Carolyn, you didn't put me on the spot at all! And I've always been kind of private.

I am not watching the game, since the fans are superstitious and I don't want to alter what I usually do when a game's on--on the computer

I wouldn't dare skate outdoors on a body of frozen water

! Rink is it for me.
Did you get Foundations from Amazon? Omg, I am all fired up about UY!
I must say that I've never achieved the in-the-moment mysticality and breathing of yoga

. Maybe my mind is too cluttered with things to do.
Tell me how you like it when you get it!
Mary, that's so awesome you have the UY set. I'm am so coveting it now! I too would find it hard to fit it in! Travis Eliot is so young! I must Google him!
I read in the site about Yin Yoga that it increases hyaluronic acid. I'm all for it.
Thanks for such a great review. Question: How does his quality compare with Cathe's? You know how she crosses all the Ts and dots all the Is with her workouts?
Missy, that workout you did sounds tough. And chores! You don't need to hit Cathe tonight!
I certainly could find time for yoga if you can achieve so many things in one day. You are a taz. No, not a spaz!
Jean, check Netflix streaming for the other episodes. I can get season 1 & 2 from streaming, or at least I did at one point because I had to re-watch the Pamuk episode, which you just watched, right? (I don't get the dvds.)
Colleen, hope that stuffiness isn't anything.
Hi Marie! Saw your Ultimate Yogi thread! Our ColleenK
would have the set!
Hope Becky and her family are doing well.