Happy Friday Girls. It is the most lovely day today. Maybe I will sit out and read today.
We went to Delaware yesterday. When we got to our community I felt like I was home. We went to the community center and checked out the exercise room. They have gym quality stuff: 2 ellipticals, 1 treadmill, 1 incumbent bike, and 3 weight machine things that do different things. Everything has a t.v. attached to it. I can't wait to use that stuff. We saw one lady walking and 2 ladies riding bikes. So I know I won't be staying inside like I do now. I told my husband I feel like I am merely existing now. So after I move I hope to have lots of activities to report. The house is beautiful. The decorator met us there with a man. He measured all the windows and her and I picked out the material for the shades. The paint colors are magnificent. I wish someone could tell me how to post a picture. I have all my pics loaded on my laptop but I have no clue how to post. I went to reply and then advanced but then I was lost.

I have some great pics. I would even put them in a public folder if someone can tell me how to do it. The driveway and sidewalk is in. They require you have 2 trees in the front yard. I don't like trees in my yard so I told her I would like 2 red crepe myrtals. So that is what we are getting. We had 2 blonde shirtless guys digging the well but they don't come with the house.

The well is only used for watering the lawn and wahing cars. The house comes with a sprinkler system and they do expect you to use it so we paid extra for a well. The paint colors are gorgeous. My exercise room is swimming pool blue. When I saw it , I just wanted to exercise. I read that blue gives you energy. My chandeliers are up minus the crystals. I will put those on myself. Well if anyway can help me post pictures , I will let you see it all. The builder is pushing for the end of July. I think the hardwood floors go in next week. Everything is hardwood except the bathrooms and laundry room.
Carolyn Do you feel LL is helping your inner thighs? I know that is your trouble spot. Where are you going on vacation?
Betty I forget what you said the plumbers are doing. I hope you got that mess cleaned up. I hate the filth from construction work. I loved your cards. You are very creative. I like how you used the word "congrads". That was cute. They look like they were time consuming. I would have to look on the internet to get card ideas.
Colleen I am glad to hear your stomach is healed. My sister is having some personal rear end problems. I won't give TMI here. Anyway they can't figure out what her problem so the Dr has her on gluten free and lactose free to see if that helps her.
Jean, it is so fantastic to do new construction, to get everything the way you want! All that you have described is of utmost importance to me. Except I would sub Japanese red maples for crepe myrtles (I don't even know what they look like; they're probably regional.)
I had my water heater and furnace replaced with a one-pc, high-efficiency combo. So exciting! Don't tell anyone I said this but I can't wait to see what the heating will be like in the fall.

The process we have ingrained in our brains of setting the heat to go on/off at certain times is going out the window!
Here's the
CAJUN BOIL recipe (keep in mind it is a work-in-process for me):
• 1 lb each of a combination of mussels, shrimp, clams, cleaned (try crab, crawfish too)
• 4 tbsp butter
• 3/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil (add more later if you deem it not moist enough)
• 1 tbsp McCormick Cajun Seasoning
• 1 tbsp paprika
• 1 tbsp Old Bay Seasoning
• 1½ tsp freshly ground pepper
• 1½ tsp kosher salt
• 1/8 tsp (or to taste) cayenne pepper
• 1 whole small head of garlic, minced very finely
• the juice of 1 lemon
• 4 ears corn, in halves or thirds
• Freshly-cooked white rice to sop up the sauce
1. In an 8” stockpot, steam the corn for 10-12 mins until tender. Set aside and add (bring more water to a boil, if necessary) the mussels and clams to the steaming liquid, steaming until the shells open, about 5-7 minutes. Drain the liquid. Put the corn back in and cover.
2. In a small saucepan, melt the butter and olive oil over med-low heat. Add garlic and saute until translucent and flavor comes out, about 2 minutes. Add the Cajun seasoning, paprika, Old Bay, black pepper, salt, and cayenne, and mix thoroughly until warmed through. Add the shrimp and cook until tender and pink, about 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat.
3. Pour the shrimp and butter/oil seasoning over the shellfish and corn and toss to coat. Squeeze and drizzle lemon juice over the mixture.
4. Serve immediately over steaming white rice.
Serves: 4-6
Let me know if you ever try it.
I need to figure out what to serve for dinner tonight

. I am hungry right now!