the same week as STS I would have to go lighter. He does the drills so much you feel like your arms are going to fall off! LOL It's amazing how much that one works your core too! No need to do abs that day;).

Thanks for the heads up on the uneven reps for B&G! I never noticed that!:confused: I'll have to remember to count those out next time. I just did it this morning too. I did the floor section up until the part where she goes on all fours, right at the 50 min mark. Then I stopped the dvd, put Dylan on the bus and took Lydia to 4K, came back and then did the ab section. I look so nasty when I take Lydia to 4K. If I think about it too much I get embarassed. I'm wearing my glasses, no make up, I've just stopped sweating a few minutes before hand and am praying no one can smell me!:confused: Yikes! I cannot wait until I can put both Dylan and Lydia on the bus and not have to make that trip to 4K!:eek:
Carolyn, I hope you're not sitting in the rain at a baseball game! I am so glad our soccer was cancelled.

I got in Disc 31 - Ch&Back tonight. I loved it! I couldn't believe I was lifting such heavy weights, I would never have attempted them before STS! I did hit one time though, I think it was incline chest press, and I went to lift the weights and I just could not get them up. Had to lower the weight on that one, but I felt great when done!

Jean, when I get DOMS I usually feel it when I'm doing something else, like climbing the stairs. It doesn't stop me from doing things though. Sounds like you are on the right track.

I never noticed that on B&G, but I usually don't make it through the floor work on that one. For some reason those side leg lifts on the ball after the standing portion just slay me. I can't wait to get back to that one after STS.

Good Night!
Actually, I just realized my nails have been stronger too! I always cut 'em off though. I just hate nails! I'm such a boy that way:eek:. That and I hate wearing dresses. My husband thinks I'm so weird because of that. Somehow, I managed to give birth to the most girlie girl in the world though! This girl wants to wear dresses all the time, all pink, and begs me to paint her nails!:confused:

Carolyn- do you stretch your hamstrings? I'm a big believer in stretching...well not so much these days:eek:. I used to be really good about stretching after my workout and incorporating some yoga days. These days, not so much... When I do the hamstring roll ins my knee totally feels like it's going to pop out of alignment if I try to do the one legged ones! I tend to just do those with both legs. I can just imagine what all the other parents think when they see me dropping off Lydia all grubby..."she's an eye doctor? Seriously? What a slob! LOL:eek:

You ladies have me thinking I need to retry Meso 3 someday. Now that I have the tower I may have to revisit that at some point!

Have a great night ladies!
Good Evening! I was so busy today I never got around to posting!

I just finshed KPC!!! :p

Jean---DOMS---just a slight muscle soreness. I love it!!! I have had days in the past where I could barely sit, not fun! I don't like that at all. I just like to feel I have accomplished something!

Carolyn---I never noticed that in B&G. Guess, at that point my legs are just screaming and wanting to stop. I will have to add on next time.

Okay, gotta go make my husbands lunch for tomorrow.

Chat later!;)
Oh...funny story!!! Or at least I thought it was....

I was 3/4 done with my DVD tonight and my husband came in my exercise room. He asked me what I would do if we lost power for a few days.....hahaha NOT!!!!

I told him that was not funny, I would DIE!!!!

He said....well, we would probably be the only people in the neighborhood running a generator for the DVD player!!!!!

Exactly!!!!!! :p
Aw, cute pic Carolyn!

I just did Hiit double wave pyramid! I just realized I haven't done that one (or any Hiit workout) in quite a while! I've been doing mostly steady state cardio lately. I used to have incredible endurance for that one and today I was sucking wind! :eek:

I gotta get going...I'm working out of town today so I won't get to post until tonight. Have a great day fit ladies!!:D
Good Afternoon ladies!!!!

I have been so busy at work these past few days.....OMG!!!

Jean---I am so proud that you pushed through Drill max. I absolutely love that DVD. I also felt that way the first few minutes into it, the first time. But, now it is one of my favorites!!!! Yes, my elliptical runs on power. My husband is crazy!!!! But, I am very thankful he supports me!!!

By the way.....I have every Cathe DVD I want. Just received last one ordered!!!! LIS, STS, Shock Cardio, 4DS, Hardcore, Intensity, Body Blast, Lower Body Blast, Intensity, High Reps, B&G, Drill max, LIC, Cardio Fusion, Body Max 2. And of course the 2 new.... pre ordered. :eek::p:D:eek:

Now all I have to do is figure out which DVD to do and when. That is the hard part!!!!

Carolyn---your babies are too cute. I am so glad they are getting along. How is the potty training going? Hopefully, it is getting better.

Gotta Run......Disc#8 tonight!!!!
BBL!!! :)
Just finished my workout!!! I did a little gardening...just picked a few cucumbers and a squash. I premade a meatloaf for dinner I can just warm it and make some fresh veggies to go along with. Kinda looking forward to it!!

My wonderful husband was out of town today on work and went to Books A Million and got me the Oxygen Special Bookazine....Ultimate Beach Body Plan!!! Looks to take a warm bath and to preview it! :D

Good Night!!! Chat tomorrow!!!
Jean, I'm so glad you enjoyed Drill Max!!! Yay! It's so funny...I am able to subscribe to these threads and have them sent to my email instantly, which gets forwarded to my Blackberry as soon as you guys post. I was driving to Winona (to fill in for this other doctor) and I was stuck on the bridge for a few minutes due to traffic being backed up when my phone dinged and it was your post. I was so happy for you, and could just imagine all the endorphins flowing for you and it just made me smile all the rest of the way to work!:D

It's so fun to find workouts we enjoy! It's like an addiction in itself, looking for those ones that you'll come back to again and again! Luckily Cathe is pretty darn consistent in her quality so she's a pretty good bet when you're looking for that!:eek:

Well, I just got back from a walk with Mark and the kids so I suppose I'd better get to helping Dylan with his homework. With the days getting longer it's getting harder and harder to buckle down at night! We just want to stay outside and goof off. Before we know it it's 9:00 at night!!

Night everyone!
Hi Everyone,

I did Disc 32 plyo legs last night. Everything was good except for those 1-legged squat thrusts, I think I did 2 on each leg and then went to both legs. Crazy stuff! Colleen, I love Meso 3, you should try it. I cannot believe the weights I am lifting, but its doable because its only 6 or 7 reps. I feel so strong when I am done.

We're on our 3rd day of rain here, I've had enough of it.

I don't do much with my nails either. For my niece's wedding, she arranged for us all to get manicures. The lady cut my cuticle - I hated it.

Carolyn, your dogs are so cute! The new recipe sounds good. Any chance you can share? I don't like to cook much either, especially weeknights when everything is so rushed.

Jean, congratulations on Drill Max! I love that workout. Make sure to check out the premixes on that one, it has some really good ones.

Missy, I am jealous of your gardening. Still way too early for us here.

Marie, you look great! How exciting!
Just did Kettlebell Kickboxing! 35 minutes and I was sweating nicely! I really liked it! I tell ya, if you guys think I'm a good enabler you should probably stay off VF! :eek: I click on a thread about a new workout and it's like I have no willpower! I MUST have it!:eek: I'm glad I caved on this one, though. The only thing that I didn't like is that the instructor talked the entire time and she sort of reminds of the instructor from Turbo Fire Chalene Johnson (who I can't stand!). Once I got into the workout though it didn't bother me at all.

Carolyn- have you gotten Burn and Build yet? I'm SO excited to hear what you think of it! I got such a thrill reading about Jean's experience with Drill Max! It's so much fun when people enjoy something you your sharing some awesome secret that no one else knows about!:p I try to get folks in my life into working out with dvd's, especially Cathe, because I enjoy it so much but so far not too much luck getting people on board. They either don't work out at all, go to gyms's or have their own system at home without dvds. I got my niece and brother in law to do some but they didn't stick with it...oh well. My sister still hasn't returned Travel Fit or even tried it yet either!:rolleyes:

Mary- I totally can't do those one legged squat thrusts in Cathe's Plyo legs! It's so weird because I can do the one armed burpee in Burn and Build but when I try to do it one legged I fall apart! I always do it with both legs..better safe than sorry!

ITA with you guys on nails being germ catchers! Did you guys hear about the nurse who worked in some neonatal ICU who spread some kind of illness to the babies because of her nails?? Even if you scrub under them it's still easy for bacteria to hide under there! Ick. Every time I see someone with long nails that's all I can think about!:eek: I'm not a total germ-a-phobe but maybe just a little...I also use the paper towel I dry my hands with to open the door of public restrooms. I've seen way too many people bypass the sink after using the facilities and not wash their hands before they touch the door on their way out!:confused:

Better get in the shower!
I'm back!
Marie- I forgot to write about your pic! I see a wee little bump...Yay! Are you feeling the baby move around and kick yet? It's so surreal when you feel the kick and then see it on the outside of the belly at the same time. It'll be a while before you see that, though. When the kids would do that I'd sit in a recliner and just watch it. Every time I'd try to get Mark to look they'd stop! Little stinkers!:p

D'oh, I hear the next patient getting screened...gotta go!
Good Afternoon ladies! I am swamped at work. Not extra time!

Quick second to say hi!

Marie---you look so cute!!! I can see the bump!!! :D

Gotta Run....patients everywhere!!!!!!!!

I will check in tonight!
Carolyn, thanks for posting the recipe, that looks really good. I've never seen boneless chicken thighs in the store, I hope mine has them.

I did yoga today at the gym. I have been neglecting my stretching lately, so it felt good. Hope to catch up on my cardio this weekend.

Have a good evening! The sun finally came out here!
Okay...I had a crazy day. Work was super busy!!! People were coming out of the woods!!!!

Tomorrow, will be another....our receptionist has the day that means I will be fill in receptionist!!! :confused:

I just did High Reps!!! My muscles are going to be sore tomorrow!!!! I absolutley love the discs for lunges!!! I feel like I can go deeper with them. I love it!

Carolyn---that receipe looks good, Do you have any of the Eat Clean Cookbooks? I was interested in getting one, but which one?

Does your husbands eat these healthy receipes?

Off to shower...Be back in a few!
Before I go...I was wondering if you have ever heard of Scott Abel?

I purchased a 5 disc DVD set a few years husband and I were going to do this together. Well we did it for 1 week. I loved it, he hated working out. He would rather watch TV and drink beer!!! hahaha

I still have it, and I am thinking of alternating these DVD's with Cathes like Colleen does her other DVD's.

Scott Abel Personal Fitness Coaching, One Time Diet & Custom Workout Programs - Scott Abel (5 DAY ULTIMATE FIGURE PROGRAM)
check it out, you may like it. I am not sure if he sells the DVD's anymore, it looks like he sells downloads. But, when I purchased I called and spoke with his wife, as they are in canada. Very nice lady.

Tell me your thoughts!!!!! :D
Good Morning!

I just finished disc 33 - shoulders, bis and tris. I love these workouts, I felt incredibly strong and never would have attempted these heavy weights before. I have to remember not to do yoga the day before a shoulder workout though, my shoulders were a little sore from all the down dogs I did yesterday!

Marie, I cannot believe you did CCC! Good for you! That is one of the toughest workouts, and it has a little dread factor for me. You will be so happy you kept up with your workouts after you have the baby.

Jean, so glad you enjoyed Drill Max. I got that same high after I did the first plyo leg workout. The feeling stayed with me all day.

Missy, hope your day is not too crazy today, but at least its Friday!

Looks like a beautiful day here, the sun is shining. Off to shower and do errands.

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