As I was reading your posts about the rebounder, I was thinking, darn it, I should have gotten myself one of these instead of a spin bike. No saddle sores, lessen the impact on my knees, the guys would really enjoy jumping around, and I would have saved myself a few hundred dollars. (And German engineering, baby!) Then: Gasp, splutter, choke when I got to the website! I figured a couple of hundred dollars at most. I had no idea!

Oh well, probably my ceiling is not low enough anyway. I love the idea of taking the impact off the knees though! Especially since I work out on a concrete slab with carpet over it.
Jean, I am hoping once I get my runaway eating under control, I might lose some worthwhile calories. I have been avoiding the scale

! In the meantime, as I acclimate, I am cycling super slow, with path of least resistance, and hardly any miles. BUT. It's 100% better than sitting on my rear end the whole time! And I can almost say I exercise every day!

I'm going to get into a routine where I should at least dress comfortably; you wouldn't believe how being hot hinders me. Also, the room is already warm from the fireplace being on. DH and I agreed last night that the big-butt seat we put on isn't right.
High five to you for doing SuperCuts!!! That's such a fun one! See, didn't you pick right up (aerobic endurance) where you left off?
Carolyn, have you googled marathon runners' feet issues? This just came to me as I was exercising. There must be so many people with the same types of pain/injury from running so many miles. And often, they want to continue running too.
Hope you are enjoying snowshoeing. That sounds so cool. My bro and s-i-l just bought snowshoes recently. Curious how it would be. A lot less cumbersome (and pricey) than skiing. No high mountains either.
So. AB. This workout is killer with not 1, not 2, but 4 floor disc segments! But guess what? My aerobic capacity and endurance to do these have improved so much!
Think I'll check out an XT/LIS rotation next.
Yesterday afternoon/evening, I took DS to volunteer at the food pantry. I read about a local one a few months back but couldn't get in to help out till now. Want to open DS's eyes.