Betty Congrats on your recipe. You didn't even tell us you had submitted one. Now you have 100 Cathe dollars. Does she have anything that you don't have? Did you have to submit the picture also? I have never heard of "Gyozas". I have to look that one up. Enjoy the recital. Are you the proud Mom while he is playing? I wish I could play piano.
Missy Enjoy Bootcamp. I wanted to join one about 10 yrs ago but I had to be to work too early. And I hear the instructors are mean if you don't do everything. Good Luck.
Betty, I usually always do yoga with my eyes closed. I find it relaxing when I do that. I don't find the mind body connection. I just love how I feel afterward. So maybe that is my connection with yoga. Good luck at the recital. How long has your son been playing the Piano? My dd just started last October. It's amazing how fast they can pick up music at such a young age.
Carolyn, how frustration. I hope you found an outfit that he liked. I'm not sure why schools make it so hard sometimes.
Good morning!
I got to work a little early so just taking a quick walk and sipping my cold press
Hope you all have a great morning. I hope to be back later.
way to stinkin busy for my liking.
only got a walk in. no weights
the outfit I bought ds does not fit. So in between my dentist appointment and food shopping I went to TJ, Kohls and Walmart. He is graduating tonight and needs to look nice, but he will NEVER wear this stuff again so I don't want to invest much money. I still need him to try it on and see how it looks. It is SOOOOO hot and humid. We are going to melt. They do a supper and then the graduation. Siblings can't come! Who will watch dd for 45 mins during supper time?!! I am not asking anyone to do that. So, dh is staying with him. I didn't have any fight for that! Mr Antisocial!
Need to vacuum. Be back tonight for personals.
I was awake from 2:30-5:30 this a.m.!I am borderline insane from lack of sleep.
Good Morning.....wide awake here....alarm went off at 4:40....and yes, for a moment I thought "am I crazy?" hehehe....left to hoise at 5 am....and tackled was really fun....I enjoyed it. There is a good group of girls and everyone makes you feel at home....The instructor is the owner of the gym...ex nfl football player....but really nice. He does not yell at you like some bootcamps...he is just really motivating....I go back thursday....then I have 2 weeks off....and then we start a 7 week bootcamp....3 days a week.... hehehehe
It started out with a really good warm up...and then we hit the streets....we ran 2 miles....then came back in the gym...and hit the mats...did burpes, mountain climbers, several different crunch sets, push ups, then hit stationed workouts....weights (machine and free weights) and cardio (treadmill, rowing, biking)...It was an awesome workout! It was funny...he came over to me...and you make that look so easy...lets up those weights....too funny!!! He said...your "NO" beginner....your can do this....hehehe
The workout was an hour....then back to the house for a much needed at work!!!
Hope everyone has a lovely day! Will check in later....![]()