Oink oink...just came back from breakfast.
Jean, Cuda is 10 months. He just peed on the rug last night. Jerk. I am at my wits end with that!
I hate Sundays. Football football and more football. Yuck!
I need a nap. Everyone came home and put their jammies back on. I didnt. I feel like doing something but I dont know what.
Dont you just love sts Jean?! I am going to finish out meso 3. I still have doms from Friday! I need to somehow step it up with my leg routine. No more doms from b&g floorwork.
Feel like I am babbling. Ttyl
Betty I saw the previews of a movie for you to check out. It is in french with subtitles. It is called "The Intouchables". I am going to put it on my list. It looked really good. I also saw previews for " Playing for Keeps" which is going on my list also. Todays movie was very good. 5 stars.
Carolyn I wonder why Cuda refuses to get housebroke? Those boy dogs are a mess. I am going to try to stick with females in the future. Football is on in my house all day Sunday . I am just used to it. I can't see dedicating an entire day to it. I do love STS. It seems to be the only thing that I really stick with.
Missy Enjoy dinner with the inlaws.
Need to vent....since my gym has been closed for several days....i have gained a few pounds....not happy about it....i know i will lose them...but i am just pissed off! I feel like a cow!!
Missy! It looks sooooo good!!! I can't wait to hear how your first workout goes! Nothing like having something to give you the boost to want to workout!
I never thought about the skin thing. You are right. I will keep my mouth shut though. She has so many ailements. I know they will go away when she loses the weight. She too has nerve issues. It will be interesting to see how it changes.
Marie. OH MY GOD he is the cutest!!!!!! I love that smile!!
I had forgotten that you had never done the new w/o's! Aren't they awesome?! You really are doing amazing that you are able to jump right into those. I hope it works that way for me. Some how I think not!I tried running into the house yesterday because I forgot something. Big mistake! OUCH!
Colleen, your dog is adorable. My husband would have a cow if Cuda was on the back of the couch!
Your brownies sound delish. You might not want to know this, but they are even better when you eat them frozen! hee hee! they really are!
What incentive to get a 6 pack! I would love to go somewhere warm!
I gain weight from the belly button down! From the belly button up I am pretty lean. Just genetics. I will probably never have the other set to give me the full pack! lol! I would love to have Amandas abs!
Did you get your results yet? It has been a week right? or did they say two?
We put up our tree yesterday. It is really pretty. Cuda already broke an ornament! This is going to be tough, keeping him away. It just looks like a toy holder to him. My dh and ds are at hockey. A double game today so they will be a while. I should workout but right now I am hungry!
Nice job on the workout! I was just thinking the other day that I never did get to Meso 3. I gotta check out those plyo leg workoutsGood Morning Ladies. Today I did STS disc 1 ,sh,bi,ch. I have been craving STS. I only made it thru half of the pushups. I really enjoyed the w/o. Today I am going to do some packing and purging. Todays movie is going to be "Hope Springs". That looks really good.
Sorry Missy! I hate when that happens. Same thing happened to me when I went to the dr the other day. I knew I shouldn't have looked at the scale when they weighed me. It is very frustrating. I feel ya. You will lose it again in no time! You're a rockstar!
Hi everyone,
This very late morning, I made crepes for breakfast. More like lunch by the time we ate. Then, I was cleaning, vacuuming, and decorating. DH also re-covered our dining room chairs with a nifty new fabric. I found a 'recipe' for cleaning the oven with baking soda, so I spread some out, kept moistening it with a water mist every so often, then I've been trying to scrub it clean. I shouldn't be doing this now! I have tons of stuff to do!
Yesterday all of us had dentist appts. After, I made the ricciarelli, the Sienese almond cookies. Delicious.
Carolyn, that sucks about your sore throat! Tea with lots of honey!
Marie, I'm going to do CF or TTM tomorrow; you've got me wanting them.Love these metabolic workouts!
Jean, I'll look up those movies, thanks.
And I'll look at pics of Breckin, Cuddles, and Missy's new workout room tomorrow. Thanks for sharing!
I'm going to watch a movie now while DH and DS watch the Patriots.
Sounds like sleet hitting my windows right now. Good night, all! I'll catch up with you tomorrrow!
I was just coming back to post the same thing Missy!
Yay can't wait! Looks awesome!