STS first time!

Ack, sometimes I still have trouble getting to the forums, not sure what is going on. Anyway, BS bis and tris with core#1 this morning, glad to get it done.

Betty, I think you are right, I should have gone for a walk yesterday but never made it out. And today I ran out of time, and tomorrow looks like snow. But I do think I need some sunshine and walking always makes me feel good. I hope you got your spin bike set up.

I haven't opened my chocolates yet! And I had to make cupcakes today to bring to a friend's for dinner tonight. And my DDs ordered 8 boxes of girl scout cookies one day when I wasn't home and they are coming tomorrow! I am no good with all this stuff in the house. I do put boxes of the cookies in the freezer but still.

Carolyn your lunch sounds so healthy. I usually eat alot of salads during the week but then my weekend eating goes downhill.

Colleen I hope you are enjoying UY.
Hello....well its a good think I did all my cardio this morning...due to these low freezing temps....i am a pile of shit....i just woke up... i fell asleep watching a movie around i am crap....trying to stay awake so when it is bed time I can actually sleep....omg!!!!

Girl scout cookies....oh...i never buy them because i am a cookie addict....i cant stop once the box is open...NO self control!!!

Carolyn---- as for cars vs trucks....i like all of our trucks...but i absolutely LOVE my jetta!! I dropped my jetta off at the delearship for the second key to be programmed..they are around $300...and you get 2 when you buy...but they only had 1 on day of purchase...they ordered 2nd key and it arrived friday..i pick my car up monday....they put me in a mazda3..... and granted the car is nice but there is no comparrison....i miss my jetta. But...i can only say nice things about the nice and professional...we live about 75 minutes from they just gave me a loaner car untill I can get back kind of them! They just peeled the for sale stickers off this car and handed me the keys!

Off to take a bath....maybe it will wake me up!
Good is freezing....and you all know I am not a fan of cold is 25 degrees....the bird bath and horse water buckets are frozen solid. Yuck! Cold weather go away!

Carolyn--- i am eating plenty...prob more than needed...i have been bad this week. But i am being good next week. I did listen to my body and went back to lounging and sleep a full 10 hrs last night... very unusual for me....I am normally up and working out on weekends by 7am....but due to this aweful cold temps....i didnt get up till 8:30.

Hope everyone has a lovely sunday!
Morning girls!

Today I did Ying yoga from UY. I loved it. It's a perfect workout for stretching and opening up joints and muscles. You hold various poses for 3-5 minutes. Great or knees, back, hamstrings and hips. It left so good. Its perfect for a rest day about an hour long and I feel fantastic now!! I didn't realize how tight my muscle are.

Carolyn, from the two that I've done I think it is completely doable for a beginner. Especially since you've been doing foundations.

Missy, so glad you caught up on some rest. I was wide awake at 7 am this morning.

Need to finish getting ready.

Carolyn, I hear you on the sweety treaty! I've been craving sweets, especially cupcakes, for weeks. I, too, have been eating like an oinker, this whole past week or two! I don't know what gives. Seconds and thirds, oink oink. I agree with Mary about eating healthy during the week and then going downhill on the weekend!
We've heard from DS1 twice, thanks, both on Skype. The time difference and limitation on Internet usage makes it harder, although he's not one to touch base and update us either, unless asked. There was a group of 30 students going.
:eek:, Ford Focus! My bro has one of the older model Pilots and I like it. Not as wide and hulky as the newer ones, and it was smooth when we borrowed it once.
I've not heard of Tripoli's nor beach pizza. What's beach pizza?
Did you try making the pretzels with the choc drizzle and heathbar toppings? It is inspired!
By jove, the wind is frigid and gusty today!:confused: Despicable! At least the snow has topped. We probably got another 6".

Colleen, I love your UY updates! Yin Yoga sounds great! I am practically drooling about UY daily, reading VF for new reviews, but I am perverse like that in keeping myself from buying yet. It consciously means to drop Cathe more, plus I want that $50 price:eek:! Outrageous, isn't it?! I'll live vicariously through you! Marie will update us soon too, I'm sure.
Carolyn, what do you think of the importcds price of $73?? Not sure about the website...

Jean, wassup?
Good evening....well my Tim left today at 4.....i am all alone....i moss my hubby!!! He just called and he arrived safely at the hotel...

Jean---- i do cook alot....i am not a fan of yes i try and cook healthy lite lunches. Total I roasted a chicken and make a side salad. It was good....i wanted tim to have a good healthy meal before he left. He will not get another home meal till wednesday.
Oh...tim jr (he always signs jr) his dad is sr.

Off to take dog outside.

Chat later!
Oh, for Pete's sake! The wind has been howling at us non-stop the entire day! We are talking biting cold winds!:mad:

Ok, bike was put together this evening, with the exception of the seat. Was too cold and dark to go outside to the shed to look for the big-butt gel seat on my street bike. I could have been riding during 3 episodes of Top Chef!!! It didn't cross my mind!!!:eek: Nor did it occur to me to ride tomorrow! Now that you mention it, I will do my regular workout first, and then take the bike for a spin while I watch the intros.
I do worry about the butt soreness, for normally I can't ride two days in a row on my street bike. Hurts too much. I'll take your word for it though.;)
I'm with you and can hold out for the price! (I think!):D

Jean, I'm so sorry for you and your dog! That must have been heartbreaking for you. (((Hugs)))
I'm soooo excited about your new house! I can't believe how fast it's coming up!
Let us know how you like meditation. Interesting!
The finale of Downton season 3 aired tonight. You can catch up at your leisure.
I requested Pitch Perfect; thanks for the idea.

Missy, I know you'll be missing Tim but you'll have your loveys to keep you company!

Hi Marie, hope you're doing well!

School vacation week.:confused: Oh joy!

Carolyn, I notice that quite often you post at exactly 10:54 pm!;)
Today was IMax 2 and core 2. I have major DOMS from yesterday. I will admit I was a combo of lazy and busy so I took 4 days off this week. I was behind on STS so I had do to Legs and Back and Biceps yesterday. Wow that was rough! Was so sore today. IMax 2 was a struggle. Of course that's my bad for taking so many days off. When I don't workout I don't eat as healthy either so it's double bad. Oh well! I'm back on it now. My mom, gpa, aunt and cousin came in town today and they brought Girl Scout cookies and cinnamon rolls. I said no to both. So proud of myself ;) I did have a brat, no bun, and potato salad for lunch though. Yikes! Can't say no to mom's potato salad. It's the best! Back to my food tomorrow though.

UY came and I'm PUMPED!!! My plan is, yes I know I've said it before but this time I'm serious ;), yoga once a week. I need to remember how important it is to stretch and rejuvenate the body. If I don't mention yoga pester me about it :)

Speaking of getting your hair done. I'm in major need of that. I never want to leave B though. I'm so pathetic lol. I get so much time with him and I know it would only take 2 hours to get my hair done but I hate to even leave him for that long.

And speaking of eating like an oink oink, include me on that. I bought a box of Samoas at the mall the other day and Tony and I ate the whole thing. I'm all or nothing with food. I wish I could have one chocolate but that never happens. I hate depriving myself but I can't stop at one. Bad bad!

Colleen- I'm jealous of your willpower. If I have sweets in the house I eat them. I have no willpower :( Love the descriptions of UY so far. Can't wait to try them. I'm thinking Sunday will be my first go at it.

Betty- That frame sounds real cool. I will have to look for one. Thanks for mentioning it. WTG on your workout. That had to burn off those cookies. I had to laugh at the hog wild comment....I've been right there with ya girl!

Jean- Hugs to you. I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. Nothing worse than losing a family member. I'm glad she is at peace now though and no longer suffering. Keep at the moving. That packing and purging is a workout in itself. Btw DH loves Downton Abby. I tried to get into it, told him my forum buddies liked it, but I just couldn't do it. He is addicted though, watching it right now. I did love PP though....great movie!

Missy- Good for you for napping. Don't you dare feel guilty. Your body needed it. We will be back at it this week. Lets keep each other in check with the eating ;) Hope it goes quick when Tim is gone. I know how you feel. I hate even being away from Tony for one night. What a sweet hubby making that card for you. That was so sweet! You have a keeper :)

Carolyn- You've been crazy busy! I got all freaked when I first read about the dogs. Glad they are home safe and sound! I was at Target today and looked for those Skinny Cow cones and they didn't have them. I was bummed but probably better for my thighs nonetheless ;)

Mary- Sorry about your funk. I feel ya. I need summer now please. I just want to walk outside. I've been going to the mall to walk and I hate it. So many people. I just want to be out in the fresh air. Summer needed!!! Hope DD is feeling ok. Heartache is so hard! Poor chica!
Good morning...i made it through the first night....i woke up several I finally snuggled with tims pillow. I guess his scent calmed me down...and I slept the rest of the night. I thought I was a strong girl...but I miss my hubby!

Up and on the elliptical. And then off to tackle os in the 20's outside....yes...i am freezing!!!

Check back soon.

Btw...Jean.... I have you in my thoughts...just know you baby is in a better place. And will always be on your heart! Hugs!!!
Good period is coming...I can feel it.....:(....I am craving choc.....and I caved....just ate a herseys choc bar. I am in a mess....I need to stop these sweet cravings! That is the only bad thing I am eating today....I am just going to have to say NO to everything this week.

I have a small must be from the choc!!!!

Carolyn---that storey is too funny.... Do the kids still get what they want from Dad?

So...I just spoke with Tim....he said the class is very boring...but tonight they are taking them to Logans Roadhouse (steakhouse)....he didnt sleep very well last hopefully tonight will be better for him. I will just be glad when Tuesday night gets here. I miss my man!!!! I am pitiful....
Hi gals,
Wind is still blowing gustily:mad:. So cold. But at least the bright sunshine is out.

Carolyn, I haven't tried the bike yet!:eek: DH is still supposed to go out to get the seat!
You found another place that sells UY! We'll get it for dirt cheap at one of these places, for sure!;)
What a sweet story about your rabbit! So entertaining! I googled it to see what it looks like. Does yours have the full mane?? We have one fish. Not pet people. Long ago I had an old yorkie. You can imagine a germaphobe with pets!:eek:

Colleen, do your kids have school vacation this week?
Does UY have shorter workouts than 1 hr if you have less time? I'm asking because I'm sort of thinking of getting Short & Sweet;) while I wait for the rock-bottom price on the UY set! Even eyeing BB.

Marie, I don't know how you do so many taxing Cathe workouts while you nurse and work full time, and have a new baby!!!
I don't think taking several days off would hurt you physically because you are so fit that your body does not lose any cardiovascular advances (I've noticed that myself after two weeks off). It was beneficial for you to get that rest.
I hear you on not wanting to leave B. It's such a precious time. I never did anything while my kids were little.
My oinking continues. Can you say, no willpower?? Thank heavens Girl Scout cookies do nothing for me!
So awesome that DH likes Downton! He is one of very few.

Missy, don't feel bad about eating chocolate! It is a superfood! So good for you in many ways! But stick to very dark chocolate! Some people do get a headache from it.

Don't hate me but, in our little group, hearing everyone's physical issues, I think we can all benefit from working out just every other day. I fear overtraining for you gals, which for some might not be a problem yet, but when you're even older...
Conversely, for me, while mulling over how to incorporate UY, I am thinking of switching up to every other day. Imagine!? My brain will be rocked and knocked sideways, my days of the week messed up while I adjust...

Ok, I veered off XTrain! Getting tired of the repetition in the 30-day rotation. The same workouts get used all the time! I did CF. After I started it I realized I've been doing it more often than I remember! This time I tried the Less Impact premix. Not a good one since footage is repeated, and there was choppiness where some things were omitted. We're spoiled with Cathe and in the rare instances she does that, I really dislike it!!! I think I'll do AB on Wednesday!
Last edited:
Carolyn, your kids had school today, on President's Day, and school vacation is not this week?? Forgot what you said last year--next week?
Ok, DH put on the seat. I watched Cathe's intro on CM. (It makes me realize I have no clue what on earth I'm doing!) She says the knee, when one is on the top position, should not extend beyond the heel, but that doesn't make any sense to me. Does she mean toe instead?? Just like in squats, should your knee not be too far forward of your toes as you're pedaling?
I keep sliding forward on my seat as I pedal. Why do you suppose that is?

Is Rear Delts the one with Jai? Isn't she gorgeous on that??
Jean, I am soooo sorry to hear about your puppy. I know how hard that must of been but it sounds like you made the right choice. Big hugs.
Wow, you girls have been so chatty today. I need to read through all the posts!!!

Today I did ballet body. We are all off today for the holiday. Back to the grind tomorrow. I slept in till 7 and worked out after breakfast ad while the kiddie were watching TV.

I've eaten so bad this weekend. Yesterday we took the kids to hibachi. It was fun. Today the kiddies and I made cupcakes.

Quick check in for me today. I will post personal tomorrow.

Oh I slept like a baby yesterday. Not sure if I it was the yoga or not. But I had a great night sleep and woke up refreshed. In tired now but I've been buzzing all day with the kids.

Colleen, awesome on the rebounder! That should help your knees.
Your rejuvenating sleep is just what you needed. I wonder if it's from UY! It's nice to hear of your calm morning. Nothing like the peace you get when the kids are mesmerized by a program!:D

Carolyn, I always cut DS's hair too! He absolutely refuses to go to a shop.
I recall that I have the same slippage problem with an outdoor bike too, and DH experienced it too so he pointed the seat up very slightly.
I do feel pain in my knees when I'm cycling (from CF this am). I wonder if it's my particular physiology:confused:.

Carolyn, believe me, the same thing would have been going through my head standing next to those swaying trees at the bus stop!:D
I left work at 4....stopped bt house....let summer out to potty....then went to pick up black beauty (my sexy car).... came home, ate dinner, cardio...and now watching biggest loser!!!!
Chest, Triceps and Shoulders for me today. I also did HiiT 30/30. I didn't feel like doing cardio but I commented on Missy's Facebook status that I would do both so I felt I had to. Thanks Missy for that :) I took 3 or 4 breaks during it. B needed me. I had him in his bouncer seat in the basement with me and he ended up getting bored. We took a few breaks...feeding and reading books. Then he napped during HiiT. I used the monitor during that time. I'm always checking to see if the light is on and that it's working. Can we say paranoid?! I ended up running upstairs after the warmup just make sure everything was ok at his end.

I'm taking an Advanced Cardiac Life Support class on Thu. It's a recertification class. I took the initial one 2 years ago so I had to do some studying for that today. I lasted about an hour and a half. I have no clue how I stayed so focused and could study for hours upon hours during nursing school. Of course I didn't have B back then and he is WAY more interesting than what I was studying :)

Carolyn- I love the rabbit story. They were bored LOL! Too funny! I googled that type of rabbit too. How pretty!

Missy- Enjoy TBL! Hope you sleep well tonight. Tim will be back before you know it. So hard to be without them though.

Colleen- Awesome news about the rebounder. I would love one however my basement ceiling is too low as well.

Betty- Thanks so much for the compliments :) You are too sweet. I must admit though I don't work full time :) Only 3 days a week. I dropped down since having B and I love it. More time with my boy :) I think you're right about overtraining. I need to watch it. Hoping my new goal of yoga once a week will help.

Hi to everyone else :)

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