Hi Mary! Great to hear from you!
Yes, hopefully the storm will be a dud. I'm ready for spring! The groundhog did promise!

Was it Jai in the scarecrow challenge? She looks smokin'!
Good for you for doing the stairs! 10 flights going up?!

. I might take pause at that!!! Wouldn't want to sweat on my work clothes!

Yes, we talked of having a spin bike a year ago because we watch a lot of recorded tv and dvd movies. Felt so slothlike just sitting for hours upon hours. And it's super that everyone can use it! Last night we lubricated it, so I did 4 miles (hardly any resistance

Oh, Colleen, the rebounder sounds incredible, especially with the moves you describe! Those are all the ones I hate and feel on my knees!
And omg, do I want UY!

Flexibility sounds heavenly!
Oh, Carolyn, your cramps!

How awful! Put a heating pad on your belly or back area! It feels so good!
LL Bean is actually where my s-i-l bought the snowshoes too. Glad you found the perfect ones!
Hi Jean, Missy, Marie!
Big L was so lame! Such manufactured drama!