Good evening...okay...i had a freak out/stress attack in the I ate a bunch of caramel popcorn...
So there goes the scale...
Tim is in bed...he does have a cold....but his other issue is.... he think he burned his eyes welding....he has severe eye pain, a migrane that will not go away....he cant be in a room with light....i made him a sandwich and soup....and we ate dinner in the dark...with just a candle in the background.... if this does not get better by tomorrow...he is going to see someone....well he just doesnt know it yet.
That is why I had a melt down in the kitchen... i feel so bad for him. All I could think of was the incident I had were I lost my vision driving down the road a few months back....scarey....
Please....kept Tim in your prayers....he acts like it is nothing....but I am scared for him!
Going to go do some cardio....I need a pick me up!!!