STS first time!

Marie--- your welcome! Thats what I like about our group...we motivate each other!!!

Off to bed....hopefully I can sleep tonight....I am exhausted. Cant wait till tomorrow night when Tim gets he can wrap his arms around me.... I miss that so much!!!!

Good night!
Good morning!

Jean, I'm so sorry about your dog. Pets are family and it is so sad, but you should feel better about knowing it was time.

Betty, I agree about cutting back on workouts, but I am afraid to do it because I sit all day at work. If I could be more active in general I might be able to. When it starts to warm up I plan to add a walk in during lunch or in the evening, just to get some fresh air and sunshine.

Missy, Tim is coming home today? Happy reunion!

Colleen, what kind of rebounder did you get? Will you use it in regular workouts with the high impact stuff?

Marie, I never left my kids when they were little either, I missed them too much!

I didn't sleep well last night and so my workout suffered this morning. I did BS Chest Back and Shoulders, and had trouble lifting the weights I normally do. Then I thwacked my left kneecap with a 25 lb dumbbell. I saw stars! I'm hoping a didn't do any permanent damage.

Have a great day!
Oh Mary! how graphically painful! Good job getting your workout in...
On days you don't exercise, count all the putting around, running around, cleaning, stairs, walking to copier, etc, as movement. All that counts. I can totally relate--I sit a lot too:confused:

Ha ha, was not on bike. Took DS to get his braces off.:D

Did two separate one-milers last night while watching tv, to get acclimated. My rear end is sore today, of course.
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Hello my firends....I posted a long post this am....and I realize did not post....

But, I just read this and I am pumped up....

Hi Everyone,

I’m sure this email will have you all wondering if I am filming again and the answer is YES!!! YAY…I can’t wait! I look forward to telling you about the workouts in another post. Right now I need some help from all of you. Ever wish you could create your own DVD with all the “Best of Cathe” workout segments? Well now you have the opportunity to help me with this.

We’re currently working on a Greatest Hits Vol. #1 DVD that we’re going to make and give away for free during our upcoming Pre-Sale for my next videos ( that I will announce shortly). I would like to get some input from as many of you as possible as to what you would like to see in a Greatest Hits Vol #1 DVD? So, my question to you is, if you were to design a Cathe DVD lasting anywhere from 50 to 75 mins based on segments from any of my DVDs I’ve done in the past – What would it be?

Here is the criteria:
1. Total workout time must be anywhere from 50 to 75 mins, including warm up and cooldown.
2. You can select segments from as many videos as you like, but you must select segments from at least three different videos and the total time can’t exceed 75 minutes
3. Make sure to include a warm up segment and a cooldown/stretch segment in addition to the main workout.
4. Bonus Workout: You may also include a separate bonus workout segment lasting no longer than 20 minutes that will be added to the workout you create in our Premix section.

The workout you design can be cardio only, strength only, a mix of cardio and strength, step only, kickbox only, HiiT only or whatever you like. Just make sure to follow the criteria listed above. I realize it’s hard to select just a few segments from all of the videos I have done in the past and there are a lot of directions you can go in designing this workout, but if this goes over well I’m sure we will do more “Greatest Hits” Volumes in the future.

Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

hehehehehe :eek:
I just saw that email about a new project! I can't imagine what Cathe will come up with after Xtrain, but excited to find out!
Haven't had a chance to go look at Cathe's post yet, but, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! She has been cranking them out fast!
HOWEVER. Ever since my obsession with UY, I have found myself asking whether I'd jump on the pre-sale bandwagon again. My resolve is quickly fading...

Did a couple more miles on the bike while watching Hope Springs tonight (not that great a movie. jean, you see this?). I love that I can cycle while watching! Was not dressed for it either night: turtle neck, jeans, hair untied (makes me hot)...

What a crazy busy day. Catch you in am;)
Good morning....Tim is home and I slept so good last night....i slept a full 9 hrs and I feel great. Thats moe than i slept the entire time Tim was gone....

Tonight I am going to take a bootcamp class with my is from is $ We will see how I like it! It is offerred on monday and wednesday nights....somwthing new.....will let you know how it goes!

Colleen...did you get the rebounder yet???? Interested to see how you like it!

Okay...gotta get serious....with my power cardio this am....check in later!
Carolyn--- go do yoga with your friend! I am going to do bootcamp! A group setting can be good for a change.....sometimes we get so stuck in a is good to venture out! I use to think like that....and my husband kept pushing me to find a fit i have many and we go and do stuff all the time....its better than being by myself all the time. I still workout 95% of the time alone....but I run and occas do classes with her.

Also this saturday i am going to a 2 hr zumba class for free in the next town...oh yeah!!

Gotta go to work....enjoy wednesday!
Morning Girls,

So sorry I didn't check in yesterday. I tired many times, but yesterday was such a crazy busy day at work. Today is the same way too. At least the day goes by fast. Last night was no different - the day just got away from me.

Yesterday I did Cycle Max and today was ballet body.

Carolyn, Go do yoga. I've been a few times to a live class you will greatly benefit from it to have the instructor give you pointers. Power Yoga is my favorite. How is your knee after HC? I know you’re having troubles with your feet know, but I totally LOVE ballet body, I think you would like it.

Betty, I think most of UY is about an hour long. I don’t' know for sure b/c he doesn't have the time listed for any of the DVDs, at least I haven't seen any yet. The two that I have done came in at about 60-65 minutes. I will do UY again on Sunday. Next week is a recovery week with BB so I will be getting more yoga in next week too! How the your hinny feeling today?

for the rebounder, it's supposed to be delivered tomorrow. So I researched these things like crazy and I have a serious issue when it comes to fitness equipment, I like the with that being said...I got a bellicon rebounder, crazy expensive, but it is an investment, right??? It's actually my bonus present to me this year. Hubby was completely on board and I am so supper excited for it to get here. Now I am on a moratorium with fitness purchases...

I hope Cathe's next videos are more spinning. I do prefer hers over the other videos I have for spinning.

Mary, how is your knee?

Jean, I am so excited about your upcoming move. When will your new house be ready?

Missy, is Tim home yet?

Need to get some work done I have meetings from 9-5 today. Uggg...
I got the 44 inch. I went with the screw in legs. I debated about the fold in, but I decided to save the extra $50 and went with the screw in ones. I can easily store it up against a wall in my workout room so didn't really need the fold in legs.
I don't have any recipes. By off the top of my head.

Diced Green pepper
Diced Opinions
Maybe mushrooms diced
Chicken thighs or cut up chicken breast
Tomato sauce
Throw in crock pot and let cook for 6 hours on low???
Salt,pepper and garlic to taste.
Colleen---I am so with you on the best of fitness equipment....but my husband and I have always felt you get why you pay if you are serious about...go all out...

Carolyn---Go do yoga....I am sure you will love it. Just once will be okay to miss dinner....I am missing dinner with my hubby class goes till 7:15, then I have a 20 minute drive need for him to wait....:p

Wonder what Cathe has brewing for the new workouts?????
Carolyn, go to yoga. I hear you on missing dinner--feel the same way, but since you will be doing UY soon;), you will benefit from a studio yoga experience. I've never been.

Just did AB:eek:. Bbl for personals
Jean, I got the pink bungee and black and pink mat. I went with the strong weight class. Based on my weight I could of gone with medium, but after discussing with customer service and that I will be using as a cardio alternative they recommended strong.
Colleen---What is the reasoning behind you getting a rebounder? Is it for cardio? Or just something different?

Betty---Yes my hubby is home! So glad....I worry about him when, he is not home. He was very happy to be home. He did stop at a bass pro...and bought me a pink t-shirt..... he is so thoughtful! I will wear it when we go fishing!! :D

Off to lunch! Be back!
Missy, yes as a cardio alternative such as Jumping and running. Also can be used to make high impact moves, like tuck jumps, low impact. My knees will be thankful.
As I was reading your posts about the rebounder, I was thinking, darn it, I should have gotten myself one of these instead of a spin bike. No saddle sores, lessen the impact on my knees, the guys would really enjoy jumping around, and I would have saved myself a few hundred dollars. (And German engineering, baby!) Then: Gasp, splutter, choke when I got to the website! I figured a couple of hundred dollars at most. I had no idea!:eek:
Oh well, probably my ceiling is not low enough anyway. I love the idea of taking the impact off the knees though! Especially since I work out on a concrete slab with carpet over it.:eek:

Jean, I am hoping once I get my runaway eating under control, I might lose some worthwhile calories. I have been avoiding the scale:eek:! In the meantime, as I acclimate, I am cycling super slow, with path of least resistance, and hardly any miles. BUT. It's 100% better than sitting on my rear end the whole time! And I can almost say I exercise every day!;) I'm going to get into a routine where I should at least dress comfortably; you wouldn't believe how being hot hinders me. Also, the room is already warm from the fireplace being on. DH and I agreed last night that the big-butt seat we put on isn't right.
High five to you for doing SuperCuts!!! That's such a fun one! See, didn't you pick right up (aerobic endurance) where you left off?

Carolyn, have you googled marathon runners' feet issues? This just came to me as I was exercising. There must be so many people with the same types of pain/injury from running so many miles. And often, they want to continue running too.
Hope you are enjoying snowshoeing. That sounds so cool. My bro and s-i-l just bought snowshoes recently. Curious how it would be. A lot less cumbersome (and pricey) than skiing. No high mountains either.

So. AB. This workout is killer with not 1, not 2, but 4 floor disc segments! But guess what? My aerobic capacity and endurance to do these have improved so much!
Think I'll check out an XT/LIS rotation next.

Yesterday afternoon/evening, I took DS to volunteer at the food pantry. I read about a local one a few months back but couldn't get in to help out till now. Want to open DS's eyes.

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