I am totally gonna buy this one! I would honestly think that there would be more excitement on the forums than there is for this STS series???
This is why I am excited:
1. Cathe does it better than anyone else!
2. I find that following a stricter rotation, I see better results
3. Heavy lifting has tremendously increased my strength
4. I can still do cardio 3 days a week if I want and my choice of cardio
5. Workouts should be about an hour long which is perfect
6. I have all the equipment and rarely use our squat bar and am excited to use all of the equipment we have
7. I love a challenge!
8. I loved P90X which followed a stricter rotation, that was awesome!
Why I am not excited:
1. Price - my DH is going to be DISPLEASED! However, I will just threaten to join a gym and that will eat up about $400 more a year than these will....so from that perspective - they seem reasonable.
I understand that there are reasons for all of her dvds. My husband and I are thinking about having a child in the next year or two, so I am certain Cathe's less advanced workouts will get quite a bit of use, so I NEVER feel like I waste money when I spend it on her - - I will just be ticked if I end up being in the third tri-mester when these are released! CRAP!