What exactly does an undulating rotation mean? Is 30-day better than 90-day? In the Rotation Wizard, what is the difference between the 90-day Undulating Rotation and the 90-Day Undulating Workout Program? How are you dealing with the no XT icons in WM?
Sorry for all the questions.
DH & DS got our tree down yesterday too, but I have to put away all the endless accessories, which are everywhere!
Marie, my younger DS used to do that as an infant--cry when he was in an open, loud space. He seemed to sense it or something, and was not consolable

. Your dad's comment would be more typical of someone who's never had children!
Mary and Jean, it's funny how you both post about the same workout!
Colleen, last night I happened to catch something that was recorded during PBS's December fundraising, a different diet promotion, shall we say. It's called the Virgin Diet (her name is JJ Virgin). Drop 7 Foods, Feel Better Fast, or something like that. Don't eat: soy, peanuts, sugar (worst offender is fructose, which triggers some process in the liver to make fat, which is stored on our middles!), corn, dairy, eggs, gluten for three weeks and you'll feel better instantly.
The foods were no real surprise to me. It overlaps with some of the programs I've read about, like vegan and The China Study, etc. The biggest shock to me was when I heard the lady pronounce that agave has more fructose than HFCS! Here I was using agave instead of plain old sugar or cane sugar, etc, and turning up my nose at any products with hfcs. And I'm spooning agave into my coffee, feeling so virtuous!

As we probably all know, sugar is a big-time aging accelerator. Do you think that's why Cathe and supermodels like Christie Brinkley and Carol Alt look so gorgeous? They avoid sugar? That must be their secret! If that's the case, I've just really ruined myself in my 40s decade!

While I don't religiously adhere to any one "diet", after a while you see that they all have common or overlapping themes. Personally, I pick and choose items that I believe and can follow. Very hard to stop eating eggs, which we all love, and drinking milk, which my guys love to drink (I've switched to almond/coco milk.) The gluten factor I have not even begun to understand.
Mary, I agree with you and am trying to cut back after all the desserts over the holidays. Once I finish all these goodies leftovers from the North End (Mike's Pastry), I'm going to seriously cut back on sugar.
I will definitely open XT very, very soon!
Carolyn, I
have noticed over the last few years that as soon as January 1st rolls around, the stores put the fitness stuff front and center. I just have to smile at human nature. Make that resolution for the new year, start off with great plans, then peter out at some point. Repeat next year!
Except for us Cathletes!