Hi everyone,
I looked at the LIS/XT rotations this morning and couldn't bring myself to do any of them. Am tired of them. For the moment. So I pulled out IMAX 2, and tacked on 100 RC Lateral Raises at the end (first time). I felt like I was one step behind on IMAX 2 the whole time. Because I haven't done this one since early March last year!
Love that workout.
Colleen, DH and I did 3 miles and DS 1. We didn't even do them all at once. I'm finding the soreness tolerable and I'm beginning to see the no-impact on the knees thing. (Don't understand why outdoor bikes hurt my knees.) We have to figure out why our bike as it warms up gets tight. Stop for a second, then it goes away. Then repeat. Probably just needs oiling but DH is very busy with work. Stressed doesn't even cover it.
How nice that there's a Chinese New Year parade at school. We haven't had that here.
Don't feel bad for yelling at DD. We all do it, and like Carolyn points out, they forget. I've gotten to the point that I feel all I do is yell at my boys because they're older and need so much nagging

How exciting on the rebounder! Enjoy trying it out!
Carolyn, that's super that you did 5 miles!!! The best part is doing it with a friend!

on the cramps! They'll pass. I prescribe a heating pad tonight. It does wonders.
Marie, high five on sitting through a long day of continuing ed!
You are amazing to get up that early and work out before work too.
Say, do you think Cathe would re-film her Greatest Hits workout? I think this option would be the best. Or just cut and paste? Dated footage--not so exciting...
My choices so far would be clips from IMAX 2 and KPC. Haven't picked warmups or cooldowns that I like since I can't remember them all. Need to pick more segments too.
PS: I did some bursts on the spin bike last night and maybe that's why I'm feeling soreness on my legs today!