Missy, I fret over every calorie too, but I don't have as strong iron willpower as you.

I just stuff my face, knowing waaay better. Carolyn's right though, enjoy the party and don't worry about the calories. I know you'll scorch them. You exercise twice a day, for heaven's sake! Calories don't stand a chance!
Colleen, you too. Don't worry about the brownie and cupcake; you'll torch those cals too. (They sound heavenly.) It's hard to pinpoint what comes over us when the menses hit. It's like we're not ourselves.
Ride looks tough!

I was watching Jai and her rippling, bulging arms! She looks like she's struggling a bit, no? To me anyway. I know I'd find spinning really hard.
Carolyn, you're a soul sista, for sure, and not only in shopping! You might find the merchandise in TJM/Marshalls near me picked over and lacking. I swear NH gets better stuff!
When our kids and nieces/nephews were younger, we used to do the same as you on DH's side--each child took turns and opened a present. One at a time, in age order. We were able to prolong the opening of gifts for 2-3 hrs! No rushing all at once and being done in 20 minutes, like with my side of the family!

Your PT guy is just awesome! Stands for personal trainer too

! He's a keeper. I'd love someone looking at my form and giving me pointers for improvement!
No matter what Cathe produces, I'm as excited each and every time! I cannot wait for XTrain!

My CA sis only does a couple of older Cathe workouts (KPC, BC) so I was describing what she's missing, and all the innovative and effective ones that Cathe has put out beginning with LIS. I was throwing terms like Tabata, HiiT, metabolic workouts, HC, etc. I told her she doesn't know what she's missing!

I will be showing her my expanded collection when she gets here!
In closing, ladies, let's not feel guilty over eating holiday goodies. We are very disciplined Cathletes, and we always get back on the horse! Pat yourselves on the back for as much as you do!
Time for some sweets!