Marie, how exciting you have all these new workouts! You'll be busy with these while you wait a couple more days for XT. (That means there's a Cathe package floating around in limbo in MN!) I can't believe you didn't have these. I still don't have HST, but don't care for LM.
Do you mean you don't have a tv at all? Any high def tv should be able to pick up NBC for Big L through the airwaves.
You picked a good premix! I'm absolutely loving these metabolic workouts! HiiT and Tabata rock & rule!
Carolyn, I noticed today at TJM that the markdowns are steeper than normal! Yes, I bought things I don't need!

I went in there to return DS's jeans but of course I had to walk around!
Do share those tips of that awesome PT. Your legs got a workout today!
What do you think dh would need to have done?
This is the beginning of season 3 of Downton. You might want to catch up on 1 & 2 first. Very few episodes (~7) per season. Season 1 was captivating and charming. And ho-ly! That estate is to die for! See if your library lends, or watch it through Netflix, are a couple of ideas. If you like formal British period dramas, you'll like this. I love it! I loved all the re-made Jane Austen movies about 3-4 Januarys ago too!
Jean, your poor doggie. I hope he is all right. You gals all have big hearts for your animals.
So the All Out Low Impact HiiT is very refreshing, with some moves from her step workouts, and some new ones. Burn Sets Chest was totally likable, but I'm not sure I'll get screaming doms, or any doms. Cathe's black top with white ring collar is one from STS and for a moment I thought I was back in it! I can't believe Cathe's weights. Is that 35 lbs per side??? My wimpy 15 lbs was just perfect, on the third set taking me enough past her low limit for total failure. On the Core #1 front, I hate situps! I want to say that she so rarely does situps. I have difficulty doing them because of my tailbone discomfort during.

I love the User's Guide. The listing of the rotation workouts is awesome, and that's what's missing from the STS guide. So now I can just add each workout to the WM manually, rather than downloading a rotation (a problem for me since I don't exercise 6 days/wk).
Missy, I don't mind you discussing Big L as long as you don't tell who's eliminated every week

. If you remember, I usually don't get to them for a while. Sorry.
Sorry for going on....