STS - Do you plan to preorder?

:D :D :7 :7 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES :D :D :7 :7

Without a doubt or hesitation .. I am ssoooooooooooo excited about this one!

My body responds best to more weight less cardio (the X taught me this) .. and I used to be a cardio addict!

I for one .. am waiting on pins and needles for this series .. it's gonna be hard .. but I can't wait!!!:7 :7 :7
They sound wonderful, and I think they're a great value, but I think I'm going to wait for the audio version for the gym. I belong to a beautiful health club, but have never wanted to make the time commitment to a personal trainer. With Cathe's audio gym workout, I don't have to worry about someone else's schedule; I can workout on my own schedule! I'm very excited!!!! :D :D :D
I won't pre-order. Not enough money and just don't have the desire to lift so seriously, but....after they are done, I might order some of the discs seperately!

Mary :)
I don't think so because it sounds too complicating. If it were Closed Captioning, sure I would reconsider. I own several of Cathe's DVDs without Closed Captioning and have no problem following her, but with STS, it sounds like I will need to be able to understand it more because for this reason...too complicating.
I will definitely be preordering!! I am so excited for sounds like an incredible, well thought out program!
I will preorder. I have been bouncing around rotations and had pretty much decided I was going to purchase P90X to get me back on track and toned for summer. Since I was hesitant to buy P90X anyways, I will just wait for Cathe's new series. (To me, Cathe is a sure thing.)

Good Luck,


I don't think that $200 is bad for 37 DVDs!

P90X is close to $150 with s+h and it only have 12 DVDs!

I've nevery actually stuck to prescribed program, but think that I could do it AND if I don't want to do the program exactly as it's prescribed, I could still maked up my own rotations.

I think this series is exciting and progressive and I would love to continue increasing muscle and leaning out. I think this series is right in line with that!

Bring it on! My health is worth it!
No, this series is not for me - too serious, too technical, too long. I like a variety of instructors and a variety of workouts.
Yes, I can't preorder until the first week of February but thankfully I can swing it due to the payment option. I have been on a downward slide for about a year now and I am hoping this will help me become more consistent. I can't imagine getting bored with so many Dvd's.
Nope. This is the first time I'm not pre-ordering and I'm SHOCKED at myself - and I already have a really nice squat rack. From what I've read about periodization, I guess I'm just not 'sold' on the notion. It was originally formed in the former USSR to to compliment steroid cycles (which was widely used back then and probably considered safe). From my research, most articles on the subject are purely opinion pieces and most of the claims that famous coaches made regarding outcomes of periodization have not been substantiated in research. In fact, many of the claims have downright failed in research studies. This being said, I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of breaking down long term goals into cycles and having a set plan to follow. I do think a lot of people can and have benefited from this approach. It's just that I believe that you can achieve these sorts of goals without the strict regime that must be followed. One thing I do like about periodization is that it forces people to constantly 'shock' their body by changing their routines. This is great for avoiding overuse injuries and preventing boredom. Of course I think these things can be achieved without periodization - and that's what I plan to do. :)

EDA: Here's a link to a discussion on the subject from another forum (which is made of physical therapists, trainers, physicians, massage therapists, etc. (Disclosure: my DH is a poster and moderator and contributor to this thread:))


This will be a complete challenge and a way to shock my body and get the results I desire. Plus, it will help bust me through a plateau and beat some boredom. I love intense weightlifting. I find it gets my heart rate up just as much as cardio (if not more at times)and I get to build muscles that will keep burning calories long after I stopped working out. So this will be awesome. Plus it is very educational about the true physiology of the human body. I have been looking for something like this for a long time and I am glad it will finally arrive.

Plus - the preorder will be cheaper now than later that is for sure.

Is will all of Cathe's workouts, I give every move and exercise a fair shot. I modify what I don't like or what hurts/not comfortable. I am sure out of 37 discs, I will be able to find at least a couple of things I like - lol!!!

Good luck in your decision process. This is quite the investment, but I would say any investment in your health has priceless returns.
Like a couple of others, I too will sit this one out. (For the first time since the 2001 Power Hour / Rhythmic Step / Slow+Heavy Series, I might add.) Nothing against the quality or ambition of the series, mind you. It's just that I do not strength training by following DVDs; I get plenty of strength and mass building by doing my own simple set once a week, and plenty of muscle endurance training with my aquatic workouts. And 37 DVDs seems a bit much.

I will buy the Ab Circuit DVD when it's available for individual purchase.

Wouldn't it be cool, though, if Cathe were to release 37 new CARDIO DVDs?!

haha, exactly aquajock! It's soooooo hard not to get tired of the same ol' cardio, again and again. I have lower expectations of weight training...having already thought of it as 'boring' before I ever got into it. Oh, I like it all right, for so many reasons, and I appreciate the variety that can be thrown in there...but, it IS limited and repetitve by nature!
STS Preorder and Cathe Cardio

Aquajock, I would love to have 37 new Cathe cardio workouts! I will be the first in line when Cathe finally films Rhythmic Step 2! That announcement will make me jump for joy! Fun, fun, fun! I started taking an Aqua Max class at the club this week. It is like Drill Max in the water. I love having a fun cardio workout that does not put any pressure on my joints.

I am still see-sawing on the STS preorder. I enjoy circuit training and weight workouts like the 4-Day Split that include cardio. I need my cardio fix every day! I do not have room for a whole gym of heavy weights, and I am not sure this series will be effective with the weights I have. I also like to jump out of bed in the morning, push play, and go! The thought of plugging all my weights and reps into computer software is not appealing to me. I do not enjoy detailed record keeping. Then there is the issue of finding a home for 37 DVDs. I was originally expecting Slow and Heavy 2 on one DVD. I warmed up to the idea of a dozen, but I was not prepared for this.

I am so happy for Cathe, but I am personally not as excited about this series as I was when it was first announced. I love, love, love Cathe’s 4-Day Split! The weight work is just right for me. I enjoy workouts with a fun factor. I am not wild about 3-day splits. I need my cardio fix every day even if it is just a burst of cardio in a circuit training workout. But I love Cathe. It is more than possible that I will be surprised by these workouts. Cathe has surprised me before! I never dreamed that I would enjoy heavy weight training, but she made it fun with the 4-Day Split! I have most of her DVDs, and the only ones I cannot stand are the Gym Style upper body workouts. I am willing to take a chance on Cathe with this preorder as I rely on her DVDs for 100 percent of my weight workouts. I hope she is happy and all filled up warm fuzzies before she starts filming in February! Her personality will make or break these for me. A pretty set and cute outfits will help too! ;-) I am also hoping for a voice-only option as it is easier for me to focus on my form without the distraction of music, and I choose this option for all the 4-Day Split weight segments.

This series is not something I would use during this season of my fitness journey, but I can tell that I will soon outgrow the 4-Day Split and need a new challenge. I also want to focus on building my upper body when I get closer to my goal weight. I am not willing to wait and pay full price, so it is now or never for me.

I will likely preorder with hesitation knowing that this is possibly not my cup of tea. Every other preorder has been a sure thing for me because I knew without a doubt that I would love the cardio. With no new cardio in the mix, it is possible that I will hate the whole series. :eek: I will not know for sure until I give it a whirl, and I am ready for a challenge!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: STS Preorder and Cathe Cardio

I'm not planning to get them and it kind of bothers me - first preorder I won't be getting since CTX back in 2000 or was it 1999? Anyway, the cons for me are the length - I prefer 45 mins -- and I am not sure I'm willing to buy all the equipment necessary to truly do them properly. How are you all going to be able to do these with these precise calculations for 1 rep max and then increase by 5%? I own the standard 5,8,10,12,15,20,25 weights. I guess I would need platemates and such to be able to do things like 22 pounds. And that sounds like a lot of work - calculate this, make sure I have the right plates, write it all down. I guess if I really wanted my body to look dramatically different, I'd be willing to do all that but after 8 years of solid Cathe, I am pretty satisfied with my muscularity. I am working on the clean eating end of it, and STS won't help with that! Darn. :)

So that's my take on it. Reading everyone's opinion has been helpful. I may still change my mind. Part of me thinks, I could just do the exercises and not worry about the precise correct weight -- it would just be like a new workout, new material so to speak.
I plan on having my mom or husband preorder these as a birthday present. My birthday is in May so I have a looong wait ahead of me. I like the long rotation idea and plan to do a round of p90x before starting this series. I think it will be a good series. I like anything Cathe does.

Unfortunately, it's a "no" from me. I was excited about this series when I first heard about it, but the shipping cost of 37 DVDs to the UK, plus the hefty customs charge I would be landed with has made up my mind.

Plus, even though I have a squat rack, I don't have a leg press or leg extension machine at home!

I don't think I'm preordering either. I don't want to spend all my workout money now and have to wait so long and not be able to take part in any other preorders as I've discovered several other instructors I enjoy as well as Cathe. My downfall is my eating anyway. I know with some weight loss I would look cut and lean with the workouts that I do currently own. This would be too serious for me right now. One day I may acquire them, but for now, I've decided no.

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